Matched Geometry Effect with AsyncImage iOS 15 - ios

Consider the following example:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var showSplash: Bool = true
#Namespace var animationNamespace
var body: some View {
ZStack {
if showSplash {
GeometryReader { geometry in
AsyncImage(url: URL(string: "")) { image in
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "SplashImage", in: animationNamespace)
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))
.frame(width: geometry.size.width)
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))
} placeholder: {
.onTapGesture {
} else {
ScrollView {
GeometryReader { geometry in
AsyncImage(url: URL(string: "")) { image in
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "SplashImage", in: animationNamespace)
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))
} placeholder: {
.frame(width: geometry.size.width, height: 400)
.onTapGesture {
With a helper method here:
private extension ContentView {
func toggleSplashScreen(_ toggle: Bool) {
withAnimation(.spring(response: 0.85, dampingFraction: 0.95)) {
showSplash = toggle
This produces:
I noticed two things here that I would like to fix
The flashing white effect when transitioning between the two states.
I noticed since we are using AsyncImage, when showSplash changes the AsyncImages only sometimes hits the placeholder block. As a result, the transition becomes really choppy. I tested this with a static image from the assets file and the transition then became smooth. I also tried creating a Caching mechanism on the AsyncImage but still had issues with it hitting placeholder block sometimes.
Would love to hear any ideas :) Thanks!

There are a couple of things that I think you could do to improve this.
First, You are fighting a little bit against the way SwiftUI maintains a view's identity. One of the ways that SwiftUI determines when it can reuse an existing structure as opposed to recreating a structure, is by it's location in the view hierarchy. So when you toggle your structure you go from:
As a result, the system thinks these are two AsyncImage views and so it's rebuilding the view (and reloading the image) every time. I think that's where your white flashes come from since you're seeing your gray placeholder in the middle of your animation. If you could leave the scroll view in place, possibly disabling scrolling when it's not needed (if that's possible) then the OS could maintain the identity of the AsyncImage. (see
That leads to the second area of investigation for you. AsyncImage is wonderful in the convenience it gives you in loading content from the network. Unfortunately it doesn't make that communication faster. Your goal should be to have AsyncImage go to the network as few times as possible.
Right now, your resizing strategy focuses on resizing the image. That means that for every transition you're "hitting the network" (read putting your code on the slow, dusty, dirt road path). Instead of resizing the image, you should just load the image once (the slow part) and resize the view that is displaying it. The general idea would be to let AsyncImage load the image, then control how the image is animated by animating the frame of the view.
This is where I get less helpful. I don't know enough about AsyncImage to know if it's capable of implementing that strategy. It seems that it should be... but I don't know that it is. You might have to resort to downloading and storing the image as state separately from the view that presents it.
So my advice is to limit the number of times AsyncImage has to reload the network data. That involves helping SwiftUI maintain the identity of the AsyncImage so it doesn't have to reload each time the view is created. And, try to implement your animations and scaling on the view, not the image, because rescaling the image also requires a network reload.


Large SwiftUI struct leading to memory error

I am still pretty new to iOS development. I have a (very?) large view that is causing a memory error. My body var looks something like this:
var body: some View {
ZStack {
ScrollView {
VStack {
ZStack {
VStack {
HStack {
// more stuff
// many more views
I added and removed views to confirm it was a problem related to having too many views. At some point, when I add another view, I get this (or similar) memory error:
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x16cd27fc8)
The address seems to be different each time but always starts with 0x16, which leads me to believe it's a stack overflow... I found this answer/question where they have a very similar problem and were able to solve it by moving large structs to the heap. I am not certain how exactly to accomplish this, even after looking at the example provided in the answer.
My main thought is that there must be a better way to organize my body in the first place that I am just missing. Is using the heap really necessary for rendering a view with a lot of children? Any help or advice is appreciated.
body has a 10 View limit, break up body into as small custom subviews as possible (based on what let/#State vars each uses).
Use LazyVstack Instead Of Vstack it only loads the views we see on the screen.
var body: some View {
ZStack {
ScrollView {
//Vstack load the whole content at a time while LazyVstack load as its needed
ZStack {
VStack {
HStack {
// more stuff
// many more views

Can't display images with shadows and scroll smoothly

My app involves displaying <100 image thumbnails and for some reason my iPad Pro 2018 is struggling to scroll through the images smoothly. I recreated a simplified example below. The image is 200px square.
Replacing the images with colored rectangles eliminates the lag. Removing the shadow also removes the lag. I think rendering 50 images with a shadow should be within my device's capabilities, but let me know if anyone disagrees.
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
ScrollView(.vertical, showsIndicators: false, content: {
let gridLayout = [(GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 160)))]
LazyVGrid(columns: gridLayout, spacing: 8) {
ForEach(0..<50) { index in
.aspectRatio(1.0, contentMode: .fit)
.shadow(radius: 4)
Is there a less performance-intensive way to show these thumbnails?
Screen capture with shadow (laggy scroll):
Screen capture without shadow (smooth):
Shadows and transparency make the runtime do a lot of work. Hence the lag.
Question Is there a less performance-intensive way to show these thumbnails?
Yes. Instead of making the runtime draw the shadows, you draw the shadows. In particular you make an image consisting of the thumbnail and the shadow, on an opaque background the same color as your view background. Now scrolling is perfectly performant.

Image at top of view extending under navigationbar

I am trying to make a "reusable" template for views in my app. As part of this I started prototyping this:
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
ZStack {
VStack {
// Spacer()
The ZStack contains 2 VStack. First one is my template and will be part of multiple of my screens later on. Second Stack is destined to be replaced by #ViewBuilder parameter so that I can reuse that in multiple screens easily.
The progress_bar image is a SVG file imported into assets, preserving Vector Data and rendered as template (So I can change colour).
My issue, as shown on the following screenshot, is that the image somehow extends toward the top of the screen. The green area correspond to the green coloured background added to the image. The progress bar is the grey line across the screen.
progress bar extending toward top of the screen
If I change my code to (commented out the spacer):
// Spacer()
I get this, progress bar shifts down in the screen (not wanted but expected) but the green area that was added on top of the image disappears:
updated screen with progress_bar shifted down and not over extending
I did try setting up a maxHeight to my Image view but this did not work out.
What am I missing? Is there a way I can stop this from happening?
After more looking around, my issue is coming from the fact that the whole thing is embedded in a NavigationView. Apparently space is saved for the navigation bar even though it is hidden.

How to Programmatically Navigate List by Row Content?

I have a List within a NavigationView where each view under List should have navigatable elements attached to it (cover image, user avatar + name, etc.) For example, clicking the cover image navigates to view A, while clicking the user's name/avatar navigates to view B. Sadly, in all cases, the entire list element was clickable and did not grant the intended behavior.
At first, I tried wrapping my content within a NavigationLink.
NavigationLink(destination: Text("Media"), tag: .media, selection: $selection) {
WebImage(url: URL(string: ?? ""))
.placeholder { color }
.frame(width: 90, height: 135)
This causes an arrow to appear to indicate the view is navigatable for the user but is unwanted in this situation. It was also taking up a lot of space from the view unnecessarily.
My next attempt was to wrap the view and NavigationLink in a ZStack.
ZStack {
NavigationLink(destination: Text("Media"), tag: .media, selection: $selection) {
WebImage(url: URL(string: ?? ""))
.placeholder { color }
}.frame(width: 90, height: 135)
The .hidden() modifier was applied to the NavigationLink to prevent the arrow from appearing when the image was transparent. While this solution both hides the arrow and cleans up the extra space, there are two issues:
The entire list element is still clickable.
A ZStack covered by the .frame modifier requires I know how large I want to make it. The user's name & avatar view can't easily overcome this dilemma.
Thirdly, I tried wrapping the view in a Button where the label was the cover image and the action was to change selection to navigate programmatically, but this brought the spacing issue from #1 and the overall issue of the list element being clickable.
I later discovered a solution that would cut down the previous issues I had, but brought one problem. To understand it, this is what my main activity view looks like:
NavigationView {
List(viewModel.activities) { activity in
ActivitySelectionView(activity: activity, selection: $selection)
}.navigationTitle("Activity Feed")
}.onAppear {
By encapsulating List(...) {...} in a ScrollView and changing List to a ForEach, I was able to produce the output I wanted: clickable view within an element, the cover image became lighter when clicking on it, opposed to the list element becoming darker as a whole until let go, etc.
However, this is not a list. It does not look good, nor will it look better on other platforms (this is an iOS project). For example, this code does not respect the edges as a list does. It also does not include a divider, but the Divider struct can help. I feel this is not the right solution to this problem.
To sum it all up, how do I create a List inside a NavigationView where the list respects what views inside an element are navigatable?
I found an elegant solution to my problem, so I'd like to share it for people who may stumble upon this question in the future.
You need to use a ScrollView within the List {...} somewhere. In the ScrollView block, it's perfectly suitable to make certain elements in the list cell navigatable.
NavigationView {
List(1..<11) { num in
ScrollView {
NavigationLink(destination: Text("Number: \(num)")) {
Text("Click me")

SwiftUI | customize dragitem appearance within LazyGrid using onDrag [duplicate]

I've been wondering if there is any way to customize the preview image of the view that's being dragged when using onDrag?
As you might see, the preview image is by default a slightly bigger opacity image of the view.
From what I have found, a preview image is generated at the very beginning of the dragging process. But I couldn't find a way to change it.
What I mean by customizing is to have some custom image or a preview image of a custom view. (Both without the default opacity)
Does anyone have an idea?
I have tried to use previewImageHandler and in general, read a lot about the NSItemProvider. But for me, it seems like this is something that is not possible for SwiftUI yet?
With UIKit one could have just customized the UIDragItem - something like that using previewProvider: Here
Here is my demo code:
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
.onDrag({ NSItemProvider() })
private struct DraggedView: View {
var body: some View {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 20)
.frame(width: 120, height: 160)
I will use this for drag and drop within a LazyVGrid, so custom gestures are unfortunately no option.
One second idea I had would be to have a gesture simultaneously that first changes the item to be dragged to something else and then onDrag starts and returns the NSItemProvider with the preview image which would be then the one I would want. But I couldn't have those two gestures go at the same time, you would have to dismiss one first in order to start the second.
Thank you!
iOS 15 adds an API to do this - you can specify the View to use for the preview. onDrag(_:preview:)
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 20)
.frame(width: 120, height: 160)
.onDrag {
} preview: {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 18)
.frame(width: 100, height: 140)
