I'm currently working with CARMEN (http://carmen.sourceforge.net/), and I'm trying to make a robot navigate using the CARMEN toolkit and a Hoyuko URG-04LX. Even though the laser does work, and CARMEN reads the data (I checked running the CARMEN laserview, and it shows the laser scans), the "robot" module doesn't receive any data from the laser.
Has anyone managed to make the Hokuyo URG laser work with CARMEN?
If the data is showing up in laserview, then there is nothing wrong with the laser. Is the robot program connected to the central IPC server program as the laser program? You can also try using the logger program to record the laser information to disk, this will allow you to check that they are actually flowing through the system.
Just had to remove the "HOKUYO IN SCIP 2.0 MODE" from the sourcecode before compiling, and then manually setting SCIP2.0 mode everytime the laser starts. :)
I'm working on automated test using Appium with Robot framework on Android device. I create schedule run on Jenkins. My test flow is entering some data in page A and submit, then switch to page B to check the result and switch to page A to enter a new data. I repeat this loop for around 10+ time. Everything works fine in around 4-5 rounds but after that there show up an error :
StaleElementReferenceException: Message: Cached element 'By.xpath:
//android.widget.TextView[#text='Limit']' do not exists in DOM anymore
The TextView is in the page A. I monitored the robot and saw that the TextView was shown up but the robot did not see it. I tried restart the device but the problem is not solved. I search through the internet and found some who facing the same issue but they use different programming language like Java or Python. I have no idea what I have to do next.
Development Tools :
Appium version: 1.21.0
Robot Framework version: 4.1.2 (Python 3.10.0 on win32)
First I do not use Robot Framework, but the code should be similar according to this https://robocorp.com/docs/languages-and-frameworks/robot-framework/try-except-finally-exception-catching-and-handling.
Second, I'm not sure if this is the best way to get around this. I think there is something you can do with the expected conditions class to get around this in a "cleaner way" but I'm not quite familiar with it enough to show/tell you. Instead what I've done is something like this...
from selenium.common.exceptions import StaleElementReferenceException
while some_limiting_factor:
# logic for submitting page A, assertions for page B
except StaleElementReferenceException:
element = driver.find_element('By.xpath: //android.widget.TextView[#text='Limit']' )
As much as I want to cache elements in appium, it seems that the service itself does NOT want you to, at least not in my experience. Getting a fresh element(s) every time seems to ensure a "slow but steady" test. Hopefully someone can show me the deep appium secrets one day.
I have any problem with cytoscape, actually cyBrowser. It doesn't work correct.
There are 3 different shapes:
I actually work at my windows 10 PC and cyBrowser during create any graph plots (specifically heat map) isn't loading (I can see 100% processing, but but nothing happens);
In addition I use MacOS PC on work and and everything is fine there;
Actually I use MacAir and I have problem with cytoscape work when I use cy browser - it's just crushing
If you can help me, I will be extremely grateful
OK, there are a couple of quick work-arounds. First, when you create your plots, you should see an html file in your home directory. This is created by cyPlot when you request the plot to be created as a debugging aid. You should just be able to open that in any browser and you'll have your plot. Second, you should be able to disable the use of cyBrowser and use a native browser instead, although certain things won't work (e.g. selection in the browser won't be reflected in Cytoscape). To do this, go to Edit->Preferences->Properties and look for "useCyBrowser" and set that to false.
-- scooter
I'm experiencing the combination of a locally installed Microsoft Edge Chromium Enterprise Edition and Microsoft App-V. I try to App-V a browser plugin for a locally installed Microsoft Edge Chrome Enterprise.
I have an App-V bubble and Internet Explorer is started with this bubble in the background using the /appvve command-line option.
My first suggestion was:
Replace the file path to iexplore.exe to the new file path of msedge.exe, eg.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --site-per-process -url https://www.website.com /appvve:[App-V PackageID]_[App-V PackageVersionID]
This works only when MS Edge has no running instances already.
The --site-per-process option should help isolate the process of Edge Chromium.
When Microsoft Edge is already opened, there is some magic: the bubble is active for some seconds and after that the App-V bubble is closed.
ProcessExplorer of SysInternals does a great work: it tells me a secondary process of Edge Chromium is started with the bubble on the background.
Then the subprocesses of the secundary started instance are brought to the primaraly started instance and when this all is done, the secondary started instance - including the App-V bubble - is closed.
The webpage is opened, but the connection to the App-V bubble is lost.
The same happens when MS Edge-with-app-v is running bubble-a and you want start a secondary instance with bubble-b.
Could anyone tell me how to tell MS Edge to really isolate its processes and how it could work with multiple loaded App-V bubbles?
The only way I have successfully got around this is with the --no-sandbox, --app, and --user-data-dir switches.
For example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --no-sandbox --user-data-dir"%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\AppV --app="https://www.website.com" /appvve:[App-V PackageID]_[App-V PackageVersionID]
This opens up the page in an App window and uses its own directory so the process isn't merged with existing or new instances of Edge that launch in the default directory.
I found this kept crashing until --no-sandbox was introduced. however, I'm a little on edge as the Sandbox helps keeps this secure. I'm also wondering how the Sandbox is interfering with App-V.
This is a workaround, but I do think MS will need to investigate this further as clearly the --site-per-process isn't separating each tab, at least not how we would expect.
While I have not tried to virtualize this under App-V, I am aware that others have done so, for example NickIT.
Off hand, I would guess that RunVirtual is what you are looking for.
Some time ago, I was using my Esp8266-12F module (concretely I was using a Wemos D1 mini). At that time, everything was running perfectly, but when I try it again, both of my modules were not working as expected.
Then, I remembered that I had similar trouble while I was working on it, so I just decided to do what worked the time before.
I restored the firmware as I did, but instead of working, it keeps doing the same thing. The modules (both) keep their LEDs blinking and sending some message. In this message, the modules send weird characters, but one part is readable, and it says something like "DISCONNECTED".
For restoring the firmware I'm using the Esptool with:
esptool.py write_flash --flash_size 2MB-c1 0x0 boot_v1.7.bin 0x01000 at/1024+1024/user1.2048.new.5.bin 0x1fb000 blank.bin 0x1fc000 esp_init_data_default_v08.bin 0xfe000 blank.bin 0x1fe000 blank.bin from the AT 1.7.4.
When I flash it using the Esptool, it returns:
After flashing it, I cannot interact with the module, the only thing is that the less starts blinking periodically.
Does someone know what can I do? I mean, I have tried exactly the same I did once ago, but now it's not working.
I host a server and I was wondering: is there any way to run chat commands through ComputerCraft? I want to be able to run /tps through the ComputerCraft terminal and then have it print out the TPS. Help would be greatly appreciated.
In the new Computercraft 1.7 there is a new type of computer, the Command Computer. It allows the user to run commands the same way as shell.run("mkdir", "foo"). It can only be obtained by ops, and can only directly be controlled (we are talking without using rednet and such) by ops
commands.exec(string command) -- Runs and outputs command output in chat.
commands.execAsync(string command) -- Quietly runs command without output.
Here is the wiki page:
Commands (API)
But if we are talking 1.6.4 (Which almost all modpacks use) there is no "stock" version of doing that.
Hope it helps /Tyrerexus
I believe that you can use this thing called the Chat Box.
It's not part of the default Computercraft, however. It is part of the Misc Peripherals mod I believe.