Detect "Delay write failed" occurence - delphi

I am loosing my patience with "delay write failed" errors. It silently disconnects the database from the application so nothing gets saved in the database while using it. Is there a way to detect the occurrence itself so I can flash a warning ? Or perhaps monitoring the connection itself for a disconnection ? Everyone seems to miss the balloon tip from the Windows XP so I figured to flash a more visible warning that the application must be restarted. It seems Microsoft has found a way to force people to upgrade....
I suppose this could be done with a timer and constantly check connected users:
cxlabel1.Caption := IntToStr(DataModule2.ABSDatabase1.GetDBFileConnectionsCount);
But I was thinking more of checking/detecting for the occurence itself. Is there something in Delphi that can detect this?
I would like to hear your ideas on this...

Putting this as an answer because the comment length is limited.
I have seen this before. IIRC, the problem you have is that the Delayed Write Error is an OS error, it has nothing to do with your application. Windows has already told you that the write has been committed correctly to disk. You would have to try and hook into the OS errors to see when this is happening.
You need to get the network issues resolved because that's where the problem is. In our situation it was a faulty router that was causing the problem.
It's unfair to expect users to check for the error message and then handle it. They could be out at lunch when it occurs as it's not immediate. They also have no way of know what has been saved and what hasn't. It's only a matter of time before your database is corrupted.
The problem with a timer is that it might tell you everything is fine because it triggers after the network resolves the problems.
A far better approach would be to switch to a Client/Server database. You can do this by setting up your own server that listens for web service or another remote call or switch to a database that supports client/server instead of using a file based database. This will tell you immediately when there is a problem with the save of data.


Run code before IIS reset/shutdown in MVC

I have a MVC application that stores some information in memory and writes that data asynchronously to a database.
This mechanism works fine. However, I want to prevent an IISreset or a reboot to flush the data before it is written.
Is there a way to receive an event to tell IIS and/or the OS to run some handling code prior to shutting down?
(Update): I am fully aware that I will never be able to detect a crash, hard reset etc. Losing some data on a hard reset is not nice but I will deal with it (and make sure the application is usable after the server comes back).
Use the "office metaphor" to describe my approach: If you receive a BSOD, your work is lost if you haven't saved. But if you shutdown the way you should, you will be asked to save before.

Firebird ISC ERROR CODE:335544721

We have had this error recently reported by our clients and we on't know how we can fix this. We are using Delphi XE6 to develop our application and it connect to Firebird (v2.5) database as back-end. We also have used IBObjects for working with Firebird database in Delphi.
We have managed to replicate the error on the dev machine by stopping Firebird windows service before running a query but we haven't found a way to detect the connection lost in the code (e.g. by having an event) so as we don't know when this happens so we cannot reconnect to the database in the code either.
By the way, this is full error message if it helps:
ISC ERROR CODE:335544721
Unable to complete network request to host "BON-VFS-01".
Error writing data to the connection.
Any help really appreciated.
From IBOBjects FAQ
Is there a way to detect a lost connection and try to reconnect
automatically, without user action?
Hook into the OnError event and look for the ERRCODE that denotes a
lost connection. Then, you can take whatever action you deem necessary
to deal with the problem. If the connection is lost you need to do a
disconnect and then connect again.
And from one of the base members of the IBObjects:
However, perhaps the "something" you are missing is that, if the
connection is broken by an external cause, the client application has
no way to know that it is not still connected. Its first knowledge of
that fact will come the next time it tries to access the server. The
API will report "Connection lost to database" and return GDSCODE
335544741, which is identified by the constant
At the point where this exception occurs, the TIB_Connection still
thinks it is connected - the Connected property will be true. If you
try to reconnect by calling Connect, you will get an IBO exception.
It is necessary to call Disconnect. This does not simply reset a
property. The Disconnect method performs all of the necessary cleanup
to invalidate the broken transactions and cancel any now invalid
postings, datasets and caches. Once Disconnect has completed its
work, you can then place a Connect call inside a retry loop and
attempt to get going again.
I do not know of a working example, but the simplest way to deal with
this is to write a RestoreConnection handler procedure that you can
call from your IB_Session.OnError handler whenever argument ERRCODE
returns isc_lost_db_connection.
Have your RestoreConnection procedure do whatever you need to do,
trying to call Connect and handling the exception that occurs if the
request fails, until no exception occurs. Test the Connected property
after each iteration. When Connected is finally True, you are in
business. You can drop out of the retry code and inform the user that
the connection has been restored - perhaps with a sound and/or a
message in the status bar, to avoid having to show a dialog box that
she has to respond to. (if you like the idea of sound and status bar
cues, you could devise "connection lost" warning sound and status bar
message code to run at the beginning of your handler procedure as
If these broken connections are a frequent occurrence, you might like
to consider making a distinctive custom cursor that you can display
while your procedure is running, and enclose the retry code in a
non-yielding BeginBusy...EndBusy block with UseCursor enabled and
BusyCursor set to use this special cursor image.
And if re-establishing a connection is likely to take a long time, or
to be temporarily impossible, you would need to provide the ability
for the user to intervene and choose not to keep trying. You can use
the session timer for this, enclosing your "busy" block inside
another iterative block the prompts the user to "Cancel" or "Keep
Trying", at reasonable intervals.
Check out if their database file is located on mapped network drive. Even if database file path appear to be local to file system, when using embedded Firebird server, function isc_attach_database will return error code 335544721 on attempt to establish connection. Exactly that was happening on my VirtualBox guest Windows XP when I first share entire host D drive and then mapped it again as D drive in virtual guest OS.
Workaround will be to move database file to local partition drive.
check your query length
max query length is 8191 chars UTF-8
its solved my problem
connect your pc to the internet, and the problem will be fixed,but i don't how it works

Raknet connection issue on Unity3D + iOS (il2cpp)

I have weird issue running the last version of Raknet on iOS with Unity3D: I get CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED when trying to connect to the server.
Now let's me detail the issue:
he exact same Library connects fine when used in an ObjectiveC application, so the issue seems to be Unity3D related.
I already managed to pinpoint my issue to be located in Raknet reliability layer:
Apparently, during the last step of the connection process (when the connection handshake as been completed) the reliability layer of the server thinks that the ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST packet received from the client is an acknowledgment instead of a message. Therefore it doesn't answer. Ultimately after a few tries, (and a 10s timeout) the client fails with the CONNECTION_ATTEMPT_FAILED error.
Does anybody there as an idea? I will update the question when I manage to get more info.
We are using Unity3D 5.1.1f1
We managed to find a workaround! See answer for more information. As the workaround doesn't tell us much about what really happened, I would gladly hear some C++/XCode/Unity/iOS/AppleLLVM6.1 experts around here explain what really happened.
The issue was that the Raknet header wasn't properly generated by the iOS client. Namely we were sending ACK messages in place of simple packets. The rest of the message was considered as garbage by the server and the packet was dropped. The client kept trying to send the corrupted handshake packet a few times before timeouting.
This doesn't tell us why, doesn't it? Apparently the serialize method of the class DatagramHeaderFormat wasn't called as it should have been when running Raknet in Unity (iOS). Something else (and I don't know what) was linked in place of this method and was filling the BitStream with a corrupted header.
I am quite sure that the serialize method wasn't called because printf calls from inside weren't displayed in the console.
We renamed DatagramHeaderFormat::serialize into DatagramHeaderFormat::serializeHeader and... voila, it works.
Now I only want to understand what did the compiler (and why).

Firebird v 2.5 and delphi hanging

I've developed a program in delphi with firebird 2.5 as the db. In delphi i have been closing the connection once i complete a task at every stage. For example, if i add a record, i would open a record and close the adoquery as well as the adoconnection. I came up with this idea as a solution to connection timeout problems if the switch goes down. i have noticed that both the server and nodes hang if a do this.Is this idea correct of i just have to keep the connection open. please advise
Yes - you should keep connection alive. Use cached updates and Apply/CommitUpdates method.
Second of all - try to use ie IBDAC components if you work in unstable network.
why you aren't using Transactions?
you can check at whenever if your connection is up by calling adoconnection.connected
please better explain your are facing connectivity problems during the execution and you want a solution to this? or, you want something else?

Delphi programs blocked by antivirus programs [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a piece of code that is trying to write to disk many files in one second. However, it fails wince I have installed Kaspersky Anrivirus 2011.
Stream:= TFileStream.Create(sName, fmCreate);
The code totally worked with Kaspersky 2010 and also works with Kaspersky 2011 if I disable its scanners (it cannot be totally unloaded from memory - unless it is uninstalled). The code also works if (Kaspersky 2011 is running and) I write to disk slooooowly. So it obviously is not fast enough to handle my disk requests.
The error I get is EFCreateError ('Cannot create xxx file blablabla'). Error is random. Most of the files are written to disk. About 10% fail.
I have tried to get support but is impossible to find a real person at Kaspersky to speak with. Their so called 'support' is actually a FAQ data base. Of course it speaks about how to install the product and related stuff. There is nothing about programing-related issues. Any ideas?
PS: this has repercussions for the entire Delphi community! All our customers will fail to use Delphi software if they are using KIS 2011 as antivirus. For the moment I recommend to my users to disable their antivirus but I need a real solution.
It will be nice if a person with KIS 2011 can confirm the problem. Just create a tiny program that write 200 small files to disk using TFileStream.
The problem appears ONLY when the file does not exist and it is created (created as opposed to overwritten).
Similar report:
Similar report:
A possible solution that popped in my mind is to detect if KIS is running and if it is, to put a delay after each writing to disk. Or at leat, let the user know there may be problems. Anybody knows how to detect if a service is running?
I added a delay of 650ms (after each file creation) and the bug is still there). So is not about how fast you write to disk but about how many files you write.
Just uninstalled KIS 2011. The problem does not appear anymore.
Just reinstalled the good old KIS 2010. The bug is still there but it appear rarely (about every 300 files instead of about 30 as in KIS 2011).
The problem was confirmed on a second computer.
NEWS: The crash appears in TFileStream.Create however it may be caused by a function called earlier: TestWriteAccess. If I disable this function, the TFileStream.Create doesn't fail anymore. Well, this doesn't change things too much. No matter which line of code generates the error, the program still fails (randomly) to write files to disk while Kaspersky is running.
Still waiting a response from a real person from Kaspersky...
More automated responses received from Kaspersky support (I sent emails to support in several countries). All pointing to a FAQ database.
I change my status from Kaspersky fan (and customer) to Kaspersky hater because I finally receive an answer from a real person from Kaspersky support and it was plain and simple obnoxious.
To test the code, try to use the code in a loop, to create 1000 files. The program creates a bunch of files (random number) then it fails at StreamFile:= TFileStream.Create.
Update: The issue can be fixed by entering a small delay after creating each file.
2013 Update
Starting with this afternoon (after an update) KIS conflicts with Delphi.
Every time I compile a project KIS spikes to 100% CPU utilization. I will have to uninstall it.
2017 Update
All false positive alarms disappeared magically for all my Delphi programs starting with 2017. It seems that it was enough for a program like Kaspersky remove Delphi-generated executables from its virus list; all other smaller antivirus programs followed.
Delphi 7, Win 7 (32), KIS 2011
You need to instruct your users, i.e. Kaspersky's customers, that Kaspersky is interfering with the operation of your software, and that THEY should report it. Express your frustration that you, as a developer, don't have access to a real human being. This is the only way that the anti-malware companies will ever react - bad PR with their paying customers.
Kaspersky = pirate company? Maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe just yet another company with a bad product and nonexistent support. Their "support" consists in a FAQ database and an automatic email answering program. Phones are hooked to answering machines also. Their automated answer keep explaining me how to add my program in KIS "exception" database. I keep replying to those stupid emails that I cannot personally go to all my customers at home and put my program in the "exception" database and that it will be better if they will fix the bug.
When I finally got a non-automatic answer (the only one), the support guy fella is as rude as possible.
Possible solutions for Delphi programmers:
* Don't check if the user has write permission to a file (in order not to trigger Kaspersky bug)
* Check if the user has write permission. If the bug appears inform the user that Kaspersky creates problem and it should be temporary disable (while the program is running). Use a TRY EXCEPT block to do this.
Advice (based on my past experience):
Don't always blame your code if you ever received strange bug reports from your users when your program was trying to write to disk. Check also external factors (like existence of Kaspersky antivirus).
I just applied for a refund. I will go for a chargeback if they won't refund the money (I strongly feel they won't).
When I posted this on StackOverflow I didn't realized the magnitude of the problem and I didn't realized it will deviate so much from initial course. Still I think it is well within the purpose of StackOverflow. We have all learned that sometimes the problems in out programs may not be caused by our faulty code and neither we can control the source of these problems (21 persons voted this question up - which means a lot of other people encountered issues with KIS).
We can just hope that poor designed programs that interacts with user's system at a very low level (such as KIS antivirus program) will be soon fixed so our sales won't suffer (much).
It is just frustrating when your program is labeled "buggy" and you can't do much about it!
Not an answer to solve your problem, but you should inform Kaspersky, probably they don't know there is a virus signature associated with a Delphi library.
And if your program isn't too complex, you might want to try Lazarus/FPC. It's not as good as Delphi, but I've been using it for several years now, and have got good results in Windows/MacOS/Linux.
i had similar problems with kaspersky 2011 when i was trying to add my prog to windows startup using d2010's new TFile.Copy() as well as raw api function:
CopyFile(PChar('C:\chellenger.exe'), PChar('C:\Documents and Settings\Omair\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\chellenger.exe'), False);
my solution was to put my delphi app in app as a resource, the app extracted it and put it to startup without false positives . Mixing two languages for your problem might solve your problem too(1 possible solution but a very ugly and nonprofessional solution i admit)
When you create file, any antivirus checks it. There is probably some kind of collision between your application and KAV. Have you tried to combine fmCreate with share modes. You can see in help for TFileStream.Create for available modes.
If the problem is just with kapersky, then just have your program detect if it is running. If so, scale back your file creation / writes to whatever passes their detection. Make sure you have some little status message somewhere that tells the user why things are slow. Incidentally, virus writers already know this which is why those heuristics simply don't work.
After doing that, contact Kapersky and work with them directly to get this resolved.
This gets past your immediate issue and will give you and kapersky time to figure out a long term solution.
Alternatively, you could simply shut kapersky down.. Just make sure you grab all of their watch dogs in the process.. But that tends to be a little more combative.
Creating a huge amount of files sounds like something that isn't necessarily A Good Thing, but you probably have your reasons :)
When you get the error code in Delphi, does KAV pop up any heuristic warnings, or is it completely silent? It wouldn't be weird to get a heuristic "omg, that app is doing something bad!" from creating a ton of new file, but if KAV is silent I'd say it's a bug.
Can you post a delphi executable with the tiniest amount of code that reproduces the bug? And a version that does the same step but only creates one file, it might be interesting to trace with SysInternals' ProcMon.
First, do you really need to test for write permissions by creating a file? Can't you just check the permission directly? I feel that creating a file for that purpose only is a lame way of doing it in any case.
Second, like noted above, it's likely that after you create and then delete a file, there is some intervention by Kaspersky's security mechanisms. Probably a driver tries to check the contents of the file you deleted, and keeps it alive for a while. Like this:
You create the file and open it, incrementing the refcount.
Kaspersky driver notices that and opens the file too. Even if you set share mode deny, as a driver it probably has the power to open it anyway (if Kaspersky could not circumvent sharing denials, any virus could have used the same trick to hide its data!).
You close the file and delete it. When you delete the file, the system just marks it "FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE", but the file is still there until all the handles to it are closed.
Kaspersky continues to scan file, still haven't released the handle.
Therefore the file is still there.
You try to create a new file and the call fails because the old file is still not deleted.
The reason for all this mess is, of course, partly Kaspersky's checking mechanics, but they did nothing especially wrong here. Kaspersky needs to scan the file anyway, hardly anything can be done about that - it's antivirus, for crying out loud. On the other hand, checking permissions by creating and then deleting a file is (probably) very, very wrong. So I guess, you're the one at fault here.
I had the same problem. KIS made all kind of troubles. Until I reinstalled it. So, it was just a faulty installation.
