What is this Google Spreadsheets IMPORTRANGE() Sheet key? - google-sheets

I'm new to Google sheets, and I've got this spreadsheet with some IMPORTRANGE functions in them, and they look like this:
=IMPORTRANGE($O$2; "Jan!B33")
That first value, $0$2, is supposedly the spreadsheet key, but I'm used to that spreadsheet key coming from the HTML, for example "1QCfFIx6evcghuH4k74_ksqx6P7sb5xzUpRaoQobV6MA", or something like that.
My question is, what is this dollar sign notation, and how do I use it? Is it even something from Google Sheets or is it something someone mistakenly copied from Excel or another program?

That's an absolute cell reference. (The sheet's key is expected to be read from cell O2.)
This range syntax is supported by Excel and Google Sheets.


Very Specific Filtering in Google Sheets

I am making a calculator in Google sheets and I would like to find a formula or script or something that will allow me to read the value of a certain square and add the formula "=sum(C5:C9)" or "=product(C5:C9)" or whichever depending on what the person puts in C4. Not sure if this is possible in google sheets (without custom code), but if it is, that would be great!
=IF(C4="*"; PRODUCT(C5:C9); SUM(C5:C9))

Conditional formatting using countif() with values from an external spreadsheet

I have a Google sheet the references values from another and using conditional formatting, it marks down the cells with the same value. Within the same document, I use the following code:
=countif(indirect("Responses!D2:D103"),A1)=1 That works great.
However, I try to get the same result referencing the same sheet from an external spreadsheet to no avail. I feel like I tried all the combinations of IMPORTRANGE and INDIRECT out there, similar to this: =countif(importrange("sheet_url",indirect("Responses!$D$2:$D$103")),A1)=1
I'm sure I'm missing some small detail, I just can't tell what it is.
"Responses!D1:D103"), A1)=1)
note that access needs to be granted first in order for this to work

How can I get single sheet from a spreadsheet collection from Google Sheets with Google Sheets API v4?

I'm trying to build a webapp based on Google Sheets. I'm a little bit confused with the API. I have a spreadsheet which is shared with me by Drive and contains 2 sheets. I can get the first sheet with
GET /v4/spreadsheets/{spreadsheetId}
Returns the spreadsheet at the given ID.
endpoint. But I couldn't figure out how to get the second sheet. Is there a way I can get spesific sheet from a spreadsheet?
The problem in here is when you are using ranges parameter you have to specify the sheet title with A1 notation syntax as described in this document: https://developers.google.com/sheets/guides/concepts#sheet_id
I was using the ranges parameter and using the A1 notation correctly but I wasn't specifying the sheet title. In that scenario the default sheet is the first one. If you want the get another sheet other than the first one you have to specify the title, like this:

Is there a way to list all sheets on a google spreadsheet using native functions?

I create many dashboards on Google Spreadsheet, which are basically a spreadsheet containing a bunch of sheets with all sort of different data. Some of these spreadsheets can have up to 30 sheets or more.
I want a way to list the name of all sheets in a spreadsheet on a column using native functions.
I know this could be easily done with a custom function. However this would bring some complications regarding the workflow in my company.
Is there a way to accomplish that without using custom functions?
Thank You very much!
This works in Excel, so if you are able to export your workbook and save it as an Excel file rather than Google Doc this will work.
Go to your "Name Manager"
Create a 'New' name and call it "Sheets"
Insert this formula into the 'Refers to' box =TRANSPOSE(GET.WORKBOOK(1))&T(NOW())
Now insert this formula where you want the list of Sheet names =IFERROR(INDEX(MID(Sheets,FIND("]",Sheets)+1,255),ROW(A1),1),"")
Drag the formula down so A1 progresses (A1 represents the sheet number that you are getting the name of).
Source of solution

Google Docs (Spreadsheets): Conditional Formatting Referencing Other Sheets

Google Docs (Spreadsheet) tells me that this (custom) formula is wrong.. in Excel instead works:
=AND(MATCH(CONCATENATE($A2;" ";$B2);Allievi!$G$1:$G$1204;0); $L2="Facilitatore di classe")
It just tells me it's not valid. The problem is that it seems not possible to reference other sheets (in the same doc) in conditional formatting rules..
Any workaround?
I need to keep data in different sheets.
You can reference the sheet and cell indirectly.
For your formula it should be something like
=AND(MATCH(CONCATENATE($A2;" ";$B2);INDIRECT("Allievi!"&"$G$1:$G$1204";0); $L2="Facilitatore di classe")
