Luau Error "Recursive type being used with different parameters" when there is no recursion - lua

With Luau 0.550, getting this error: TypeError: Recursive type being used with different parameters on the code below. There's no recursion, and somehow removing setmetatable() fixes the problem (but I need to do it in my integration example).
local __: Observable<any> -- recursive type error on this line, but there's no type recursion!
-- false positive happens on any function call, is resolved if I delete the setmetatable function call
local _ = setmetatable({}, {})
export type Observable<K> = any

This is a bug in (at least) 0.550 and prior where any function call between the use of the generic type and the declaration of the generic type triggers this false positive warning. The workaround, for now, is to re-order the type declaration and the use.
export type Observable<K> = any -- manually hoisting this line fixes the issue
local __: Observable<any>
local _ = setmetatable({}, {})
If you needed to order these things differently -- for instance, if your generic type declaration used a typeof() on its assignment and therefore needs to be declared post-use -- you are simply out of luck right now. Your best bet is to hoist the declaration and use a less specific type shape (but still avoiding any if possible):
type Object = { [string]: unknown }
export type Observable<K> = Object -- loses most safety, workaround for Luau bug
local __: Observable<any>
local _ = someFunctionCall()


`Error: request to generate code for .compileTime proc`

I have a small helper proc that is supposed to tell me at compile-time whether a type is an object-type or not.
func isObject*[T](val: typedesc[T]): bool {.compileTime.} = T is (object or ref object)
However, when I call this proc with a simple echo to see whether it works, I receive an error:
type A = object
echo isObject(A)
Error: request to generate code for .compileTime proc: isObject
Why is that? It should be perfectly valid to just call this, isObject should just compile to true and in the end what's written there is echo true, why does this cause this cryptic error?
The problem here is that runtime code (The echo call) is trying to work with a compiletime proc.
That is not valid, as the compiler would not replace the function-call with its result, but try to actually call the function at runtime instead. The compiler knows this is invalid behaviour and thus prohibits it by throwing an error, albeit one that isn't that useful.
The only way this can be allowed is if you store the result of the compile-time proc in a compile-time variable, aka a const. These are allowed to be used at runtime.
So the calling code would look more like this instead:
type A = object
const x = isObject(A)
echo x
As Elegantbeef pointed out on nim's discord:
Another alternative is to just do what I thought would happen initially and have that isObject(A) call evaluate fully at compile-time, so that at runtime it goes away and all that's left is it's result, true.
To do so, just use static:
type A = object
echo static(isObject(A))

Type conflicts with Event Listeners

I am trying to attach an event handler to a DOM node using Fable:
let handleIntroSubmit (event: Event) = ()
.addEventListener("click", handleIntroSubmit)
However this fails with following error:
This error is baffling for me because:
Looking at the source of Fable.Import.Browser I find EventListenerOrEventListenerObject defined as such:
EventListenerOrEventListenerObject =
U2<EventListener, EventListenerObject>
And EventListener defined as such:
EventListener = (Event -> unit)
Looking at this definition I would have assumed that handleIntroSubmit would be compatible with EventListener and therefore with the union type EventListenerOrEventListenerObject ?
However, to my surprise I discovered that it isn't actually compatible with EventListener, even though their signatures would seem identical to me. When I try the following:
let listener: EventListener = handleIntroSubmit
I get following error:
This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
''a -> unit'
This error makes no sense to me, in particular I have no idea where does the 'a generic type comes from despite the fact that I have provided an explict type annotation for function handleIntroSubmit argument.
I would ideally like to know why the above does not work, what the error means here and what is the best/typesafe (without unbox) way to add event listener using Fable.
You have two separate issues here.
Firstly, the definition of EventListener that you linked only appeared in master two days ago. Before that, the definition was Func<Event, unit>, which is a .NET delegate, and not at all the same as F# function Event -> unit. From the error message, it is apparent that you're using an earlier version of the library.
To fix this, redefine your function like this:
let handleIntroSubmit = Func<Event, unit>( fun e -> () )
This will give it the type of Func<Event, unit>, which is what EventListener is (currently).
Secondly, even if handleIntroSubmit is compatible with EventListener, it does not mean that it will also be compatible with U2<EventListener, _>. That's a whole different type, why would it be compatible?
To produce a value of U2<EventListener, _> from a value of EventListener, use the first constructor of the U2 union - Case1:
let listener: U2<EventListener, EventListenerObject> = Case1 handleIntroSubmit
Of course, writing Case1 every time is a bit tedious. Thankfully, for dealing with such cases, Fable's core library provides a handy operator !^:
let listener: U2<EventListener, EventListenerObject> = !^handleIntroSubmit
Relevant discussion on Fable's gitter.
It was resolved in the solution provided by Maxime Mangel - relevant fiddle.
btn.addEventListener("click", !^(Func<_,_>(fun _ -> console.log "clicked2")))

HackLang by Facebook is not strict

Good day,
I have problem. I want to simulate some errors in hacklang.
namespace Exsys\HHVM;
class HHVMFacade{
private $vector = Vector {1,2,3};
public function echoProduct() : Vector<string>{
return $this->vector;
public function test(Vector<string> $vector) : void{
Function echoProduct() returns Vector of strings. But private property $vector is Vector of integers. When I call echoFunction and returning value use as argument for function test(). I get
object(HH\Vector)#35357 (3) { [0]=> int(1) [1]=> int(2) [2]=> int(3) }
Why? I am expecting some error because types mismatch.
There's two things at play here:
Generics aren't reified, so the runtime has no information about them. This means the runtime is only checking that you're returning a Vector.
$this->vector itself isn't typed. This means the type checker (hh_client) treats it as a unknown type. Unknown types match against everything, so there's no problem returning an unknown type where a Vector<string> is expected.
This is to allow you to gradually type your code. Whenever a type isn't known, the type checker just assumes that the developer knows what's happening.
The first thing I'd do is change the file from partial mode to strict mode, which simply involves changing from <?hh to <?hh // strict. This causes the type checker to complain about any missing type information (as well as a couple of other things, like no superglobals and you can't call non-Hack code).
This produces the error:
test.hh:6:13,19: Please add a type hint (Naming[2001])
If you then type $vector as Vector<int> (private Vector<int> $vector), hh_client then produces:
test.hh:9:16,28: Invalid return type (Typing[4110])
test.hh:8:44,49: This is a string
test.hh:6:20,22: It is incompatible with an int
test.hh:8:44,49: Considering that this type argument is invariant with respect to Vector
Which is the error you expected. You can also get this error simply by adding the type to $vector, without switching to strict mode, though I prefer to write my Hack in the strongest mode that the code supports.
With more recent versions of HHVM, the type checker is called whenever Hack code is run (there's an INI flag to turn this off), so causing the type mismatch will also cause execution of the code to fail.

Lua: How to call a function prior to it being defined?

What is the syntax to create the function, but then add it's implementation further down in code?
So roughly like this:
Define function doX
Call doX (further down in the code)
doX implemention (i.e. all functions down at the bottom of the file)
You only need to have a variable to reference. local funcName is sufficient for your purposes with one caveat. This will work:
local funcName
function callIt()
function defineIt()
funcName = function() return "My Function" end
As long as you define it (defineIt) before you call it (callIt), it should work as expected. You can't do something like this though (and this is the caveat):
local funcName
funcName = function() return "My Function" end
You will get an error: attempt to call local 'funcName' (a nil value). there's really no way to call funcName prior to having actually defined the function then? i.e. you still need to make sure defineIt is called before your first call to funcName itself?
I wanted to clarify this point, and I felt that an answer would be the better way than a comment.
Lua is a much simpler language than C or C++. It is built on some simple foundations, with some syntactic sugar to make parts of it easier to swallow.
There is no such thing as a "function definition" in Lua. Functions are first-class objects. They are values in Lua, just like the number 28 or the string literal "foo" are values. A "function definition" simply sets a value (namely, the function) into a variable. Variables can contain any kind of value, including a function value.
All a "function call" is is taking the value from a variable and attempting to call it. If that value is a function, then the function gets called with the given parameters. If that value is not a function (or a table/userdata with a __call metamethod), then you get a runtime error.
You can no more call a function that hasn't been set in a variable yet than you can do this:
local number = nil
local addition = number + 5
number = 20
And expect addition to have 25 in it. That's not going to happen. And thus, for the same reason, you can't do this:
local func = nil
func = function() ... end
As Paul pointed out, you can call a function from within another function you define. But you cannot execute the function that calls it until you've filled in that variable with what it needs to contain.
As others have written, you cannot call a function at runtime that has not been assigned prior to the call. You have to understand that:
function myFunc() print('Something') end
Is just a syntax sugar for this:
myFunc = function() print('Something') end
Now, it makes sense that this kind of code would not work the way you want it to:
print(greeter( -- attempt to call global 'greeter' (a nil value)
function greeter(name) return 'Hello ' end
When you use the greeter variable, its value is nil, because its value is set only on the next line.
But if you want to have your "main" program on the top and the functions at the bottom, there is simple way to achieve this: create a "main" function and call it as the last thing on the bottom. By the time the function is called, all the functions will be set to the corresponding global variables:
-- start of program, your main code at the top of source code
function main()
local name = readName()
local message = greeter(name)
-- define the functions below main, but main is not called yet,
-- so there will be no errors
function readName() io.write('Your name? '); return end
function greeter(name) return 'Hello, ' .. name end
-- call main here, all the functions have been assigned,
-- so this will run without any problems

Forward define a function in Lua?

How do I call a function that needs to be called from above its creation? I read something about forward declarations, but Google isn't being helpful in this case. What is the correct syntax for this?
Lua is a dynamic language and functions are just a kind of value that can be called with the () operator. So you don't really need to forward declare the function so much as make sure that the variable in scope when you call it is the variable you think it is.
This is not an issue at all for global variables containing functions, since the global environment is the default place to look to resolve a variable name. For local functions, however, you need to make sure the local variable is already in scope at the lexical point where you need to call the value it stores, and also make sure that at run time it is really holding a value that can be called.
For example, here is a pair of mutually recursive local functions:
local a,b
a = function() return b() end
b = function() return a() end
Of course, that is also an example of using tail calls to allow infinite recursion that does nothing, but the point here is the declarations. By declaring the variables with local before either has a function stored in it, those names are known to be local variables in lexical scope of the rest of the example. Then the two functions are stored, each referring to the other variable.
You can forward declare a function by declaring its name before declaring the actual function body:
local func1
local func2 = function()
func1 = function()
--do something
However forward declarations are only necessary when declaring functions with local scope. That is generally what you want to do, but Lua also supports a syntax more like C, in which case forward declaration is not necessary:
function func2()
function func1()
--do something
Testing under the embedded lua in Freeswitch, forward declaration does not work:
fmsg("CRIT", "It worked.")
function fmsg(infotype, msg)
freeswitch.consoleLog(infotype, msg .. "\n")
[ERR] mod_lua.cpp:203 /usr/local/freeswitch/scripts/foo.lua:1: attempt to call global 'fmsg' (a nil value)
Reversing the order does (duh) work.
To comprehend how forward referencing in Lua works compared to C, you must understand the a fundamental difference between C compilation and the Lua execution.
In C, forward referencing is a compile time mechanism. Hence if you include a forward declaration template in a C module then any of your code following will employ this template in compiling the call. You may or may not include the function implementation in the same module, in which case both declarations must be semantically identical or the compiler will error. Since this is a compile time construct, the compiled code can be executed in any order.
In Lua, forward referencing is runtime mechanism, in that the compiled function generates a function prototype internally within the code, but this is only accessible as a runtime Lua variable or value after the execution has
passed over the declaration creating a Lua closure. Here the declaration order within the source is immaterial. It is the execution order that is important: if the closure hasn't been bound to the variable yet, then the execution will throw a "nil value" exception.If you are using a local variable to hold the function value, then normal local scoping rules still apply: the local declaration must precede its use in the source and must be within scope, otherwise the compiler will compile in the wrong global or outer local reference. So forward referencing using locals as discussed in other answer will work, but only if the Protos are bound to closures before the first call is executed.
Doesn't work for me if I try to call the function before definition. I am using this Lua script in nginx conf.
lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: lua_redirect.lua:109: attempt to call global 'throwErrorIfAny' (a nil value)
Code snippet -
function throwErrorIfAny()
ngx.say("request not allowed")
Given some other answers have also pointed out that it didn't work for them either, it is possible that forward declaration of Lua doesn't work with other tools.
PS : It works fine if I put the function definition before and then call it after wards.
If you use OOP you can call any function member prior its "definition".
local myClass = {}
local myClass_mt = { __index = myClass }
local function f1 (self)
self:later() --not yet "delared" local function
local function f2 (self)
self:later() --not yet "declared" local function
--later in your source declare the "later" function:
local function later (self)
function -- constructor
local this = {}
this = {
f1 = f1,
f2 = f2,
later = later, --you can access the "later" function through "self"
setmetatable(this, myClass_mt)
return this
local instance =
Program output:
