How to execute regex inside a bitbucket pipeline? - bitbucket

I have a bitbucket pipeline where I want to retrieve some part of the branch name (the ticket name)
I basically get the branch name with :
- BRANCH_NAME="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
Now the branch name is like
I would like to basically do something like
- BRANCH_NAME="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
- TICKET_NAME= // a way to retrieve DOM-123 from $BRANCH_NAME
Do you know how would this be possible ?
I haven"t find anything on how such a thing would be possible.

If you want to run a regular expression outside your usual language/runtime, you should get used to the grep utility.
A naive approach for your case:
TICKET_NAME=$(echo $BRANCH_NAME | grep --only-matching --extended-regexp 'DOM-[0-9]+')
(you might need to workout the actual ticket name regex)
Friendly reminder: the branch name is accessible in the $BITBUCKET_BRANCH environment variable (for branch pipelines, no custom nor tag-triggered pipelines)


GIT_COMMIT envvar incorrect for pipelines that merge master first

This question relates to multibranch pipelines where the behaviour merges the PR with the target branch revision (see screenshot of settings)
In this case, the merge may cause a new merge commit. So for a trigger with a given commit from a repository:
We actually get a different value of the GIT_COMMIT envvar:
If a tool (such as a build reporting tool) needs to use the GIT_COMMIT envvar to pass information onto a service, it cannot then be linked back to the actual commit from the project (this is a screenshot from Bitbucket but this would be the same for any repo hosting service):
How, in a pipeline step, can I find the commit 709502c is the actual genesis of this build, when the GIT_COMMIT is set to 6781a3d1 (which is not an actual commit in the project)?
Maybe looking at git history can help?
script: "git rev-parse HEAD",
returnStdout: true,

How do you specify additional trusted files with the Jenkins Github Branch Source plugin?

I've created a Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline with the GitHub Branch Source plugin. The Jenkinsfile essentially just calls a Cake Build script (build.ps1, build.cake) that contains all the build/deploy logic. This allows me to move to another CI service easily.
Unfortunately, I cannot seem to figure out how to add my Cake Build scripts as a trusted file so that PR's from forks will pull the files from the source repo instead. The Trust setting of the Discover pull requests from forks behavior seems to indicate that there can be other trusted files besides Jenkinsfile:
Pull requests from forks will all be treated as untrusted. This means that where Jenkins requires a trusted file (e.g. Jenkinsfile) the contents of that file will be retrieved from the target branch on the origin repository and not from the pull request branch on the fork repository.
However, I cannot seem to find any documentation on adding other trusted files. The primary reason for this is to prevent a PR from a fork from accessing credentials from the Cake script. They wouldn't be able to change Jenkinsfile, but they could still change the Cake script to expose the credentials.
Is it actually possible to add other trusted files?
It seems like Jenkins does not support this. My solution is checking out the untrusted files manually from the base version instead. First getting the commit 's hash of the base version with:
def commit = sh(
script: 'git rev-parse HEAD',
returnStdout: true
def base = sh(
script: "git rev-list --parents -n 1 ${commit}",
returnStdout: true
git rev-list --parents -n 1 ${commit} will return the hash of current commit, which is a merge commit that was created by Jenkins; the latest commit of the PR and the latest commit of the target branch, separated by a space (e.g. 05e9322574ea03003f87dcbb44f172e6fa62581f b3f6ef892af9c645f490106757d7d05df3a26060 069ffd55ae36414a51b4de166aef86966f9447a8). Hence, we grab the hash of the latest commit of the target branch by trim().split('\\s+')[2].
Now we can do sh "git checkout ${base} FILE" on any file that we don't trust from the PR.
This does not works if the PR is already merged with the latest version of target branch. So what I did is something like this:
// revert untrusted files to the base version and backup it before we execute any untrusted code so the attacker
// don't have a chance to put a malicious content
def latest = sh(script: 'git rev-parse HEAD', returnStdout: true).trim()
sh "git checkout origin/${env.CHANGE_TARGET}"
def baseCompose = readFile('docker-compose.yml')
// switch back to latest commit
sh "git checkout ${latest}"
sh 'git clean -d -f -f -q -x'

Perform a git fetch in pipeline 2.0 groovy script

There is an open bug on jenkins 2.0 pipeline scripts relating to included regions in git, so it means for a large mono-repo as in my case each checkin to master will cause multiple pipelines to be kicked off which is not the desired behavior.
So to visualize:
->application folder 1
->application folder 2
What I want to do is to do a git fetch first so then I can do a git diff to see if anything in the particular folder has changed and if it has then run the pipeline for that particular folder and not do anything if nothing changed
Code I have is below:
git credentialsId: 'cred id', url: 'ssh://git#git-repo:1234/app/mono-repo.git'
ret = sh(script: 'git fetch; git diff origin/master remotes/origin/master | grep "folder-name"', returnStatus: true)
if(ret == 0){
The issue I have that the git fetch fails due a permissions error, I can use a the checkout but then I cannot get the diff before hand which is not what. Is there a way of using the u tiling the git fetch using the credentias?
It might help to simply get the references to tags. Note, I believe this is not equivalent to git fetch --tags. See Does "git fetch --tags" include "git fetch"? for example.
git([branches: [
[name: '*/master'],
[name: 'refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*']],
credentialsId: CREDENTIALS_ID_GIT,
url: REPO])
I noticed that on the Jenkin's console the Git plugin is performing a git fetch --tags, so by default the Git Plugin may already provide this functionality. Please check on this.
I'd like to also add this solution:
credentialsId: CREDENTIALS_ID_GIT,
passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'GIT_USERNAME')]) {
sh("git fetch --tags https://${GIT_USERNAME}:${GIT_PASSWORD}#${REPO}")
Make sure you are using SSH credentials with the correct user. You can check this answer, which is summarized by the capture below :
In particular, make sure that in the url ssh://git#git-repo:1234/app/mono-repo.git the git# part is your actual SSH user. In my case it is the jenkins user, so I would use ssh://jenkins#git-repo:1234/app/mono-repo.git instead.

Get git branch name with gradle git plugin on jenkins slave

I'm doing sonar integration and would like to pass git branch as a parameter. It will be run on Jenkins server.
Before I was using next line of code to get current git branch:
def workingBranch = """git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD""".execute().text.trim()
After I replaced it with:
But this always gives me "HEAD". How to achieve same functionality?
I am doing something very similar. As it turns out, the Git plugin in Jenkins is tuned in several ways to minimize the git clone and checkout. There are 2 ways that I've found to deal with this.
The Easy Way
Use Jenkins' built-in environment variables, as you already suggested in the comments.
def workingBranch = System.getenv("GIT_BRANCH") ?: grgit.branch.current.fullName
The Job Configuration Way
You can also set up the job to checkout the branch as a local branch, rather than a detached HEAD. This is under "Additional Behaviors", named "Check out to specific local branch". There are many other questions that detail the settings for that, and/or the Declarative Pipeline approach, depending on what your needs.
Declarative Pipeline custom checkout
Configuring local branch option

What is the branch name variable for Jenkins multibranch pipelines?

I need to know which branch is being built in my Jenkins multibranch pipeline in order for it to run steps correctly.
We are using a gitflow pattern with dev, release, and master branches that all are used to create artifacts. The dev branch auto deploys, the other two do not. Also there are feature, bugfix and hotfix branches. These branches should be built, but not produce an artifact. They should just be used to inform the developer if there is a problem with their code.
In a standard build, I have access to the $GIT_BRANCH variable to know which branch is being built, but that variable isn't set in my multibranch pipeline. I have tried env.GIT_BRANCH too, and I tried to pass $GIT_BRANCH as a parameter to the build. Nothing seems to work. I assumed that since the build knows about the branch being built (I can see the branch name at the top of the console output) that there is something that I can use - I just can't find any reference to it.
The env.BRANCH_NAME variable contains the branch name.
As of Pipeline Groovy Plugin 2.18, you can also just use BRANCH_NAME
(env isn't required but still accepted.)
There is not a dedicated variable for this purpose yet (JENKINS-30252). In the meantime you can take advantage of the fact that the subproject name is taken from the branch name, and use
env.JOB_NAME.replaceFirst('.+/', '')
This has now been resolved, see Krzysztof KrasoĊ„'s answer.
There are 2 branches to consider in a Jenkins multibranch pipeline job:
The Jenkins job branch - env.BRANCH_NAME. This may have the same name as a git branch, but might also be called PR-123 or similar
The git branch - env.GIT_BRANCH. This is the actual branch name in git.
So a job might have BRANCH_NAME=PR-123 and GIT_BRANCH=my-scm-branch-name
Jenkins documentation has a list of all the env variable for your perusal here
Another way is using the git command to obtain the branch name on the current jenkins pipeline. For example, you can add the following snippet to print the branch name in your Jenkinsfile.
script {
def BRANCH = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD').trim()
echo ${BRANCH}
I found this stackoverflow post example useful: Git Variables in Jenkins Workflow plugin
sh '//...
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD > GIT_BRANCH'
git_branch = readFile('GIT_BRANCH').trim()
echo git_branch
