Very Specific Filtering in Google Sheets - google-sheets

I am making a calculator in Google sheets and I would like to find a formula or script or something that will allow me to read the value of a certain square and add the formula "=sum(C5:C9)" or "=product(C5:C9)" or whichever depending on what the person puts in C4. Not sure if this is possible in google sheets (without custom code), but if it is, that would be great!

=IF(C4="*"; PRODUCT(C5:C9); SUM(C5:C9))


Edit data after FILTER in Google Docs

I have FILTER some range like "=FILTER(E1:M11;E1:M1=B1)" but I use FILTER for simple access to the cell-data, that must be edit, trying to wright something in to FILTER celLs given an a formula FILTER error...
google sheets does not support editing cells where the output of the formulas rolls out. this is a feature by design, not a bug. if you wish to re-write a print from a formula that formula needs to be inserted with a script, not as an in-cell function

Can I make Google Sheets evaluate a string input as if it were a formula?

I am creating a home budget for myself in Google Sheets, working in Chrome on Windows 10. In the end, the budget will be composed of separate sheets for each month, containing tables for each Friday (payday) within that month. All such tables will follow a certain format and will pull arrays of budget data from an auxiliary sheet.
However, trial-and-error (mostly error) is abundant, and one quails at the thought of having to paste corrections across 52 tables. Is there any way to have each table emulate a formula set down in a template? For example, ideally, my template would contain something like:
and the final product would pull that formula (with relative reference) to each table. If I discover a mistake or need to make a change, I can simply change the template, and all of the live tables would update their formulas.
Can this be done in Google Sheets?
Failing that, I already have a function that returns a cell's formula as string text. Can this be used to get the desired effect?
there is a formula called INDIRECT which does exactly that:

Google Sheets Custom conditional formatting multiple conditions

I made a spreadsheet in google sheets in my last company which highlighted all my rows based on my qualifying conditions. I can't remember what conditional formatting I used.
I have tried the =IFAND and =AND functions along with others.
This is what I am trying to do:
If column B says DTC, even if something else is also in cell, and the dates are between two ranges I want it highlighted. Then I will have multiple rules that vary in dates and words. I have attached a new demo sheet to help.
The formula I have in there now is =AND($B2="DTC",E$2>=DATE(2017,10,1),E$2<=DATE(2018,10,1))
To find both DTC and DTC-DCL with a wildcard try using if with search like this:

Is there a way to list all sheets on a google spreadsheet using native functions?

I create many dashboards on Google Spreadsheet, which are basically a spreadsheet containing a bunch of sheets with all sort of different data. Some of these spreadsheets can have up to 30 sheets or more.
I want a way to list the name of all sheets in a spreadsheet on a column using native functions.
I know this could be easily done with a custom function. However this would bring some complications regarding the workflow in my company.
Is there a way to accomplish that without using custom functions?
Thank You very much!
This works in Excel, so if you are able to export your workbook and save it as an Excel file rather than Google Doc this will work.
Go to your "Name Manager"
Create a 'New' name and call it "Sheets"
Insert this formula into the 'Refers to' box =TRANSPOSE(GET.WORKBOOK(1))&T(NOW())
Now insert this formula where you want the list of Sheet names =IFERROR(INDEX(MID(Sheets,FIND("]",Sheets)+1,255),ROW(A1),1),"")
Drag the formula down so A1 progresses (A1 represents the sheet number that you are getting the name of).
Source of solution

What is this Google Spreadsheets IMPORTRANGE() Sheet key?

I'm new to Google sheets, and I've got this spreadsheet with some IMPORTRANGE functions in them, and they look like this:
=IMPORTRANGE($O$2; "Jan!B33")
That first value, $0$2, is supposedly the spreadsheet key, but I'm used to that spreadsheet key coming from the HTML, for example "1QCfFIx6evcghuH4k74_ksqx6P7sb5xzUpRaoQobV6MA", or something like that.
My question is, what is this dollar sign notation, and how do I use it? Is it even something from Google Sheets or is it something someone mistakenly copied from Excel or another program?
That's an absolute cell reference. (The sheet's key is expected to be read from cell O2.)
This range syntax is supported by Excel and Google Sheets.
