C/C++/Python program that allows to construct payloads that allow stack smashing to obtain Remote Code Execution - stack

I want code it is for my assignment I need help
I tired to code but I am confused.


FreeRtos how to store function address while context switching

I using freertos on my project. My code is stuck in hardfault handler, I want know last executed function address or last executed line address for debugging.How to debug code when PC is pointing Hardfault handler.
That information is 100% dependent on which microcontroller you are using, and also which tool chain you are using as some IDEs will do this for you. You failed to provide either piece of information, so are asking people to guess on your behalf. A good question is one that cannot only possibly be answered by another question.
I am going to guess you are using a Cortex-M microcontroller, in which case information on debugging a hard fault can be found on lots of links found by Google, including the following: http://www.freertos.org/Debugging-Hard-Faults-On-Cortex-M-Microcontrollers.html

Erlang tracer source code

Does anybody know which Erlang source files are responsible for its tracer (the trace BIF).
I am looking into the possibility of synchronous tracing in Erlang (where the monitored process waits for go-ahead from the monitoring process receiving the trace messages). For now I'm trying to decide whether to try modifying Erlang's source code or generate a parser for this sort of thing. Any feedback would be appreciated.
I believe you want to look at erts/emulator/beam/erl_bif_trace.c first, as that implements trace/3 and friends. (trace/3 is implemented by the C function trace_3(), for example.)
You may also be interested in erl_trace.c, which looks to be the functions that do a lot of the tracing work for the emulator.

How to implement/set a data breakpoint? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How are data breakpoints created?
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I need to generate an interrupt, when a memory location changes or is written to. From an ISR, I can trigger a blue screen which gives me a nice stack trace with method names.
Testing the value in the timer ISR. Obviously this doesn't give satisfying results.
I discovered the bochs virtual machine. It has a basic builtin debugger that can set data breakpoints and stop the program. But I can't seem to generate an interrupt at that point.
bochs allows one to connect a gdb to it. I haven't been able to build it with gdb support though.
Other thoughts:
A kind of "preview instruction" interrupt that triggers for every instruction before executing it. The set of used memory-writing instructions should be pretty manageable, but it would still be a PITA to extract the adress I think. And I think there is no such interrupt.
A kind of "preview memory access" interrupt. Again, I don't think its there.
Abuse paging. Mark the page of interest as not present and test the address in the page fault handler. One would still have to distinguish read and write operations and I think, the page fault handler doesn't get to know the exact address, just the page number.
See chapter 16 in Intel's Software Developer's Manual Volume 3A. It gives information about using the debug registers, which provide support for causing the debugger exception when accessing a certain address, among other things. The interrupt will be triggered after the instruction which caused it. Specifically, you will have to set one of dr0-dr3 to the address you want to watch, and dr7 with the proper values to tell the processor what types of accesses should cause the interrupt.

Abnormal Program Termination In A Turbo C++ Web Browser

I've been trying to make a workable web browser in Turbo C++ (I can't help it; I am supposed to work within the confines of my educational system). Essentially, what I have created is a simple parser that takes in a HTML file scans the text for tag delimiters, then identifies the tag, processes it using Turbo C++ default graphics library and then perform the required operation before outputting through an interface I created.
Essentially, I've been matching the cases in a long list of nested conditions. The problem is that execution has been falling through and for some reason I've been continuously getting the error of Abnormal Program Termination.
What I wanted to understand is why execution is falling through. Moreover, what does that error truly mean?
Here's the entire source code.
P.S. - This is my first time on Stack Overflow so if anything is undefined, hazy or plain ridiculous then please tell me.
My friend figured out what went wrong in the code. It turns out that pointer wasn't initialized to null and that caused a sort of cascading failure leading to the abnormal program termination error. Lesson learned.

How to implement a code coverage tool using Win32 Debugging API

I am trying to understand how to implement a Code Coverage tool using the Win32 Debugging API.
My thinking has been to utilize the Win32 Debugging API to launch a process in debug mode - and track what CPU instructions has been executed. After having tracked all CPU instructions I would then use the map file to map it to what source code lines were executed.
As far as I understand, there would be two ways of knowing what CPU instructions have been executing.
Would be to launch the process in debug mode - set all threads in single step mode and let the debugging app note all instructions that has been executed
Would be make a more intelligent approach where you would know a lot more about x86 instructions and basically replace the next branch instruction with a breakpoint. Then keeping track of the delta instructions between the two breakpoints.
Update - new suggested approaches inspired by Michael's response:
Start with the map file and insert breakpoints for the beginning of each line and let the debug framework be notified every time a breakpoint hits.
Start with the map file - binary instrumentation to insert a "hook" that get called at entry of each source line - avoiding the callback through the debugger framework.
Using a VM Technology - such as VMware to find out what instructions in a particular process was executed - I don't fully understand this approach...
Could someone validate one of the approaches above or maybe suggest an alternative - please note that the use case is line-by-line code coverage and not performance profiling - thus we need to know if each single source line is visited.
My primary goal (although no particular plan is in place...) would be to create a simple code coverage tool for Delphi primarily.
One approach is hooking all api calls and function calls to compare with table made from the source. Thus you discovers what is covered.
There is many api for hooking, one is Trappola API hooking
This could work - each single step event will create an exception and you could record the hit IP address in your map of executed code lines.
Unfortunately, I imagine this would be glacially slow. It'd be incredibly inefficient, as each single line of code results in 1000's of times more work, as an exception is generated, trapped, a message sent to your debugger, and then a round trip back after you record the hit. It might be better to try to set breakpoints instead for each covered line and clear them after they are hit. That'd be faster, but most likely still very slow.
The core problem is you're trying to use the debugger as a code coverage tool which it is not intended for. A quick search shows several code coverage tools for Delphi on the Internet.
I would suggest, in stead of hooking for each line of code, you can go for the each block. What I mean to say hook for block of codes. It will be faster and you can get the count of lines as well from the blocks count.
