how to control to execute one by one in reactor? - project-reactor

I have a list of Mono to run, but for memory consumption concern I'd like them to run one after another:
var monos = [m1, m2, m3];, (results) -> {
// handle result
The code above would execute m1 m2 m3 in parallel, how to control them in sequence and collect results?

To run the Monos one after another in sequence, you can put your Monos in a Flux and call Flux.concatMap. To collect the results, you can use Flux.collectList to obtain a Mono<List<T>> that emits the list after the last Mono is finished:
var monos = List.of(m1, m2, m3);
.concatMap(mono -> mono)
.map(results -> ...) // handle results as a List<T>

I figured out to use:
Flux([1, 2, 3]).concatMap(...) to solve this problem. Not sure if there are better way to do that.


Java RX's Flux.merge and switchIfEmpty

I am trying to understand how JavaRx's Flux.merge and switchIfEmpty work together in regards to the below code as I am a bit confused on results I am seeing which is no doubt the result of my not fully grasping Java RX.
My question is ... If the call to wOneRepository... returns an empty list or the call to wTwoRepository... returns an empty list, will the switchIfEmpty code get executed? Or will it only get executed if both calls return an empty list?
Flux<Widget> f1 = wOneRepository.findWidgets(email).onErrorResume(error -> Flux.empty());
Flux<Widget> f2 = wTwoRepository.findWidgets(email).onErrorResume(error -> Flux.empty());
return Flux.merge(f1, f2)
.switchIfEmpty(Flux.error(new IllegalArgumentException("Widgets were not found")));
Thank you
switchIfEmpty() will only be called if the upstream Flux completes without emitting anything, and that will only happen if both f1 and f2 complete without emitting anything. So, if both findWidget calls fail, or both return empty Flux instances, or some combination of those, then switchIfEmpty will be called. If either f1 or f2 emits a Widget, then that Widget will be emitted from the merge operator, which means switchIfEmpty will not be called.

Erlang tail recursion for finding the number of elements in each list of the input list

How may I use tail recursion in Erlang to say I have lists [[1], [2], [3], [3,2]] and I'd like to output the list [[1], [1], [1], [2]] where each list in the output list represents the number of element(s) for each list in the input list?
I am a beginner in functional programming.
I guess this is some homework or self learning exercise, usually it is a good idea to use the library functions or the native erlang constructions such as list comprehension:
List = [[1], [2], [3], [3,2]],
Result = lists:map(fun(X) -> [length(X)] end, List),
Result = [[length(X)] || X <- List],
The usual and straight recursive solution of this problem is
lengths_not_tail_recursive([]) -> []; % stop condition
lengths_not_tail_recursive([H|T]) -> [[length(H)]|lengths_not_tail_recursive(T)].
This solution is not so bad as long as List is not too big. It is not tail recursive because at each step of the recursion, except the last one, the result of the "local" work need to be combined with the result of the further steps.
To solve this issue, the general solution is to add a new parameter, called accumulator, it will record at each step what was evaluated so far, and the last step will return the final and complete result.
lengths_tail_recursive([],Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); % stop condition
% the result needs to be reverse due to the way the accumulator is built at each step
lengths_tail_recursive([H|T],Acc) -> lengths_tail_recursive(T,[[length(H)]|Acc]).
The difference is that at each recursion step you simply return, without modification, the result of the next step. Generally, this solution uses a second function which role is to hide the need of a second parameter, and initialize this one correctly for the first call
lengths(L) -> lengths_tail_recursive(L,[]).
Note: the tail recursive solution uses 2 library functions: length/1 and lists:reverse/1. I invite you to write them in a tail recursive manner

F# observable filter with side effect

I have a number of events that are merged into one observable that executes some commands. If a command succeeded some result takes place. In addition, the command should be logged.
In terms of code, this looks like
let mevts = modifyingevents |> Observable.filter exec_action
|> Observable.add (fun action -> self.OutlineEdited <- true)
where the function exec_action results in some side effect such as editing a treeview. If this succeeded then the property OutlineEdited is set to true.
I was hoping to follow this with something like
mevts |> Observable.scan (fun log action -> action::log) []
but it turns out that Observable.filter is executed once for each subscribed observer. Meaning that the side effect will be repeated.
Can you please suggest another way to achieve the same result without having the exec_action executed twice? I am hoping to avoid having to use a mutable variable if possible.
This example ilustrates nicely the difference between the IObservable<'T> type (used in this example via the Observable module) and the F# type IEvent<'T> (and functions in Event module).
When you use observables, every subscriber creates a new chain of operations (so side-effects are executed once for every subscriber). If you use events then the state is shared and side-effects are executed just once (regardless of the number of subscribers). On the other hand, the events do not get garbage collected when you remove all subscribers from an event.
So, if you do not need the events to be removed when all subscribers are removed, you should get the behaviour you want just by using Event instead of Observable:
|> Event.filter exec_action
|> Event.scan (fun log action -> action::log) []

How does F#'s async really work?

I am trying to learn how async and let! work in F#.
All the docs i've read seem confusing.
What's the point of running an async block with Async.RunSynchronously? Is this async or sync? Looks like a contradiction.
The documentation says that Async.StartImmediate runs in the current thread. If it runs in the same thread, it doesn't look very asynchronous to me... Or maybe asyncs are more like coroutines rather than threads. If so, when do they yield back an forth?
Quoting MS docs:
The line of code that uses let! starts the computation, and then the thread is suspended
until the result is available, at which point execution continues.
If the thread waits for the result, why should i use it? Looks like plain old function call.
And what does Async.Parallel do? It receives a sequence of Async<'T>. Why not a sequence of plain functions to be executed in parallel?
I think i'm missing something very basic here. I guess after i understand that, all the documentation and samples will start making sense.
A few things.
First, the difference between
let resp = req.GetResponse()
let! resp = req.AsyncGetReponse()
is that for the probably hundreds of milliseconds (an eternity to the CPU) where the web request is 'at sea', the former is using one thread (blocked on I/O), whereas the latter is using zero threads. This is the most common 'win' for async: you can write non-blocking I/O that doesn't waste any threads waiting for hard disks to spin around or network requests to return. (Unlike most other languages, you aren't forced to do inversion of control and factor things into callbacks.)
Second, Async.StartImmediate will start an async on the current thread. A typical use is with a GUI, you have some GUI app that wants to e.g. update the UI (e.g. to say "loading..." somewhere), and then do some background work (load something off disk or whatever), and then return to the foreground UI thread to update the UI when completed ("done!"). StartImmediate enables an async to update the UI at the start of the operation and to capture the SynchronizationContext so that at the end of the operation is can return to the GUI to do a final update of the UI.
Next, Async.RunSynchronously is rarely used (one thesis is that you call it at most once in any app). In the limit, if you wrote your entire program async, then in the "main" method you would call RunSynchronously to run the program and wait for the result (e.g. to print out the result in a console app). This does block a thread, so it is typically only useful at the very 'top' of the async portion of your program, on the boundary back with synch stuff. (The more advanced user may prefer StartWithContinuations - RunSynchronously is kinda the "easy hack" to get from async back to sync.)
Finally, Async.Parallel does fork-join parallelism. You could write a similar function that just takes functions rather than asyncs (like stuff in the TPL), but the typical sweet spot in F# is parallel I/O-bound computations, which are already async objects, so this is the most commonly useful signature. (For CPU-bound parallelism, you could use asyncs, but you could also use TPL just as well.)
The usage of async is to save the number of threads in usage.
See the following example:
let fetchUrlSync url =
let req = WebRequest.Create(Uri url)
use resp = req.GetResponse()
use stream = resp.GetResponseStream()
use reader = new StreamReader(stream)
let contents = reader.ReadToEnd()
let sites = ["";
// execute the fetchUrlSync function in parallel
let pagesSync = sites |> fetchUrlSync |> PSeq.toList
The above code is what you want to do: define a function and execute in parallel. So why do we need async here?
Let's consider something big. E.g. if the number of sites is not 4, but say, 10,000! Then There needs 10,000 threads to run them in parallel, which is a huge resource cost.
While in async:
let fetchUrlAsync url =
async { let req = WebRequest.Create(Uri url)
use! resp = req.AsyncGetResponse()
use stream = resp.GetResponseStream()
use reader = new StreamReader(stream)
let contents = reader.ReadToEnd()
return contents }
let pagesAsync = sites |> fetchUrlAsync |> Async.Parallel |> Async.RunSynchronously
When the code is in use! resp = req.AsyncGetResponse(), the current thread is given up and its resource could be used for other purposes. If the response comes back in 1 second, then your thread could use this 1 second to process other stuff. Otherwise the thread is blocked, wasting thread resource for 1 second.
So even your are downloading 10000 web pages in parallel in an asynchronous way, the number of threads are limited to a small number.
I think you are not a .Net/C# programmer. The async tutorial usually assumes that one knows .Net and how to program asynchronous IO in C#(a lot of code). The magic of Async construct in F# is not for parallel. Because simple parallel could be realized by other constructs, e.g. ParallelFor in the .Net parallel extension. However, the asynchronous IO is more complex, as you see the thread gives up its execution, when the IO finishes, the IO needs to wake up its parent thread. This is where async magic is used for: in several lines of concise code, you can do very complex control.
Many good answers here but I thought I take a different angle to the question: How does F#'s async really work?
Unlike async/await in C# F# developers can actually implement their own version of Async. This can be a great way to learn how Async works.
(For the interested the source code to Async can be found here:
As our fundamental building block for our DIY workflows we define:
type DIY<'T> = ('T->unit)->unit
This is a function that accepts another function (called the continuation) that is called when the result of type 'T is ready. This allows DIY<'T> to start a background task without blocking the calling thread. When the result is ready the continuation is called allowing the computation to continue.
The F# Async building block is a bit more complicated as it also includes cancellation and exception continuations but essentially this is it.
In order to support the F# workflow syntax we need to define a computation expression ( While this is a rather advanced F# feature it's also one of the most amazing features of F#. The two most important operations to define are return & bind which are used by F# to combine our DIY<_> building blocks into aggregated DIY<_> building blocks.
adaptTask is used to adapt a Task<'T> into a DIY<'T>.
startChild allows starting several simulatenous DIY<'T>, note that it doesn't start new threads in order to do so but reuses the calling thread.
Without any further ado here's the sample program:
open System
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
// Our Do It Yourself Async workflow is a function accepting a continuation ('T->unit).
// The continuation is called when the result of the workflow is ready.
// This may happen immediately or after awhile, the important thing is that
// we don't block the calling thread which may then continue executing useful code.
type DIY<'T> = ('T->unit)->unit
// In order to support let!, do! and so on we implement a computation expression.
// The two most important operations are returnValue/bind but delay is also generally
// good to implement.
module DIY =
// returnValue is called when devs uses return x in a workflow.
// returnValue passed v immediately to the continuation.
let returnValue (v : 'T) : DIY<'T> =
fun a ->
a v
// bind is called when devs uses let!/do! x in a workflow
// bind binds two DIY workflows together
let bind (t : DIY<'T>) (fu : 'T->DIY<'U>) : DIY<'U> =
fun a ->
let aa tv =
let u = fu tv
u a
t aa
let delay (ft : unit->DIY<'T>) : DIY<'T> =
fun a ->
let t = ft ()
t a
// starts a DIY workflow as a subflow
// The way it works is that the workflow is executed
// which may be a delayed operation. But startChild
// should always complete immediately so in order to
// have something to return it returns a DIY workflow
// postProcess checks if the child has computed a value
// ie rv has some value and if we have computation ready
// to receive the value (rca has some value).
// If this is true invoke ca with v
let startChild (t : DIY<'T>) : DIY<DIY<'T>> =
fun a ->
let l = obj()
let rv = ref None
let rca = ref None
let postProcess () =
match !rv, !rca with
| Some v, Some ca ->
ca v
rv := None
rca := None
| _ , _ -> ()
let receiver v =
lock l <| fun () ->
rv := Some v
postProcess ()
t receiver
let child : DIY<'T> =
fun ca ->
lock l <| fun () ->
rca := Some ca
postProcess ()
a child
let runWithContinuation (t : DIY<'T>) (f : 'T -> unit) : unit =
t f
// Adapts a task as a DIY workflow
let adaptTask (t : Task<'T>) : DIY<'T> =
fun a ->
let action = Action<Task<'T>> (fun t -> a t.Result)
ignore <| t.ContinueWith action
// Because C# generics doesn't allow Task<void> we need to have
// a special overload of for the unit Task.
let adaptUnitTask (t : Task) : DIY<unit> =
fun a ->
let action = Action<Task> (fun t -> a ())
ignore <| t.ContinueWith action
type DIYBuilder() =
member x.Return(v) = returnValue v
member x.Bind(t,fu) = bind t fu
member x.Delay(ft) = delay ft
let diy = DIY.DIYBuilder()
open DIY
let main argv =
let delay (ms : int) = adaptUnitTask <| Task.Delay ms
let delayedValue ms v =
diy {
do! delay ms
return v
let complete =
diy {
let sw = Stopwatch ()
sw.Start ()
// Since we are executing these tasks concurrently
// the time this takes should be roughly 700ms
let! cd1 = startChild <| delayedValue 100 1
let! cd2 = startChild <| delayedValue 300 2
let! cd3 = startChild <| delayedValue 700 3
let! d1 = cd1
let! d2 = cd2
let! d3 = cd3
sw.Stop ()
return sw.ElapsedMilliseconds,d1,d2,d3
printfn "Starting workflow"
runWithContinuation complete (printfn "Result is: %A")
printfn "Waiting for key"
ignore <| Console.ReadKey ()
The output of the program should be something like this:
Starting workflow
Waiting for key
Result is: (706L, 1, 2, 3)
When running the program note that Waiting for key is printed immidiately as the Console thread is not blocked from starting workflow. After about 700ms the result is printed.
I hope this was interesting to some F# devs
Lots of great detail in the other answers, but as I beginner I got tripped up by the differences between C# and F#.
F# async blocks are a recipe for how the code should run, not actually an instruction to run it yet.
You build up your recipe, maybe combining with other recipes (e.g. Async.Parallel). Only then do you ask the system to run it, and you can do that on the current thread (e.g. Async.StartImmediate) or on a new task, or various other ways.
So it's a decoupling of what you want to do from who should do it.
The C# model is often called 'Hot Tasks' because the tasks are started for you as part of their definition, vs. the F# 'Cold Task' models.
The idea behind let! and Async.RunSynchronously is that sometimes you have an asynchronous activity that you need the results of before you can continue. For example, the "download a web page" function may not have a synchronous equivalent, so you need some way to run it synchronously. Or if you have an Async.Parallel, you may have hundreds of tasks all happening concurrently, but you want them all to complete before continuing.
As far as I can tell, the reason you would use Async.StartImmediate is that you have some computation that you need to run on the current thread (perhaps a UI thread) without blocking it. Does it use coroutines? I guess you could call it that, although there isn't a general coroutine mechanism in .Net.
So why does Async.Parallel require a sequence of Async<'T>? Probably because it's a way of composing Async<'T> objects. You could easily create your own abstraction that works with just plain functions (or a combination of plain functions and Asyncs, but it would just be a convenience function.
In an async block you can have some synchronous and some async operations, so, for example, you may have a web site that will show the status of the user in several ways, so you may show if they have bills that are due shortly, birthdays coming up and homework due. None of these are in the same database, so your application will make three separate calls. You may want to make the calls in parallel, so that when the slowest one is done, you can put the results together and display it, so, the end result will be that the display is based on the slowest. You don't care about the order that these come back, you just want to know when all three are received.
To finish my example, you may then want to synchronously do the work to create the UI to show this information. So, at the end, you wanted this data fetched and the UI displayed, the parts where order doesn't matter is done in parallel, and where order matters can be done in a synchronous fashion.
You can do these as three threads, but then you have to keep track and unpause the original thread when the third one is finished, but it is more work, it is easier to have the .NET framework take care of this.

Can the lock function be used to implement thread-safe enumeration?

I'm working on a thread-safe collection that uses Dictionary as a backing store.
In C# you can do the following:
private IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<K, V>> Enumerate() {
if (_synchronize) {
lock (_locker) {
foreach (var entry in _dict)
yield return entry;
} else {
foreach (var entry in _dict)
yield return entry;
The only way I've found to do this in F# is using Monitor, e.g.:
let enumerate() =
if synchronize then
seq {
try for entry in dict -> entry
finally System.Threading.Monitor.Exit(locker)
else seq { for entry in dict -> entry }
Can this be done using the lock function? Or, is there a better way to do this in general? I don't think returning a copy of the collection for iteration will work because I need absolute synchronization.
I don't think that you'll be able to do the same thing with the lock function, since you would be trying to yield from within it. Having said that, this looks like a dangerous approach in either language, since it means that the lock can be held for an arbitrary amount of time (e.g. if one thread calls Enumerate() but doesn't enumerate all the way through the resulting IEnumerable<_>, then the lock will continue to be held).
It may make more sense to invert the logic, providing an iter method along the lines of:
let iter f =
if synchronize then
lock locker (fun () -> Seq.iter f dict)
Seq.iter f dict
This brings the iteration back under your control, ensuring that the sequence is fully iterated (assuming that f doesn't block, which seems like a necessary assumption in any case) and that the lock is released immediately thereafter.
Here's an example of code that could hold the lock forever.
let cached = enumerate() |> Seq.cache
let firstFive = Seq.take 5 cached |> Seq.toList
We've taken the lock in order to start enumerating through the first 5 items. However, we haven't continued through the rest of the sequence, so the lock won't be released (maybe we would enumerate the rest of the way later based on user feedback or something, in which case the lock would finally be released).
In most cases, correctly written code will ensure that it disposes of the original enumerator, but there's no way to guarantee that in general. Therefore, your sequence expressions should be designed to be robust to only being enumerated part way. If you intend to require your callers to enumerate the collection all at once, then forcing them to pass you the function to apply to each element is better than returning a sequence which they can enumerate as they please.
I agree with kvb that the code is suspicious and that you probably don't want to hold the lock. However, there is a way to write the locking in a more comfortable way using the use keyword. It's worth mentioning it, because it may be useful in other situations.
You can write a function that starts holding a lock and returns IDisposable, which releases the lock when it is disposed:
let makeLock locker =
{ new System.IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() =
System.Threading.Monitor.Exit(locker) }
Then you can write for example:
let enumerate() = seq {
if synchronize then
use l0 = makeLock locker
for entry in dict do
yield entry
for entry in dict do
yield entry }
This is essentially implementing C# like lock using the use keyword, which has similar properties (allows you to do something when leaving the scope). So, this is much closer to the original C# version of the code.
