Highcharts multiple stock series tooltip show - highcharts

I have a question about several stock charts.
Put the series data into an array by name.
Hovering over the chart shows only one data.
I am curious how to make several together.
My code is here:


Highchart Scatter Series must appear in front of the column series, but if it contains more than 5k records, it appears at the back of column series

Chart as three columns series with stacking on top and one scatter series with over 5k records. So, in the front view, we need to see the scatter first, followed by the subsequent column series. It works perfectly with less than 5k records, but if there are more than 5k, the columns chart falls back.
Expecting Series must appear in front of the column series
For large amounts of data you can use Highcharts Boost module, add to this script to your project:
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/boost.js"></script>
Blog article explain how to work with boost module:

Can HighCharts LazyLoad a whole new series when clicking the LEGEND?

I wanna show several series in one chart, and I only wanna the first series to be shown by default. The other series's data shouldn't be fetched until the according legend is clicked, so that the loading speed will be faster.
Only when the according Legend is clicked, then the chart will use AJAX to fetch data and show it, Can highcharts do that?
I have seen several similar questions about lazyload, but they are all using highstock, can highcharts.js do it?

How do I do a stacked bar chart as a drilldown to a stacked bar chart?

I just can't see how to stack the series for the drilldown. Do I add the drilldown chunks as:
drilldown = [{name: 'bob',
data: [series1, series2,series3],
id: drilldown_id}]
Currently the docs seems to indicate to add all the series in the data series, but I'm not getting it working. Currently don't have a jsfiddle as everything I'm doing is in Python, but can provide one if need be.
I understand from the docs that the series plotoptions for the drilldown are inherited from the parent series -- please correct me if this is wrong. I currently have multiple series with the same id, but they are not stacking currently.
Using drill down to multiple series from multiple series demo it is possible to change stacking to normal and get drilldown to stacked columns.
JSFiddle 1: http://jsfiddle.net/rxjutt6v/
Using async drill down demo and addSingleSeriesAsDrilldown with applyDrilldown it is possible to get multiple series in drilldown when drilling into single series point.
JSFiddle 2: http://jsfiddle.net/49q18Lp3/1/

Waterfall with two series using Highcharts

I'm trying to set two Waterfall series using Highcharts in the same chart, I have only see one serie in this type of chart in Highcharts samples. I have manipulate the data to be an array but still not working.
I mean two independent waterfall series (one next to each other no-stacked) , like column chart. Like this one (http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/6886/qghm.png)

Adding multiple dynamic series and axes via JSON into Highcharts

Like many Highstock users, our data is retrieved from a database by way of Ajax queries. The series data sets are all time-based, but have different purposes and data ranges.
I can add multiple series to the chart no problem. Works great. However, how can I dynamically (emphasis on dynamically) add companion axes to these series (axis title and range)? I've scoured the documentation and forums but can't figure out exactly how to associate the new axis with the new series.
The only way to do this (as far as I know) is to add multiple empty axes to your chart, and then set them programmatically. It's a hack - but it works:
