I'm on mac (Apple chip), and I'm trying to create a Symfony project using Symfony CLI & Docker.
$ symfony create new_project
$ cd new_project
$ symfony composer require orm
It install Symfony, Doctrine, and ask me to create docker-compose.yml.
I can even launch docker-compose up --build and I can see the container being build & launched on my Docker Desktop application.
But when I launch my symfony server, I'm unable to connect to the database.
As I read, I try the command symfony var:export -vv and then, I can see than none of the docker variables are automatically exported. And I can see, thanks to the -vv option, this silent error :
WARNING symfony Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
I looked at this error and I try docker-machine ls. I can see that there is no docker-machine working on my computer, even if my Docker Desktop says otherwhise.
How can I make Docker Desktop & Symfony CLI works together ? Why docker-image and Docker Desktop doesn't communicate ?
When I look to the Docker Desktop documentation, they mention that the Docker Desktop provide the docker API through unix:///var/run/docker.sock but mine seams not working.
Thank you for your help :)
docker-machine is a legacy software for OSX. Uninstall it and install the latest version of docker using the command brew install --cask docker and then try the same steps as before.
Windows version and build Version 2004 (OS Build 19037.1)
Docker Edge version
Ubuntu 18.04 on WSL 2
Current setup and status:
docker installed on windows
created aliases for docker, docker-compose, docker-credential-desktop, etc ...
Running commands such as docker build, docker ps, docker pull, docker images all work fine. Now I would like push an image and so of course I have to login first.
Problem: logging into docker hub.
I run docker login in the WSL terminal
I put in my username and password
I get the following error
Error saving credentials: error storing credentials - err: exec: "docker-credential-desktop": executable file not found in %PATH
%, out: ``
What I've tried so far
docker login from powershell works fine. So I created a symbolic link between /mnt/c/Users/<winusername>/.docker and /home/<wslusername>/.docker. The equivalent works fine for .aws, but for .docker it was not able to share or even acknowledge the credentials, so it asked again for the user and password and threw the same error as above.
This worked for me,
sudo ln -s /mnt/c/Program\ Files/Docker/Docker/resources/bin/docker-credential-desktop.exe /usr/bin/docker-credential-desktop.exe
Linking the executable from windows path to linux path or you can add the windows PATH on you linux PATH.
Refer: https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/6652
Update Feb 2021
This is all much simpler now. If you are using WSL2 on a recent release of Windows, just install docker on the Windows side and ensure to configurations:
In General: us the WSL 2 based engine
In Resource/WSL Integration: enable integration with your default WSL distro
You will have to restart docker. Once it is done, everything works transparently.
Below here can be ignored
It turns out that the integration between Docker and WSL is better than I thought. Though it could have been better documented. I was going to change tack and try to install docker in the WSL. So I got rid of all the aliases and restarted my session. Lo and behold, when I ran docker there was still something running.
This is because the edge version of docker create the appropriate symbolic links and now I login into docker hub without any problem.
I created a sample microservice application with war file. After that I installed Docker tool box. Then I created sample Dockerfile and trying to build image using Docker toolbox quick start terminal.
I changed directory to project root directory, and ran the following command:
docker build -t "dockerDemo" .
And getting error like Docker daemon is not running.
And also I run the following commands:
docker run hello-world
docker-machine ls
I am getting following results screens.
I am now just started with containers and Docker concept. How can I solve this?
According to your screenshots, it's a pretty common issue. Unfortunately the only solution is to remove the vm and recreate it. You can find more details in this issue.
$ docker-machine rm default
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
Delete de Docker toolbox virtualbox vm. It is usually named "default". Close and open again the docker console, it will create again the vm automatically. Then try again.
Not 100% sure this is the right place but let's try.
I'm using on my Windows laptop the Docker Quickstart Terminal (docker toolbox) to get access to a Linux env with Google AppEngine, python, mysql...
Well, that seems to work and when I type docker run -i -t appengine /bin/bash I get access to this env.
Now I'd like to have access to some of my local (host) files so I can edit them with my Windows editors but run them into the docker instance.
I've seen a -v option but cannot make it work.
What I do
docker run -v /d/workspace:/home/root/workspace:rw -i -t appengine /bin/bash
But workspace stays empty in the Docker instance...
Any help appreciated
(I've read this before to post: https://github.com/rocker-org/rocker/wiki/Sharing-files-with-host-machine#windows)
You have to enable Shared Drives , you can follow this Blog
Using the newest version of Docker as of August 25, 2017, I know that Docker no longer requires a VirtualBox setup along with boot2docker to work. However, in trying to connect to it and use docker-compose, I am unable to connect to docker. My compose file works as when I install all necessary prerequisites using homebrew (and therefore use docker-machine), everything is fine. The error message is as follows:
Couldn't connect to Docker daemon. You might need to start Docker for Mac.
I have since done the following to no avail:
remove ~/.docker folder
restart docker through the app
restart the docker app itself
open a new terminal session
It turns out I had some old docker environment variables in my ~/.bash_profile that docker-compose was reading and trying to connect to docker-machine, as a result. After commenting out the following from my ~/.bash_profile:
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/Users/williamrwatson/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
I was good to go:
Creating network "docker_default" with the default driver
Creating docker_redis_1 ...
Creating docker_redis_1 ... done
I'm trying to something with Docker.
Steps I'm doing:
- Launch Docker Quickstart Terminal
- run docker run hello-world
Then I get error like:
bash: /c/Program Files/Docker Toolbox/docker: Bad address
I have to say that I was able to run hello-world image, but now I'm not. I don't know what happend.
I don't know if it matters however I had some problems at instalation step.
Since I have git installed in non standard location. However it seems git bash.exe working correctly for Docker.
My environment:
Windows 10
Git 2.5.0 (installed before Docker)
Docker Toolbox 1.9.1a
I have the same issue with bash: /c/Program Files/Docker Toolbox/docker: Bad address
I thought the problems is "bash doesn't support docker.exe".
SO I fix this problem by use powershell ,not the bash.
and if you use powershell maybe face this
An error occurred trying to connect: Get http://localhost:2375/v1.21/containers/json: dial tcp ConnectExenter code here
tcp: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
You can export variable from bash use export and import to powershell by this below
$env:DOCKER_TOOLBOX_INSTALL_PATH="C:\\Program Files\\Docker Toolbox"
that's all
ps:I found this problem fixed by update git from 2.5.0 to 2.6.3.
Not entirely sure what the issue is, report it to the project on github. I find the docker mac and windows tools a bit flakey from time to time as they are still maturing. If you don't mind seeing what's underneath, you can try running docker-machine directly or set up your own host pretty quickly with Vagrant.
Docker Machine
Run a command or bash prompt to see what machines you have.
docker-machine ls
Create a machine if you don't have one listed
docker-machine create -d "virtualbox" default-docker
Then connect to the listed machine (or default-docker)
docker-machine ssh default-docker
If that doesn't work you can always use vagrant to manage VM's
Install VirtualBox (Which you probably have already if you installed the toolbox)
Reinstall Git, make sure you select the option for adding ALL the tools to your system PATH (for vagrant ssh)
Install Vagrant
Run a command or bash prompt
mkdir docker
cd docker
vagrant init debian/jessie64
vagrant up --provider virtualbox
Then to connect to your docker host you can run (from the same docker directory you created above)
vagrant ssh
Now your on the docker host, Install the latest docker the first time
curl https://get.docker.com/ | sudo sh
Now you have either a vagrant or docker-machine host up, you can docker away after that.
sudo docker run -ti busybox bash
You could also use PuTTY to connect to vagrant machines instead of installing git/ssh and running vagrant ssh. It provides a nicer shell experience but it requires some manual setup of the ssh connections.