How do I retain a fixed drop down value in creating a link for submit? - url

I am new to the community and I am in no way an advanced programmer. I am a support in a company and would like to make our job easy in any way I can. In regards to this, could you please help me with my problem?
I have created a link wherein I want to automatically disable a program, but to do so, all values must be present. And in order to do that, I have to inspect the elements of the page and include each item in the link I am making. Here is an example below.
With the link provided above, the labor_console_mode part is what I want to retain. Each program_ident has a different value when it comes to the labor_console_mode part; sometimes it has A value, sometimes it has C value. My question is, how do I retain the value of the labor_console_mode part without changing its value in the link and being able to submit the whole URL.
Let us say:
Something like, labor_console_mode=selected is what I thought would work but it didn't. If I remove it from the equation, the page loads saying that the labor_console_mode is missing. It frustrates me as to why I cannot find any answers online or if I am wrongly searching for the phrase. Please help me. I would greatly appreciate any help I can get regarding this matter.
Thank you!


How do you know what value to use for MKDirectionsApplicationSupportedModes

I didn't know you had to supply this value until I tried submitting to the app store and then I was made aware of it.
But I can't find much documentation about it. This appears to be the official documentation but it doesn't explain much.
How do I know if Trains, Planes, and Ferrys should be checked? My app just navigates them to an address. It's none of my business how they get there.

How do i use codeanywhere snippets

How do i use code anywhere snippets? I have entered a snippets but i am not sure how the "name" or tab "trigger" is used. I have entered "parseget" as name, 1 as tab trigger (because I was not sure how it was used).
I have searched the web and read the very short doc on codeanywhere. I have also have even put in a support ticket with no reply (maybe because I have a free account).
Is anyone familiar with using snippets on codeanywhere?
I also put in a support request (having had exactly the same issue!) and the docs on snippets have now been updated- see
updating link as the above is now 404.
doesnt really explain it though, the tabtrigger input box defines the snippet you want to use, for example if you enter newclass and then just type newclass in your file and press enter you will get your snippet.
does seem to support tabbing though variable names though unfortunately.
also doesnt matter if you have a free account or paid account, CA are the worst at replying to tickets or even acknowledging you exist. took me 2 months to get a reply to a ticket once and it wasnt even a solution.

Formatting of #HtmlTextBoxFor MVC Visual Basic Webpage

This is my first post here although I use this forum all the time and it usually provides me with a solution, however I've searched all over the web for an answer to this and I can't find anything.
I'm developing a website which provides software support. Users log on to it and add a "support call" which a member of a support team will answer.
The problem I am facing is that when users describe their problem (inside the TextBoxFor shown below), they can type out their problem, and format the text as they please, however when the call is submitted, sometimes (it appears randomly) the formatting just disappears, e.g. some spacing and paragraph use just disappears, here is an example:
Correct formatting:
Hi I'm having difficulty with x, and y and I need some assistance.
Could somebody help me out?
How it appears sometimes:
Hi I'm having difficulty with x,and y and I need some assistance.Could somebody help me out?"
This, of course is highly simplified, and some people have to write many paragraphs and text lines.
Here is the code for the textbox (in the view):
#Html.TextBoxFor(Function(model) model.SupportCall.Subject, New With {.maxLength = "254", .style = "width:500px;"})
It is worth mentioning that when a support call is submitted, it goes to a folder which is picked up by another internal piece of software, which then creates a database record for the call, meaning that an email notification can be sent to the support team, then the list of calls to be answered is updated from that database model, therefore I'm pretty sure it's possible that this process could be what is changing the text formatting.
A reason why this is happening is just as useful as a solution to me so any input is welcome.
prepend and append it.

creating facebook style timeline in ios sdk

I am trying to creating something similar to facebook timeline in facebook website. I tried searching for some examples I could not find any. Can anyone give me pointers on how to get started if I want to create one or an existing example would be great.
Not an answer, but a pointer, If you'd thinking to make something like here, then its kind of tough and really need presence of mind to make it. First of all, source code is only avail with Mark Zuckerburg so in case you can ask him for that. If he'll deny, you should go ahead and,
Think of it, design of it, and start making it.
You need to make mocktail of UITableView's, UIImageView's, extra UILabel's and UIButton's for garnishing and test, and a well looking design that says yes its timeline.
Once you done with above, you need some test data, with a date inside it, perform descending sort with NSSortDescriptor. Update your timeline with those data you've. You've to check for the kind of data you want, or you've included. Set the layout as per the data you want to show.
and you'll say, Whoa! I've own timeline.

How to get rid of stupid "pad" labels produced by RTML functions?

I am unlucky to be in charge of maintaining some old Yahoo! Store built using their RTML-based platform.
Recently I've noticed that HTML code generated by some RTML functions is sprinkled all over with "padding images" (or whatever is the conventional name for those 1x1 pixel images used to enforce layout). I have nothing against using such images, but... all those images are supplied with an ALT attribute like this:
<img href="http://.../image1x1.gif" alt="pad">
With all due respect to the original authors of RTML, but they must have been smoking something when they came up with this "accessibility enhancement"... :-(
Anyway, here are my questions:
Does anybody know a list of all RTML functions that generate HTML with all these "pad" images?
Is there any way to get rid of all those alt="pad" attributes without rewriting a lot of RTML code?
NB: This may sound a little cynical, but improved accessibility is not the main goal here. The main goal is to stop exposing those moronic alt="pad" attributes to Google and other smart search engines. So client-side scripting is not going to help, as far as I know.
Thank you!
P.S. Probably, most of you are really lucky and never heard of RTML. Because if somebody would establish a prize for software products based on
commercial success
ratio, this RTML-based "platform" would probably win the first place.
P.P.S. Apparently someone from Yahoo! finally listened, because I can no longer find those silly "pad" tags in the RTML generated for our store. Nevertheless, one of the ideas offered in response to my original question does provide a very practical solution - not just to the original problem but to any similar problem with RTML platform. See the winning answer - it's really good.
The only way I see is to have your own website front-end that will filter whatever you want from the RTML site....
for example, your rtml site is at , you could host a simple PHP front-end at http::// that would be acting like a "filtering" HTTP web proxy, so would be accessed by
It's not an ideal solution, but it should work, and you could do some more fancy stuff.
Nice try from the other posters, but there is a very simple RTML command that will do it. . .
TEXT #var-with-alt-tag-equals-pad-in-it
frompat "alt=\"pad\""
topat ""
The above RTML will find all instances of alt="pad" and replace it with nothing.
Well you're right on RTML being relatively untraveled :)
Do you have a way to add your own attributes to these images tags? If so, would it be possible to override the alt attribute? If you specify alt="", I would think that would override Yahoo's... Otherwise consider putting a useful alt tag in there for the blind and dialup types.
It's the first time I'm hearing about this platform, but here is an idea: if you can add javascript to the pages, you could write a function that will run after the page has loaded and remove all the alt="pad" attributes from the page.
Unfortunately this solutions works only with browsers that know about scripting, so lynx or some other text based browsers might not support it.
I have shared a link official RTML guide from yahoo. Hope it will help. Thanks!
List of available RTML books and resources
