Illegal sap.ui.model.odata.type.DateTimeOffset - odata

Posting for prosperity. I had zero hits from google.
I'm writing a SAP Business One Web Client extension. I'm using the worklist template and have the b1s/v2/ Service Layer metadata (auto generated while setting up the template)
Running the sandbox version ("npm run start-local") it automatically generates fake data based on the metadata. My data included an edm.DateTimeOffset which is resolved by Fiori using the sap.ui.model.odata.type.DateTimeOffset model.
Here is an example response object from the test data proxy (all autogenerated)
DocEntry: 1,
U_CardCode: "U_CardCode_0",
U_CardName: "U_CardName_0",
U_DocCurrency: "U_DocCurrency_0",
U_DocTotal: "",
U_DueDate: "2017-04-13T14:50:39.000Z",
U_Status: "U_Status_0",
U_SupplierInvNo: "U_SupplierInvNo_0",
A perfectly normal U_DueDate value that, according to all the documentation I could find is an accepted format, doublely confirmed by the fact that it's a sap generated value.
This produces an error on screen
Illegal sap.ui.model.odata.type.DateTimeOffset
Adding a formatter doesn't work. If it's unable to parse the value then it won't pass it on to a formatter.

Turns out there is a way to override the expected type in the metadata. I couldn't find much documentation on it, but I changed the element from
text="{'U_DueDate'}" />
path: 'U_DueDate',
targetType: 'any',
formatter: ''
}" />
The date is now accepted as a string so I can use a custom formatter.
Here is the date function in the formetter:
date : function (sValue) {
if (!sValue) {
return "";
var date = new Date(sValue)
var asString = date.toLocaleDateString("en-GB")
return asString;
You don't have to hard code the localization, but my use case is that niche


Need to remove numbers with a javascript code step in Zapier

I am not a developer but have used Google search and trial and error test scenarios with Zapier for the last few days and have given up on figuring this out myself. I need help!
I'm using the Run JavaScript code step in Zapier and provided the following details to Input Data.
It says: What input data should we provide to your code (as strings) via an object set to a variable named inputData?
I'm using "street" with a street address example "1402 Spring Garden Rd"
What is the code to use that regardless of the street address provided all the numbers and first space are removed so that the results is "Spring Garden Rd"
Thank you in advance!
var street = inputData;
var streetNoNumbers = inputData.replace(/[0-9]/g, '');
return streetNoNumbers
The error message I'm getting is
TypeError: inputData.replace is not a function
I've learned that strings are immutable and a new string can be made from manipulating another string but doing this in zapier seems to require a function and creating another var with the calculation generates a ... is not a function.
I've tried to write a function but can't get the output or return to show the proper results either.
I can do the following successfully,
var street = inputData
return street
1402 Spring Garden Road
I want to include the code that manipulates street to produce the following:
Spring Garden Road
David here, from the Zapier Platform team. Great question!
The key understanding you're missing is that inputData is a js object with a street property. Before your code is run, we set it up like so:
const inputData = {street: '1402 Spring Garden Rd'}
Since inputData is an object, it doesn't have a replace method (the error you're seeing). Instead, perform your operation on .street and return that.
Try the following:
// need to return an object, not just a string
return {streetNoNumbers: inputData.replace(/[0-9]/g, '')}
If you want to learn more, I recommend our simple examples:

How to dynamically set binding type's "formatOptions" and "constraints" in XML with binding?

I have a list of elements (OData set) and use a binding to show this list.
One field is for a quantity value and this value could sometimes need some decimal places.
The requirement is: only show that amount of decimal numbers that is also available in the OData service.
Annotation techniques can't be used.
I 'hacked' something that is misusing a formatter to update the type of a binding. But this is 'a hack' and it is not possible to convert it to XML views. (The reason is a different handling of the scope the formatter will be called).
So I am searching for a working solution for XML views.
The following code would not work but shows the issue:
new sap.m.Input({ // looking for an XML solution with bindings
value: {
path: "Quantity",
type: new sap.ui.model.type.Float({
// formatOptions
maxFractionDigits: "{QuantityDecimals}",
// ...
}, {
// constraints
minimum: 0
// ...
The maxFractionDigits : "{QuantityDecimals}" should be "dynamic" and not a constant value.
Setting formatOptions and constraints dynamically in XML (via bindings or a declared function) is unfortunately not (yet) supported. But IMHO this is a valid enhancement request that app developers would greatly benefit from, since it encourages declarative programming.
I already asked for the same feature some years ago but in a comment at (See my answer to Frank's question "If XMLViews would allow a way to specify the dynamic constraints as well (e.g. enhanced syntax), would that fix the problem?").
Please create a new issue via with a clear description of what kind of problems the feature would resolve and possibly other use cases (You can add a link to my comment). I'll add my 👍 to your GitHub issue, and hopefully others too.
I'll update this answer as soon as the feature is available.
Get your dynamic number from your model and store it in a JS variable.
var nQuantityDecimals = this.getModel().getProperty("/QuantityDecimals");
new sap.m.Input({
value : {
path : "Quantity",
type : new sap.ui.model.type.Float({
maxFractionDigits : nQuantityDecimals,
source : {
groupingSeparator: ",",
decimalSeparator: ".",
groupingEnabled: false
}, {

How to use Slickgrid Formatters with MVC

I am working on a first Slickgrid MVC application where the column definition and format is to be stored in a database. I can retrieve the list of columns quite happily and populate them until I ran into the issue with formatting of dates. No problem - for each date (or time) column I can store a formatter name in the database so this can be retrieved as well. I'm using the following code which works ok:
CLOP_ViewColumnsDataContext columnDB = new CLOP_ViewColumnsDataContext();
var results = from u in columnDB.CLOP_VIEW_COLUMNs
select u;
List<dynColumns> newColumns = new List<dynColumns>();
foreach(CLOP_VIEW_COLUMN column in results)
newColumns.Add(new dynColumns
id = column.COLUMN_NUMBER.ToString(),
name = column.HEADING.Trim(),
field = column.VIEW_FIELD.Trim(),
width = column.WIDTH,
formatter = column.FORMATTER.Trim()
var gridColumns = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(newColumns);
This is all fine apart from the fomatter. An example of the variable gridColumns is:
Which doesn't look too bad however the application the fails with the error Microsoft JScript runtime error: Function expected in the slick.grid.js script
Any help much appreciated - even if there is a better way of doing this!
You are assigning a string to the formatter property, wich is expected to be function.
But i really think you should reconsider doing it this way and instead store your values in the db and define your columns through code.
It will be easier to maintain and is less error prone.
What if you decide to use custom editors and formatters, which you later rename?
Then your code will break or you'll have to rename all entries in the db as well as in code.

set data type when exporting to excel

I'm using Grails 1.3.4 with the export 0.9.5 plug in.
I have a formatter that I use that sets the date format to 'YYYY-MM-DD' when exporting to excel. But this doesn't change the data type. The date is exported to Excel as a string/general data type.
def dateFormat = { domain, value ->
if(value instanceof Date){
return new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(value)
return value
Map formatters = [ecd:dateFormat, completed:dateFormat, dateCreated:dateFormat, approvedDate:dateFormat, dpaECD:dateFormat]
exportService.export(params.format, response.outputStream,exportList, jobService.parseColNames(columns), labels, formatters, null)
Is there a way to export data and set the datatype of a column in excel so the user doesn't have to manually set the cell/column formatting to 'Date' every time after exporting?
Are you sure you want to use that plugin? It didn't work so well to me.
I've been using the JXL plugin for Grails for a while and it works perfectly.
It even has an option to write the Excel file to the response, so that the user can directly download the file using my REST service.
The link is:
Here is an example of how simple it is to create workbooks:
new ExcelBuilder().workbook('/path/to/test.xls') {
sheet('SheetName') {
cell(0,0,'Current Date')
cell(0,1,new Date())
Note that the cell() method has 3 parameters: column, row and value. This third parameter can be a number, string or date, and it formats it perfectly.
You can find more information here.

Override Grails Error Messages to format Dates and Numbers

I have created a domain with a Double field. When the validation occurs it throws the error message with size value showing the number with commas. Following are the detials
Groovy Class
class Quote {
String content;
Double size;
static constraints = {
content(maxSize:1000, blank:false)
size(min: 0.00D, max:999.99D)
Value entered "11111", error obtained "Size 11,111 is exceeded the limit". I have added the property key/value pair in
Here, I would like to get the message back without the commas. My main aim is to take the key and format the message returned based on my requirements. I require this as I have other fields that need conversion. For example, a date is validated but when showing the error the Gregorian date needs to be converted to an Islamic date and shown to user.
Does anyone know if I can do something to make this work.
I have tried the solution provided in but this did not work.
I have also tried modifying the messages values, but this is not flexible in case of my date issue. Example, for a key value pair, instead of using {2} as a place holder I could use {2, date, mm/dd/yyyy}, but for Islamic dates I want to format and show things differently.
Also, please note I have created a separate key for default date formatting for my application.
Would appreciate the help.
In grails, the return of a constrain is an already translated string.
You can create a taglib to format that, or enhance the
Another option would be custom validators. A custom validator can return false or a key when failing.
For example in your domain class, to vaildate a field:
myDateField validator: {val, obj -> obj.myShinyDateValidatorMethod(val) }
private myShinyDateValidatorMethod() {
if (isNotValidDate(val) {
return [the_message_key, val.formatedAsYouWand]
and, in your properties file you have to have defined the key:
the_message_key=This date: {3} is not valid
The trick here is that in the return from the validator, first string is the key and the rest are parameters for that key, but grails already uses {0}, {1}, {2} placeholders for className, fieldName and value, and the first parameter that you pass will be used as {3} placeholder.
Hope this helps
