How to exchange JWT tokens across IDP for single page apps? - oauth-2.0

Trying to understand how multiple IDPs can work together within a SPA.
My initial thoughts
User login with the default IDP and acquire the IDP1-JWT.
When the User needs to Access IDP-2's resources, he accesses through a reverse-proxy over IDP2.
The reverse-proxy send the sub(subject) and sid(session-id) to IDP2.
IDP2 negotiates with IDP1 (openid-connect) to provide the required token.
Reverse-proxy sends IDP2-JWT to IDP2 microservice to enable resource access.
I am still very confused that the above scheme is even sensical, or if there are standard ways to facilitate this kind of exchange. Are there any ways that two OAuth servers can exchange information?
Will this even work for SPA, since IDP2 and IDP-Resource-Server2 would have different domains?
What are the security risks I should look out for?
Trying to use Keycloak as IDP2 (which is more under my control) with the steps


Why do communications between internal services need authorization like oauth if the outside world can't access the apis directly?

This is just a general question about microservice architecture. Why do 2 or more internal services still need token auth like oauth2 to communicate with each other if the outside world doesn't have access to them? Couldn't their apis just filter internal IP addresses instead? What are the risks with that approach?
Why do 2 or more internal services still need token auth like oauth2 to communicate with each other if the outside world doesn't have access to them?
You don't need OAuth2 or token authentication, but you should use it. It depends on how much you trust your traffic. Now in the "cloud age" it is common to not own your own datacenters, so there is another part that own your server and network hardware. That part may do a misconfiguration, e.g. traffic from another customer is routed to your server. Or maybe you setup your own infrastructure and do a misconfiguration so that traffic from your test environment is unintendently routed to your production service. There is new practices to handle this new landscape and it is described in Google BeyondCorp and Zero Trust Networks.
Essentially, you should not trust the network traffic. Use authentication (e.g. OAuth2, OpenID Connect, JWT) on all requests, and encrypt all traffic with TLS or mTLS.
Couldn't their apis just filter internal IP addresses instead? What are the risks with that approach?
See above, maybe you should not trust the internal traffic either.
In addition, it is now common that your end-users is authenticated using OpenID Connect (OAuth2 based authentication) - JWT-tokens sent in the Authorization: Bearer header. Most of your system will operate in a user context when handling the request, that is located within the JWT-token, and it is easy to pass that token in requests to all services that are involved in the operation requested by the user.
For internal services it's usually less about verifying the token (which in theory was already done by the external-facing gateway/api), and more about passing through the identifying information on the user. It's very common for even internal services to want to know who the requesting/acting user is for permissions and access control, and sometimes it's just easier to tell every service creator who needs user-scoping to accept a JWT in the Authorization header than it is to say, "look for the user ID in the X-COMPANY-USER-ID header".
You can implement very granular role based access control(RBAC) on the apis exposed by Microservices using Oauth which you can not do using filtering IP address.

Is it possible to run IdentityServer on a private network for MVC authentication?

I believe the short answer to my question is "No", but allow me to describe the context.
We are currently using IdentityServer to authorize access to our APIs (via client credentials). All of the API clients are computer programs which run in our data centers and are under our control. In order to minimize our attack surface, our IdentityServer is running from an internal/private network, reachable from our APIs, services, and other apps. No problems.
We now want to leverage the IdentityServer installation to provide user authentication for our public-facing web applications. These applications run via ASP.NET MVC and will consequently require user interaction with the IdentityServer for password validation (implicit or hybrid grant type). This appears to be a hard requirement, but I'm curious if there is a simple way to maintain the private installation of IdentityServer.
Can we proxy requests from the ASP.NET middle-ware for handling the authentication handshake, and does it even make sense to do so? I'm leaning towards a public-facing STS to eliminate any proxying, but thought I would ask to see what other patterns are employable.
For what its worth, we would ultimately use cookie-based authentication with the hybrid flow, but would be able to start with the implicit flow too.
The user's browser must be able to access the identity server. This can be via a proxy though.

IdentityServer3 organisation for multiple api

I have a DashboardApi and an EnterpriseApi on my system. May be one more later.
I am new at IdentityServer3 and I wonder solve my problem.
IdentityServer saves client applications that will use an api. So I have 2 or 3 api. Will I create IdentityServer for all api? Because DashboardApi will consume EnterpriseApi. EnterpriseApi will consume another api.
And users will login to Dashboard application. I could not imagine the organisation.
To answer the question: you may have one instance of IdentityServer being your identity provider/authority across different "resource" APIs as long as they all point back to that same authority when it comes to token validation.
Then an access token used for "DashboardApi" can be used by "EnterpriseApi". It is important to proxy the token properly and in my experience it would be advantageous to create different scopes for each API to have better access as to which calls may be used to proxy into the second API through the first (especially if user consent is a concern).

Spring Cloud OAuth2: Resource server with multiple Authorization server

We are developing an application in a microservice architecture, which implements signle sign-on using Spring Cloud OAuth2 on multiple OAuth2 providers like Google and Facebook. We are also developing our own authorization server, and will be integrated on next release.
Now, on our microservices, which are resource servers, I would like to know how to handle multiple token-info-uri or user-info-uri to multiple authorization servers (e.g. for Facebook or Google).
This type of situation is generally solved by having a middle-man; a single entity that your resource servers trust and that can be used to normalize any possible differences that surface from the fact that users may authenticate with distinct providers. This is sometimes referred to as a federation provider.
Auth0 is a good example on this kind of implementation. Disclosure: I'm an Auth0 engineer.
Auth0 sits between your app and the identity provider that authenticates your users. Through this level of abstraction, Auth0 keeps your app isolated from any changes to and idiosyncrasies of each provider's implementation.
(emphasis is mine)
It's not that your resource servers can't technically trust more than one authorization server, it's just that moving that logic out of the individual resource servers into a central location will make it more manageable and decoupled.
Also have in mind that authentication and authorization are different things although we are used to seeing them together. If you're going to implement your own authorization server, you should make that the central point that can:
handle multiple types of authentication providers
provide a normalized view of the user profile to downstream resource servers
provide the access tokens that can be used by your client application to make authorized requests to your microservices

ASP.NET MVC multi-site SSO using OpenID

I am putting a plan together for a series of sites that will share user account information among them. The idea is that once a user logs in using their OpenID, they can access any of the sites and it will know who they are.
What are the common patterns/best practices that i could employ to achieve this?
If all the sites share a common hostname in their URL then you can set an auth cookie (FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie) specifying the path of the cookie to be "/" so that all sites can see the user is logged in.
If the sites are not sharing a common host name, I think the only way to get a truly "once signed in, signed in everywhere [within your ring of web sites]" would be for all authentication to happen at just one site (perhaps one dedicated to authenticating the user) and for the other sites to redirect the user to that site for authentication and then that site would redirect back. In essence, that auth site becomes an identity provider, and almost exactly fills the role of an OpenID Provider (in fact DotNetOpenAuth could be used here for this exact purpose). Since it sounds like your goal is to let the user log in with their OpenID, your OpenID Provider on that one auth site could itself use OpenID to authenticate the user. Your own pure-delegation OpenID Provider could be written such that it always responds immediately to checkid_immediate requests as long as the Realm in the auth request is one of your trusted ring of sites. Thus you could effect single-sign-on across all your sites.
Please consider the following Patterns & Practices on Web Service Security from Microsoft:
Brokered Authentication -
The main topic is - Web Service Security
Scenarios, Patterns, and Implementation Guidance for Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0
Ultimately theres lots of ways you could do it. I achieved a simple single sign on by building a url with a token from one website pointing to another domain. The encoded & encrypted token contained details to submit back to the previous domain. Upon receiving an incoming request on the second domain, an underlying web service checks that the incoming request's token is valid with the previous domain using a shared private secret, known to both domains.
