I’ve seen this problem in stack overflow before but no one seems to have answered it. I have a text_area field defined in a form and I validate against presence and minimum length. Validation sets the root but it never gets displayed. I am using simple-form with error_notification. I’m sorry I don’t have the code in front of me right now. Maybe this is enough of a description
Thank you
I’ve tried various things but nothing has worked. I’ve tried using a regular tails form instead of simple-form but that didn’t help
I need to obtain the following behavior using Kaminari.
If the page number is lower than 10 the standard behavior will be fine.
But when the page number grows, I need to reduce the number of clicks done by users using a bisection approach.
The following example explain the output.
I’ve already read the Kaminari documentation but the provided customizations doesn't seem to provide a way to do it.
Has somebody already faced this issue?
Hi I apologize if this seems like a stupid question or if I am in the wrong section, but I am working for a startup company as their main web designer, but I was tasked with adding a simple referral code to the bottom of the page where all that is needed is where the user put their number in and they get a standard non random code outputed to their phone and if possible their number is databased and I'm just not sure where to start on this, I have followed some of their tutorials, but nothing seems to be following close to this, I have most of my experience in Javascript, CSS, and HTML and this is starting to get into some uncharted territory and I was wondering if anyone could guide me in the right way? Thank you very much for any help!
I am new to the community and I am in no way an advanced programmer. I am a support in a company and would like to make our job easy in any way I can. In regards to this, could you please help me with my problem?
I have created a link wherein I want to automatically disable a program, but to do so, all values must be present. And in order to do that, I have to inspect the elements of the page and include each item in the link I am making. Here is an example below.
With the link provided above, the labor_console_mode part is what I want to retain. Each program_ident has a different value when it comes to the labor_console_mode part; sometimes it has A value, sometimes it has C value. My question is, how do I retain the value of the labor_console_mode part without changing its value in the link and being able to submit the whole URL.
Let us say:
Something like, labor_console_mode=selected is what I thought would work but it didn't. If I remove it from the equation, the page loads saying that the labor_console_mode is missing. It frustrates me as to why I cannot find any answers online or if I am wrongly searching for the phrase. Please help me. I would greatly appreciate any help I can get regarding this matter.
Thank you!
This is my first post here although I use this forum all the time and it usually provides me with a solution, however I've searched all over the web for an answer to this and I can't find anything.
I'm developing a website which provides software support. Users log on to it and add a "support call" which a member of a support team will answer.
The problem I am facing is that when users describe their problem (inside the TextBoxFor shown below), they can type out their problem, and format the text as they please, however when the call is submitted, sometimes (it appears randomly) the formatting just disappears, e.g. some spacing and paragraph use just disappears, here is an example:
Correct formatting:
Hi I'm having difficulty with x, and y and I need some assistance.
Could somebody help me out?
How it appears sometimes:
Hi I'm having difficulty with x,and y and I need some assistance.Could somebody help me out?"
This, of course is highly simplified, and some people have to write many paragraphs and text lines.
Here is the code for the textbox (in the view):
#Html.TextBoxFor(Function(model) model.SupportCall.Subject, New With {.maxLength = "254", .style = "width:500px;"})
It is worth mentioning that when a support call is submitted, it goes to a folder which is picked up by another internal piece of software, which then creates a database record for the call, meaning that an email notification can be sent to the support team, then the list of calls to be answered is updated from that database model, therefore I'm pretty sure it's possible that this process could be what is changing the text formatting.
A reason why this is happening is just as useful as a solution to me so any input is welcome.
prepend and append it.
I have a problem in a Ruby on Rails app that I am working on. I have been working on the app for months and I have never had this problem before and after a bit of Google searches I think that somehow someone is trying to steal cookies with javascript.
When I click on the link I get an alert box titled "the page at www.napkinboard.com says:" and contains the following message:
__utmz=217223433.1270652009.59.3.utmcsr=localhost:3000|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/; __utma=217223433.2133018314.1265749085.1271097412.1271125626.63; __utmc=217223433; __utmb=217223433.11.10.1271125626
I checked the database and all data associated with this 'food_item' looks completely normal and does not contain any javascript at all.
How did this suddenly happen and how can I stop it? I appreciate any help. Thanks.
EDIT: Can't believe I forgot the URL: http://www.napkinboard.com/food_items/413
It sounds like you've found a link that exploits an XSS vulnerability using the query string.
Make sure to properly escape all of your output.
load up firefox and firebug, and see what the javascript and network stack trace show. That should give you an idea of where it's coming from, etc.