Any idea on how to navigate robot using ROS3Djs? - ros

I am using React App for the web GUI, ros noetic, and ros3djs I am trying to point to a certain location from the map and the robot will go to that location (like the NAV2D with ROS2d - Map display and navigation)
Will NAV2D will work with ROS3DJS?


How to launch apple maps with multiple stops in flutter

I was able to launch apple maps using url_launcher package with this url ",73.868315&daddr=18.518496,73.879259"
But I am unable to find any resource or a way to have stops in between the source and destination. Is it possible for apple maps to have multiple stops between source and destination? If yes, how?
By passing multiple daddr query string parameters you can setup a mutli stop trip, I couldn't find this documented anywhere however.

What is the advantage of using angular with electronJS

I want to create desktop application compatible with other OS.For that I'm using electron with angular.Because both are frame work whether it will effect performance or loading time, and also whether deploying easy,can we use all the features of angular when we use with electron like routing..?
Electron uses Chromium and NodeJS which is the reason why it is compatible with other OSs. You can talk with the NodeJS process from your angular-app which opens up some possibilities. For example opening native file-dialogs to let the user choose files. Electron also already abstracts some platform specific operations like getting the user home to save some configuration files for example.
You can use routing just like in any Angular app and I think you can use most features like you would normally but dont take me for granted on this one.
I would not say it affects your loading time to combine those too. During development you have to build your angular app before electron can start up and use those files but in production Angular is already ready to be loaded so they dont hinder each other.

Meteor deploy to a device: how to configure the starting url?

My app have two parts, 'localhost:8000/' is the default, i.e., web part.
Another part is 'localhost:8000/mobile', which is for the mobile use case.
Now I am ready to deploy the 'mobile' app to ios device, but I don't want the ios app starts with localhost:8000/. I want it start with localhost:8000/mobile
I have tried point to /mobile dynamically like this(in the starting code):
if Meteor.isCordova(){
This works logically. However, every time I open the app, it load the default page('/'), and then reload the page('/mobile').
Is it possible to accomplish this via some configuration?
i.e. is it possible to configure the "starting url" for deployed mobile app?
You are currently doing a conditional routing (via redirection).
You could try instead a conditional rendering: you would have a single starting page, and you would render a different layout depending on the result of Meteor.isCordova

How do I demo an electron app on the web

Is there a way to easily distribute an app as a static site?
I don't need all the functionality, I just want to allow the client to view the latest updates.
-- edit --
Perhaps a better way to ask the question is; "How do I build a web app that can be hosted online and run on electron with minimum rewriting" - similar to the Slack app that works the same way on web or electron app.
As long as your main use of Electron is to create a 'native browser wrapper' for a web-app this is entirely possible.
You will have to implement a check if your application is running inside a browser or inside Electron and wrap your electron specific code in it:
if (window && window.process && process.versions['electron']) {
const {BrowserWindow} = require('electron').remote
You'll probably have to step through your application and disable Electron specific functionality at multiple places.
You have other options to do a long distance demo of an Electron app
Electron is basically a shell to run node.js apps on the desktop. This means if you want to move it to the web, you have to give up all the Electron APIs that access the local system and you're left with a basic node.js app, which is most likely not desirable.
To demo your desktop app to an off-site client, you can either make a presentation with screenshots detailing the current user flow, or compile a sandboxed demo version of your app and send it over to them.
Screen presentation
This is your quickest and easiest solution if your client just wants to be kept in the loop and see some eye candy. You can just record how the app works with some example data, add some written or audio explanation to it, and let them enjoy the smooth ride.
Build a demo
If your client wants to actually have a hands-on demo with the app, you need to have some form of basic code distribution. The cleanest way to do this would be to tie up all loose ends in your current app flows, block all unfinished roads in it and compile it for whatever platform your client requested the demo for.
Take a look at the electron-packager and electron-builder docs to get an idea how to build an .exe, .dmg or whatever file from your Electron app, then send that file to them with some basic instructions.

Using CARMEN Robot Navigation Toolkit with Hoyuko Laser

I'm currently working with CARMEN (, and I'm trying to make a robot navigate using the CARMEN toolkit and a Hoyuko URG-04LX. Even though the laser does work, and CARMEN reads the data (I checked running the CARMEN laserview, and it shows the laser scans), the "robot" module doesn't receive any data from the laser.
Has anyone managed to make the Hokuyo URG laser work with CARMEN?
If the data is showing up in laserview, then there is nothing wrong with the laser. Is the robot program connected to the central IPC server program as the laser program? You can also try using the logger program to record the laser information to disk, this will allow you to check that they are actually flowing through the system.
Just had to remove the "HOKUYO IN SCIP 2.0 MODE" from the sourcecode before compiling, and then manually setting SCIP2.0 mode everytime the laser starts. :)
