influx: how to troubleshoot http error 409? - influxdb

We have an influxdb system and for some time now its been throwing the error
Stale Data. Timestamp was older than previous data for same check
and status 409. I've been searching on google but could not understand the issue or how to debug it.
Any idea what could be the issue? The meaning of it and where to start debugging it?


Google Places - Current places throws: An internal error occurred in the Places API library

The operation couldn’t be completed. An internal error occurred in the Places API library. If you believe this error represents a bug, please file a report using the instructions on our community and support page (
I'm using the Current Place api and I'm getting this error the entire day today. It worked fine until now but today it started trowing that error every time.
I thought it could be because of the limits, but I've raised the limit by enabling billing and I also saw in google developers console that I had 50 requests for the last day and 500 for the entire month. Default limit is 1000 requests per day or 150k per day if you've enabled billing. So it seems like this is not the reason.
Any ideas what could cause this problem?
Judging on other people's comments and this answer it seems like this was a temporary issue on Google's end. Everything started working on it's own.

Yahoo Finance YQL Only working sometimes

I am observing some really strange behavior.
Sometimes the following URL works, sometimes it just says "Connect Failure" No definitions found.
Is there a timeout? It might work 1 out of 10-15 times, I have tried waiting for 10minutes but it just keeps saying the same. Stability issues? Something I'm doing wrong? What's happening?,Symbol,LastTradePriceOnly,Volume,

Raknet connection issue on Unity3D + iOS (il2cpp)

I have weird issue running the last version of Raknet on iOS with Unity3D: I get CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED when trying to connect to the server.
Now let's me detail the issue:
he exact same Library connects fine when used in an ObjectiveC application, so the issue seems to be Unity3D related.
I already managed to pinpoint my issue to be located in Raknet reliability layer:
Apparently, during the last step of the connection process (when the connection handshake as been completed) the reliability layer of the server thinks that the ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST packet received from the client is an acknowledgment instead of a message. Therefore it doesn't answer. Ultimately after a few tries, (and a 10s timeout) the client fails with the CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED error.
Does anybody there as an idea? I will update the question when I manage to get more info.
We are using Unity3D 5.1.1f1
We managed to find a workaround! See answer for more information. As the workaround doesn't tell us much about what really happened, I would gladly hear some C++/XCode/Unity/iOS/AppleLLVM6.1 experts around here explain what really happened.
The issue was that the Raknet header wasn't properly generated by the iOS client. Namely we were sending ACK messages in place of simple packets. The rest of the message was considered as garbage by the server and the packet was dropped. The client kept trying to send the corrupted handshake packet a few times before timeouting.
This doesn't tell us why, doesn't it? Apparently the serialize method of the class DatagramHeaderFormat wasn't called as it should have been when running Raknet in Unity (iOS). Something else (and I don't know what) was linked in place of this method and was filling the BitStream with a corrupted header.
I am quite sure that the serialize method wasn't called because printf calls from inside weren't displayed in the console.
We renamed DatagramHeaderFormat::serialize into DatagramHeaderFormat::serializeHeader and... voila, it works.
Now I only want to understand what did the compiler (and why).

Neo4j out of order sequence error

Does anyone know why I might receive the following error while Neo4j is running: "Waiting for all transactions to close... out-of-order-sequence"? This just repeats again and again.
This seems to occur after heavy writing, but I'm unsure as to what is actually causing it.

Detect "Delay write failed" occurence

I am loosing my patience with "delay write failed" errors. It silently disconnects the database from the application so nothing gets saved in the database while using it. Is there a way to detect the occurrence itself so I can flash a warning ? Or perhaps monitoring the connection itself for a disconnection ? Everyone seems to miss the balloon tip from the Windows XP so I figured to flash a more visible warning that the application must be restarted. It seems Microsoft has found a way to force people to upgrade....
I suppose this could be done with a timer and constantly check connected users:
cxlabel1.Caption := IntToStr(DataModule2.ABSDatabase1.GetDBFileConnectionsCount);
But I was thinking more of checking/detecting for the occurence itself. Is there something in Delphi that can detect this?
I would like to hear your ideas on this...
Putting this as an answer because the comment length is limited.
I have seen this before. IIRC, the problem you have is that the Delayed Write Error is an OS error, it has nothing to do with your application. Windows has already told you that the write has been committed correctly to disk. You would have to try and hook into the OS errors to see when this is happening.
You need to get the network issues resolved because that's where the problem is. In our situation it was a faulty router that was causing the problem.
It's unfair to expect users to check for the error message and then handle it. They could be out at lunch when it occurs as it's not immediate. They also have no way of know what has been saved and what hasn't. It's only a matter of time before your database is corrupted.
The problem with a timer is that it might tell you everything is fine because it triggers after the network resolves the problems.
A far better approach would be to switch to a Client/Server database. You can do this by setting up your own server that listens for web service or another remote call or switch to a database that supports client/server instead of using a file based database. This will tell you immediately when there is a problem with the save of data.
