How should I use npm modules while developing Jenkins plugin UI? - jenkins

I am working on simple Jenkins plugin for pipilene vizualization. I would like to use d3.js library in my project, but I have no idea how I should integrate npm modules into Jenkins plugin development workflow. Is it even possible?
I have tried putting d3.js source code directly into folder with my js scripts, but it doesn't work and some files are missing for some magical reason.


Sonarscan using JPAC for angular project

I have to work on sonar scan for an angular project using JPAC (jenkins pipeline as code). I have searched on the internet but couldn't find any proper tutorial how to do it. Some says we need to have file in the root dir, but that doesn't work in Jenkinsfile. How to write properties in Jenkinsfile and what command needs to run to trigger sonar scan? Can someone please provide some resources or tell exactly how to do it?

Build Beam pipelines using Bazel (with DataflowRunner)

I use Bazel to build my Beam pipeline. The pipeline works well using the DirectRunner, however, I have some trouble managing dependencies when I use DataflowRunner, Python can not find local dependencies (e.g. generated by py_library) in DataflowRunner. Is there any way to hint Dataflow to use the python binary (py_binray zip file) in the worker container to resolve the issue?
Please see here for more details on setting up dependencies for Python SDK on Dataflow. If you are using a local dependency, you should probably look into developing a Python package and using the extra_package option or developing a custom container.

How to generate zip file for a grails plugin

I wrote a Grails plugin, lets say PluginA which has dependency on another plugin, lets say PluginB, which I wrote myself too, these both plugins are being used by a main project. I am trying to build a continious integration system for this project using jenkins, so far I managed to setup everything in Jenkins. But while building the project, I get this error
Zip C:\Users\me\project\PluginA\ is not a valid plugin
So, how do I generate that zip file, I noticed that all my other plugins have that zip file but I don't remember building them. I also tried to do a grails compile-plugin but I got an error saying that few classes were not found as they were in PluginB. So, how can I specify that PluginA has dependency on PluginB while running a grails command?
It's not entirely clear, but I believe the problem you are having occurs when trying to build the main project and not the plugins, so I will address that situation.
Since the error message mentions a zip file, I will also assume you are using Grails 2.x. If you are using Grails 3.x, then stop reading now and add info on how you are specifying your dependencies.
Key info: In my experience plugins don't come with their dependencies; I've had to re-declare them in my top-level projects. I have no idea if that is the intent of the grails plugin design, but I have found it works to do so.
Step 1: Build PluginB and install it to your local maven repo using
grails maven-install
Step 2: Specify PluginB as a dependency for PluginA in its app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy
Step 3: Build PluginA and install it to your local maven repo using the same command as for PluginB.
Step 4: In your main project, specify dependencies on BOTH PluginA and PluginB in app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy
Step 4 is the key.
If I've misinterpreted your problem, sorry about that! Please provide some more detail on exactly which part is failing and I'll let you know if I have any info on it.

How do I create a Grails skeleton project for plugin development?

I am working with a (sort of) framework built on top of Grails. This framework is a set of Grails plugins that add functionality to the Grails app (e.g. user authentication). This framework is a bit of a pain to setup, as it requires around 64 lines of site specific configuration in the apps's Config.groovy file.
I want to develop my addons to this app as plugins. That is, the Grails app would really just be a set of installed plugins and some configuration files.
I have created a local Maven style repository to hold all of my plugins. Thus, I can add plugin dependencies to the BuildConfig.groovy file and they will be installed automatically (side question: is it possible to specify the install order?).
So my question is, how do I create skeleton project for developing my plugins that would:
Include the base configuration for my application (the aforementioned 64 lines)
Allow me to do a grails package-plugin to package only the plugin's code
You can use the post-installation hooks mechanism:
Not really an ideal setup for me, but the following works:
Create the "base" application: cd ~/GrailsDev/ && grails create-app my-app
Configure my-app as desired/required
Create your dependent plugin: cd ~/GrailsDev/ && grails create-plugin my-app-plugin
Add the new plugin to the app by editing "~/GrailsDev/my-app/grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy" and appending the line: grails.plugin.location.'my-app-plugin' = "../my-app-plugin"
You can now run the my-app Grails application and the plugin will be included. When your plugin is fully developed, you can do grails package-plugin from within the "~/GrailsDev/my-app-plugin" directory to package your plugin.
use gradle. you can specify the order and package your plugin alone.
e.g. include the required plugins as git modules (for easy versioning) and gradle modules (for building your plugin) in your plugin project.
this setup will serve your requirements well I suppose.
IntelliJ does have a template for gradle-backed grails applications and plugins.

What is the .link_to_grails_plugins folder used for?

Background: I'm just learning Groovy and Grails. I inherited a project from someone who has disavowed themselves of it completely, so I'm basically just thumbing around blindly. I am using the Springsource IDE.
My source had a number of plugin dependencies. I attempted to install these via the plugin manager but one plugin (image-tools) was not available through that medium and needed to be installed separately. I've been unable to install it or the others, as I always end up with build errors which apparently reverts the partial plugin install. While search for references to the image-tools plugin which I could comment out in an attempt to get SOMETHING compiling correctly, I found the .link_to_grails_plugins directory, which seemed to contain the source of all the necessary grails plugins.
Adding this to my classpath and rebuilding seemed to let me make some progress, but I'm not sure if that's what I should actually be doing. Can someone explain to me what this folder is used for? Google hasn't been particularly helpful.
.link_to_grails_plugins is not a standard Grails directory - it has been created by the STS IDE.
The Grails plugins are cached in the grails.project.plugins.dir and as described in the documentation for Customizing the Build:
The image-tools plugin documentation indicates that it must be built from the source and provides the instructions for doing so.
