How to run a zap every X minutes - zapier

Is there a way to add a timing trigger for zapier to run a flow every X minutes ?
I was using recurrence in power automate and it was pretty easy to configure it, in zapier i find only the Schedule trigger but i can configure it only for each hour

If you can fire off a webhook using a simple script & cron job, you could have Zapier catch the hook and use that as your trigger.


Best way to run bitbucket scheduled pipelines on weekdays

Bitbucket scheduled pipelines UI does not have an option for us to enter a cron expression and we can only run the pipeline hourly, daily or weekly. There is an option to create schedule via API call with cron expression in payload, however, unfortunately it does not accept a complex cron expression.
What could be the best way to achieve running the pipelines just on weekdays?
Looking for a better solution than these.
Have multiple daily pipelines mon-fri.
Have a daily pipeline and a check inside running logic for day.
Is there a better option?

Schedule job at specific dates

How to :
Schedule job at specific dates across several months ?
it will be ~10 dates.
Second is there a tool that simulate cron, such that u can pass date/time and the tool tell you did cron triggers or not
cron does not schedule events in that manner. Jenkins scheduler is cron-based.
This answer provides several options.
Apparently there is now a released plugin - Schedule Build which appears to support calling the scheduleBuild action referenced in my groovy based answer.
See constraint (you can only schedule one build at a time) unless parameterized.

Test EventBridge hourly schedule - Trigger immediatly

I've configured and AWS EventBridge schedule that triggers a lambda target every hour.
How can I best test this trigger without having to wait until the schedule is reaching 1 hour?
Sometime things are simple....
The Lambda interface actually provides a Test function with with you can generate events:
I guess I looked in the wrong place to generate events (in the eventbridge itself).

Calling dataflow job automatically on a finite interval

Is it possible to automatically call a dataflow job in the gap of every 10 minutes. Any insights how to achieve this?
Yes. This is explained in the blog post Scheduling Dataflow pipelines using App Engine Cron Service or Cloud Functions

Is it possible to write a daemon to do cleanup on Parse?

I am working on a snapchat clone to get familiar with parse. I was wondering if there was a way to write a script that runs at predefined intervals and deletes messages that are over 24hrs old.
You can write a background job (
Next you schedule the task every 24 hours.
