Highchart Scatter Series must appear in front of the column series, but if it contains more than 5k records, it appears at the back of column series - highcharts

Chart as three columns series with stacking on top and one scatter series with over 5k records. So, in the front view, we need to see the scatter first, followed by the subsequent column series. It works perfectly with less than 5k records, but if there are more than 5k, the columns chart falls back.
Expecting Series must appear in front of the column series

For large amounts of data you can use Highcharts Boost module, add to this script to your project:
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/boost.js"></script>
Blog article explain how to work with boost module:


Create a Chart on Google Sheets with Lines - Complicated

I am trying to check if it is possible to add lines to a chart that will show differences of data. The data that I have contains negative numbers and negative percentages and I wanted to add a line that will show the percentage ; previous month minus running month volume.
Here is a screenshot of the table and chart that I currently have:
I've tried experimenting with different charts, and arrangements of data, but it yielded no successful results. I've tried searching all through many forums and have not found anyone who has a similar question as I do. I wanted the chart to show the following:
What I want for the chart to look like:

Highcharts multiple stock series tooltip show

I have a question about several stock charts.
Put the series data into an array by name.
Hovering over the chart shows only one data.
I am curious how to make several together.
My code is here:

Showing a small numbered values along side with big numbered values in Google Sheets chart

I have some major values in a google sheet chart with numbers between 100:1000, I want to show other values which are between 1:30.
I wanted to combine them in a combo chart but the problem is with the big values that when its combined to form a combo chart the bars are showing according to its numbers which is between 100:1000 while the line of the small values doesn't appear at all as its below the axis of the big value numbers.
How can I show a significant in the small valued numbers which are represented as a line alongside the big valued numbers?
All tutorials are for Excel, not Google Sheets
You would do this by setting a different scale & axis for the large values.
Right-click the chart > Series > [The column that is really bi]
There is a "Axis" drop-down, switch it from "left" to "right"
You can also get there in the chart editor.

How to make a stacked bars chart using a single dataset with TDBChart VCL Teechart component?

I would like to create a stacked bars chart with TDBChart using a single dataset.
As far as i can see if I use TDBChart as i choose a stacked chart 2 series are added.
This component seems good to create stacked charts from many datasets, in which each dataset contains data of a specific type.
I make an example to clarify:
let's say I have a dataset (dtsSalesAllCountries) with the following info:
in this way in principle i could plot a stacked bars chart in which I see bar per year and the total_sales for each country are stacked.
But TDBChart does this through series, so to perform my result i am currently forced to create one series per country (sqlFranceSales, sqlItalysales, sqlIndiaSales, ...)
This is quite unconvenient, each time i sell to a new country i must add a dataset. This is how it looks like with this implementation:
Please note I need to use TDBChart since I use ReportBuilder/TeeChart integration, that is based on TDBChart.
In fact what i am looking for is a pivot chart, that is not available in the Report Builder/TeeChart integration.
Is there a way with TDBCHart to achieve the stacked bars sales chart i am trying to implement using a single dataset and not one dataset per series?
For TChart itself you would configure the Data Source for the Series as a CrossTab. The extra series will then be created for you. Not sure if it can be done with TCharts embedded in ReportBuilder reports.
With source data from SQL Server:
SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('CA',2012,2500),('US',2012,5600)
AS A(Country,Year,Sales)

Waterfall with two series using Highcharts

I'm trying to set two Waterfall series using Highcharts in the same chart, I have only see one serie in this type of chart in Highcharts samples. I have manipulate the data to be an array but still not working.
I mean two independent waterfall series (one next to each other no-stacked) , like column chart. Like this one (http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/6886/qghm.png)
