How to call external groovy script from jenkins pipeline - jenkins

I am going through a jenkins pipeline someone else did for my organization. I saw inside that jenkins pipeline it has called to a external groovy script but I have no idea about that process.
This is how it has been called.
sh "groovy -cp /apps/scripts /apps/scripts/BuildReport.groovy ${env.BUILD_URL} ${env.BUILD_ID}"
I know ${env.BUILD_URL} ${env.BUILD_ID} are the arguments that has been passed to the groovy script. But what is the meaning of groovy -cp ?
and why /apps/scripts has mentioned two times?
can someone clear please..? Thanks in advance..!

The sh command is using the Groovy installation of your Jenkins Agent. -cp argument specifies the classpath, this is where your additional dependencies will reside. For example, if BuildReport.groovy requires additional dependencies you can point to a directory where the additional dependencies are located. The following is from the groovy man pages.
-cp, -classpath, --classpath=<path>
Specify where to find the class files - must be
first argument
Having said that, in your case, if you don't have any dependent Classes, specifying the classpath would be redundant.


Unable to determine what the withEnv is doing in Jenkinsfile

I have just started writing Jenkinsfile. I was viewing the following two URLs to learn how to build a Java application, push it to Nexus and then invoke Ansible to deploy.
Redhat Jenkinsfile description
Actual Jenkinsfile
In the second link the following is mentioned several times whose function I am unable to understand:
withEnv(["PATH+MAVEN=${tool 'm3'}/bin"])
What I can find from net is that withEnv is used to create/override a environment variables. But what is ${tool 'm3'}/bin doing? Normally the syntax of withEnv is VARIABLE_NAME=value/expression.
The ${} is substituting a command/variable into the GString. See groovy docs on string Interpolation
From the looks of it, it would be safe to assume tool 'm3' is returning the install path which then gets /bin appended.
So the end result would be
Additionally to #metalisticpain's answer, there's some background configuration to the tools directive on the Jenkins server itself that configures the installation paths to be used.
Let's say you have jdk-1.8.0 installed as a tool name on the Jenkins server, then it can be used in the Jenkinsfile as such in your example:
withEnv(["PATH+JDK=${tool 'jdk-1.8.0'}/bin"])
Taken from the documentation linked above:
The tool name must be pre-configured in Jenkins under Manage Jenkins → Global Tool → Configuration.

How to compile Jenkins Pipeline Groovy locally?

Does anyone have the magic maven/gradle invocation to compile a set of jenkins pipeline DSL groovy files?
Groovy is not compiled (like C#), it is interpreted.
Depending on exactly what you are trying to test potential options are:
Jenkins Groovy Script Console under Manage Jenkins. Note: You will need to be an Admin to be able to access this.
Pipeline Syntax Generator. It is improving. Go to a build of Pipeline job and in the LHS menu you will see a 'Pipeline Syntax' link. Some items require you to first select Pipeline: Steps from the first dropdown.

Jenkinsfile Pipeline dynamic environment modification at runtime

I need to get GitVersion.exe variables in my Jenkins pipeline.
The GitVersion documentation gives a hint on how to do that. Essentially call gitversion /output buildserver.
This call does add the variables to the current step and they are lost once the step completes. I can show this call executes when combining a set command in the same bat execution. The second set shows the variables are gone from the environment.
bat 'nuget install GitVersion.CommandLine -OutputDirectory c:/packages -Version 3.6.5'
bat 'c:/packages/GitVersion.CommandLine.3.6.5/tools/GitVersion.exe /output buildserver && set'
bat 'set'
The documentation of GitVersion is aware of that and suggests to use EnvInject.
Installing the plugin and executing the same pipeline did not change the result. I read that the Plugin is not made for pipelines so that may have something to do with it.
Pipelines support a syntax for environment.
Following that syntax I can set static variables at the top of my pipeline like this:
environment {
ASuperVariable = 'MySuperVariable'
What I need is combining those calls so that I can add run time variables to the Jenkinsfile pupeline.
environment {
bat 'gitversion /output buildserver'
Now obviously the above call is not even syntax correct. Is there a way to mark a section so that the contained environment changes are available for other steps?
This is still unsolved. At the moment I need to create a batch script and pass the tool into it as an argument. Inside the batch I can call the tool to add to the environment of the batch script and use that wile the batch is running. A Multi line batch in the Jenkins file could be a solution if the process remains the same over all the multiple lines.
Not sure whether you would be able to use scripted pipeline or at least a script block inside declarative. It'd be quite easy doing so:
withEnv(['ASuperVariable=MySuperVariable']) {
echo env.ASuperVariable
Or when calling a windows cmd script:
node('win') {
withEnv(['ASuperVariable=MySuperVariable']) {
bat 'echo %ASuperVariable%'

Why won't groovy run in Jenkins pipeline?

I am currently trying to run a groovy script from my pipeline as one of my nodes, but I ran into this error:
[CompanyName] Running shell script
+ ./ideainspect.groovy
env: groovy: No such file or directory
Also, I tried installing the plugin for groovy, but for some reason, it won't install. Whenever I refresh the page for tools, the installer goes away. Am I installing groovy wrong? Please help!
Edit: Relevant Data
stage 'Static Analysis'
node {
dir("Android/btMobileApp") {
sh "./ideainspect.groovy"
sh "./gradlew checkstyle lintDebug"
And the ideainspect.groovy file is an executable with the shebang #!/usr/bin/env groovy, which could be the problem.
Does your jenkins user have groovy on its path? If so ditch the shebang and try
sh 'groovy ideainspect.groovy'
If it's not on the path, you can try
sh '/usr/bin/groovy ideainspect.groovy'
(or wherever groovy is installed)
Or alternatively add it to the path environment variable using Manage Jenkins -> Configure Systems. This may not be appropriate if you have lots of projects using different versions of groovy

Running groovy script on slave nodes

How do we configure running groovy scripts on slave nodes? am able to get groovy installation from manage jenkins section, but the scripts fail to run.
I am having a job with execute groovy steps and this job is supposed to run on "slave" nodes.
The System groovy option wont fit since it runs on master and the execute groovy on job configured to run on slave fails with error
/workspace/hudson5188055044238549912.groovy: 2: unable to resolve class jenkins.model.Jenkins
# line 2, column 1.
import jenkins.model.Jenkins
Seems the jars are not picked during run. Is there easy way to setup or which jenkins and groovy jars are required??
On the job configuration page there should be a drop down beside "Groovy Version" under the "Execute Groovy Script" block. You need to select the name of the groovy install that is on master. Jenkins will grab the necessary files from master.
