Netlogo ecosystem model die command - environment-variables

I am trying to simulate what happens to vultures if they randomly stumble upon a carcass that has been poisoned by poachers. The poisoned carcass needs to be random. I also need to plot the deaths, so do i need to set up a dead/poisoned state in order to plot the deaths, do I need to code a to die section. Im not sure. TIA
to go
; repeat 10800 [
ask vultures
if state = "searching" [ search-carcasses ]
if state = "following" [follow-leaders-find-carcasses]
if state = "searching"
[ if random-float 1 < ( 1 / 360 )
[ ifelse random 2 = 0
[ rt 45 ]
[ lt 45 ] ] ]
if state != "feeding"
[ fd 0.009 ]
if state = "leader" [set time-descending time-descending + 1]
if mycarcass != 0
[ if distance mycarcass <= 0.009
[ set state "feeding"
ask mycarcass
[ set occupied? "yes" ] ] ] if state = "feeding" [
ask mycarcass
[if poisoned? = "yes"
[set state "poisoned"] ] ] if state = "poisoned" [die] ] tick ; ]


Adding Bias to Preferential Attachment Network in NetLogo

I'm very new to NetLogo, and am attempting to incorporate bias into the Preferential Attachment model by making the probability of attachment depend on a node's color as well as degree; nodes will have a % bias (determined by a slider) to choose to link with a node of the same color as themselves.
So far, I've made the nodes heterogenous, either blue or red, with blue being ~70% of the population:
to make-node [old-node]
create-turtles 1
set color red
if random 100 < 70
[ set color blue ]
if old-node != nobody
[ create-link-with old-node [ set color green ]
;; position the new node near its partner
move-to old-node
fd 8
I understand the main preferential attachment code, which has the new node select a partner proportional to its link count:
to-report find-partner
report [one-of both-ends] of one-of links
Where I encounter issues is in the following procedure. Sometimes it works as expected, but sometimes I get the following error message: OF expected input to be an agent or agentset but got NOBODY instead - regarding the statement "[one-of both-ends] of one-of links" under my 'while' loop.
to make-node [old-node]
create-turtles 1
set color red
set characteristic 0
if random 100 < 70
[ set color blue
set characteristic 1]
if (old-node != nobody) and (random 100 < bias-percent) and (any? turtles with [color = red]) and (any? turtles with [color = blue])
while [characteristic != [characteristic] of old-node]
set old-node [one-of both-ends] of one-of links
if old-node != nobody
[ create-link-with old-node [ set color green ]
;; position the new node near its partner
move-to old-node
fd 8
Any help is appreciated!!!

Matrix Transformation for image

I am working on an image processing project in python in which I am required to change the coordinate system
I thought it is analogous to matrix transformation and tried but it is not working, I have taken the coordinates of the red dots
Simply subtract by 256 and divide by 512. The connection is that you see values of 256 get mapped to 0. Therefore, 0 gets mapped to -256, 256 gets mapped to 0 and 512 gets mapped to 256. However, you further need the values to be in the range of [-0.5, 0.5]. Dividing everything by 512 finishes this off.
Therefore the relationship is:
out = (in - 256) / 512 = (in / 512) - 0.5
Try some values from your example input above to convince yourself that this is the correct relationship.
If you want to form this as a matrix multiplication, this can be interpreted as an affine transform with scale and translation, but no rotation:
[ 1/512 0 -0.5 ]
K = [ 0 1/512 -0.5 ]
[ 0 0 1 ]
Take note that you will need to use homogeneous coordinates to achieve the desired result.
For example:
(x, y) = (384, 256)
[X] [ 1/512 0 -0.5 ][384]
[Y] = [ 0 1/512 -0.5 ][256]
[1] [ 0 0 1 ][ 1 ]
[X] [384/512 - 0.5] [ 0.25 ]
[Y] = [256/512 - 0.5] = [ 0 ]
[1] [ 1 ] [ 1 ]
Simply remove the last coordinate to get the final answer of (0.25, 0).

Audio Cuts in random time, have to unplug headphones

Very weird "crash". I am using
oscillator = AKOperationGenerator(channelCount: 2, operations: { parameters in
let portamentoOp = parameters[0].portamento(halfDuration: parameters[1])
let sineOp = AKOperation.sineWave(frequency: portamentoOp, amplitude: parameters[2])
let sawOp = AKOperation.sawtoothWave(frequency: portamentoOp, amplitude: parameters[2])
return [sawOp, sineOp] //saw on left, sine on right.
oscillator?.parameters = [440.0, 0.001, 1.0, 0.99]
To generate tones in my app, however after couple minutes of "playing" it just stops, no crash, no error nothing. Only thing I can do is to unplug headphones and plug them back again, setup audio again and it starts.
This is logs from device:
default 20:32:42.906934+1200 mediaserverd[CAReportingClient sendMessage:category:type:reporters:]: message {
"inf_frames" = 0;
"issue_type" = NonFinite;
"nan_frames" = 1083;
node = "PreDSP - { [ type: phpw; conn: 1; rout: 1 ] }";
"rtaid_client" = VA;
}: (
default 20:32:42.907327+1200 mediaserverd AudioIssueDetectorManager.cpp:250:HandleAudioIssue: RTAID [ use_case=Generic issue_type=NonFinites clientID=VA node=PreDSP - { [ type: phpw; conn: 1; rout: 1 ] } ] -- [ nan_frames=1083 inf_frames=0 ]
default 20:32:42.909321+1200 rtcreportingd sendMessageWithDictionary: Sending message for session 41
default 20:32:42.909588+1200 rtcreportingd <private>(sendMessage): realtime is 0
default 20:32:42.909701+1200 rtcreportingd <private>(sendMessage): Batching 3, 1, 1
default 20:32:42.910209+1200 mediaserverd[CAReportingClient sendMessage:category:type:reporters:]: message {
"inf_frames" = 0;
"issue_type" = NonFinite;
"nan_frames" = 1083;
node = "PostDSP - { [ type: phpw; conn: 1; rout: 1 ] }";
"rtaid_client" = VA;
}: (
default 20:32:42.911062+1200 mediaserverd AudioIssueDetectorManager.cpp:250:HandleAudioIssue: RTAID [ use_case=Generic issue_type=NonFinites clientID=VA node=PostDSP - { [ type: phpw; conn: 1; rout: 1 ] } ] -- [ nan_frames=1083 inf_frames=0 ]
default 20:32:42.913038+1200 rtcreportingd sendMessageWithDictionary: Sending message for session 41
default 20:32:42.913957+1200 rtcreportingd <private>(sendMessage): realtime is 0
default 20:32:42.914127+1200 rtcreportingd <private>(sendMessage): Batching 3, 1, 1
default 20:32:42.935883+1200 sharingd Identification starting maintenance timer
default 20:32:42.937060+1200 rapportd BLE device changed: SFDevice ID a6207782-86f9-e3fe-2ca2-fc6f74e80bd4, IDS B710183A, RSSI -47 (-44)*N, Nm 'Tomas’s MacBook Pro', Md 'MacBookPro16,1', DuetSync, PairedBT, PairedSys Conjectured, rapportID B710183A-9C32-45F2-B698-72BBC69FED93, WiFiP2P, DF 0x88 < MyiCloud AirDrop >
default 20:32:42.938332+1200 sharingd CompanionLink changed: IDS B710183A, Nm 'Tomas’s MacBook Pro', Md 'MacBookPro16,1'
default 20:32:43.009206+1200 powerlogHelperd {"msg":"CLCopyAppsUsingLocation", "event":"activity"}
default 20:32:43.038177+1200 nsurlsessiond Triggering periodic update to powerlog for client <private>
default 20:32:43.260560+1200 DTServiceHub Heartbeat

How can I combine two lists in Nix?

I've currently got a list defined as:
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
How would I go about defining two lists and then merging them to set the environment.systemPackages value?
I'd like to split the list so it's easier to manage groups of related packages.
The ++ operator:
nix-repl> [1 2 3] ++ [5 6]
[ 1 2 3 5 6 ]
Code example:
unstable = import <unstable> {
config = config.nixpkgs.config;
examplePkgs = with pkgs; [
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
++ examplePkgs;

Z3 Sudoku Solver

I was on the site rise4fun a few weeks ago and they had a python code that converted a sudoku puzzle input file to z3. I checked again today and the file is gone, and was wondering if anyone had this code or could explain to me how to implement it. Thanks!!
# 9x9 matrix of integer variables
X = [ [ Int("x_%s_%s" % (i+1, j+1)) for j in range(9) ]
for i in range(9) ]
# each cell contains a value in {1, ..., 9}
cells_c = [ And(1 <= X[i][j], X[i][j] <= 9)
for i in range(9) for j in range(9) ]
# each row contains a digit at most once
rows_c = [ Distinct(X[i]) for i in range(9) ]
# each column contains a digit at most once
cols_c = [ Distinct([ X[i][j] for i in range(9) ])
for j in range(9) ]
# each 3x3 square contains a digit at most once
sq_c = [ Distinct([ X[3*i0 + i][3*j0 + j]
for i in range(3) for j in range(3) ])
for i0 in range(3) for j0 in range(3) ]
sudoku_c = cells_c + rows_c + cols_c + sq_c
# sudoku instance, we use '0' for empty cells
instance = ((5,3,0,0,7,0,0,0,0),
instance_c = [ If(instance[i][j] == 0,
X[i][j] == instance[i][j])
for i in range(9) for j in range(9) ]
s = Solver()
s.add(sudoku_c + instance_c)
if s.check() == sat:
m = s.model()
r = [ [ m.evaluate(X[i][j]) for j in range(9) ]
for i in range(9) ]
print "failed to solve"
