How to receive Access Token for OAuth 2.0 authorization using Simple.OData.Client, Grant Type 'authorization code' - oauth

I am trying to POST a payload to the web server using Simple.OData.Client in .Net application.
I have the following parameters:
Authorization = 'OAuth 2.0'
Grand Type = 'Authorization Code'
Callback URL = '*'
Auth URL = ''
Access Token URL = 'https://myserver/token'
Client ID = 'id'
Client Secret = 'secret'
Scope = 'openid'
Token Name = 'name'
I also have URL and endpoint for POST.
Using these parameters I can get Access Token and POST data successfully using Postman, the problem is to implement that on C#.
As I understand it has to be 2 steps process: get Access Token, post.
Could someone provide code for getting Access Token?


Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token error

I need to read and import google people contacts but I get the following error:
"Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See"
This is the script (classic asp) I am using:
ApiKey="my api key"
Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
objXMLHTTP.Open "GET", StrURL, False
On Error Resume Next
objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & ApiKey
If Err.Number<>0 Then Response.Write "Error:" & Err.Description & "<br>"
On Error GoTo 0
content = CStr(objXMLHTTP.ResponseText)
statuscode = objXMLHTTP.Status
How can I get the token using classic asp? Can anyone help me?
objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & ApiKey
You appear to be sending an api key. An api key is not a bearer token. Api keys only grant you access to public data, not private user data.
In order to access private user data you need to request authorization from that user to access that data that is done using Oauth2
Once you have been grated consent of the user to access their data you will have an access token. This access token can then be sent to the api in the authorization header.
I haven't used asp classic in years. These videos may help you understand how to make the authorization request.
Google 3 Legged OAuth2 Flow
How to create web app credetinals
Understanding oauth2 with curl

Trouble Establishing Ouath2 Connection to Microsoft Dynamics via Rails Oauth2 gem

I am new to authentication using Oauth2, and was hoping someone could provide some guidance on how to use the oauth2 gem to correctly perform authentication so as to get a token with Microsoft Dynamics.
I have been able to authorize and get a token with Postman, but as these types of applications greatly facilitate the overall process, it can be difficult to map these things to code, especially when the concepts are new.
For the access token, I have at my disposal:
The Auth URL, which is of the form "<CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER_HASH>/authorize?resource=
The Access Token URL, which is of the form "<CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER_HASH>/oauth2/token?resource="
The client_id
The client_secret
I've tried the various examples online, but I either get a nondescript error from oauth2 such as:
OAuth2::Error ():
Or, in other cases, something more particular:
OAuth2::Error ({"code"=>"RequestDataInvalid", "message"=>"Request data is invalid."}:
{"error": {"code": "RequestDataInvalid","message": "Request data is invalid."}}):
Does anyone have any real, working examples on how to successfully obtain a token?
Finaly cracked it.
Had to respecitvely move the resource element out of the auth and the access token urls to:<CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER_HASH>/authorize<CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER_HASH>/oauth2/token
At that point, i set the client as:
client =
site: base_url,
grant_type: "client_credentials",
resource: "",
authorize_url: auth_url,
token_url: token_url,
Above, the base_url is:<CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER_HASH>
Then, i call the client to get an auth_code and had to explicitly pass the resource parameter:
client.auth_code.authorize_url(:redirect_uri => 'http://localhost:8080/oauth2/callback', resource: "")
I'm not sure if the resource is necessary when getting the token, but finally, I obtain it as follows:
token = client.password.get_token(<AUTHENTICATION_LOGIN>, <AUTHENTICATION_PASS>, resource: "")
then i can use the token to perform get commands:
token.get('<COMPANY_ID_HASH>)/customers', :headers => { 'Accept' => 'application/json' })
I have a feeling I have to do some cleanup on the url for the final get command, but it seems to work this way.

Paw not finding access_token from OAuth proxy

I have a use-case where I need to spoof a white-listed Redirect URL locally when performing OAuth 2 authentication.
I'm running a very basic web-server coupled with a hosts file entry for the domain I'm spoofing. I'm able to correctly negotiate my tokens and return them to Paw, but Paw isn't picking up my access_token or refresh_token, it simply displays the raw response:
Here's my server code (with placeholders for sensitive data):
var http = require('http'),
request = require('request');
var PORT = 6109;
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
var code = req.url.split('?')[1].split('=')[2];
url: 'https://<access token URL>/oauth2/token?code=' + code,
method: 'POST',
form: {
'client_id': <client_id>,
'client_secret': <client_secret>,
'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
'redirect_uri': <spoofed redirect URL>
}, function(err, response, data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
// I also tried this with the same end-result
// res.writeHead(200);
// res.write('access_token=' + data.result.access_token + '&token_type=' + data.result.token_type + '&refresh_token=' + data.result.refresh_token);
server.listen(PORT, function() {
console.log('Server listening on port %d', PORT);
What am I missing? Why isn't Paw finding my tokens?
Here's my configuration for reference:
Some other noteworthy points:
The OAuth provider is non-standard and flubs quite a few things from the spec (my proxy exists in part to patch up the non-standard bits)
The domain for the Redirect URL is real, but the URL does not resolve (this is a part of the reason for the local hosts entry)
I'm not showing this part of the flow, but I am correctly completing the authorization step prior to being given the code value
I think you're probably confused between the Authorization URL and Access Token URL. When you're in Authorization Code grant type for OAuth 2, you're expected to have a user confirmation step in a web page (the Authorization URL).
Which makes me guess that instead, you're expecting instead to use the Password Grant or Client Credentials? Otherwise, if you want to use Authorization URL, you'll need to specify a webpage at the Authorization URL.
Note: I've tried your Node.js script in Paw using the two last grants I mentioned (Password Grant & Client Credentials), and it works nicely.
Update: Following the comments below, I understand more what you are doing. The Authorization Request should (if successful) return a 302 redirect response to the Redirect URL page, and append a code URL query param to it. It seems like you're returning a JSON response with the code instead, so Paw isn't catching it.
According to the OAuth 2.0 spec (RFC 6749), section *4.1.2. Authorization Response*, if granted, the code should be passed as a URL query param (i.e. a ?key=value param in the URL) to the Redirect URL when doing the redirection.
If the resource owner grants the access request, the authorization
server issues an authorization code and delivers it to the client by
adding the following parameters to the query component of the
redirection URI using the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format
Quoting the example from the spec, here's how the response of the Authorization Request should look like if it's a success (code is granted):
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
I saw that the Redirect URL contains "my Spoofed Uri".
When we need to use authorization code flow, we provide the authorization code and redirect Uri.
When the URI you are providing does not match the URI saved for the client in Identity server, you will not be able to get the token as the URI does not match with the client authorization code.
For example : Consider client identity in the Identity server be:
Auth Code: "xyx"
Redirect Uri: "\xyz"
And in your example the combination you are providing is:
Auth Code: "xyx"
Redirect Uri: "<my spoofed uri>"
As these 2 wont match there will be no token received.
I believe if you use the correct URI that is registered with the client in the Identity server, you will be able to receive the token.

Get authentication from OpenAm within Saml response

I have implemented SSO with paspport-saml and OpenAM. I can get certain user attributes such as id,givenName etc.
But now I want to get authentication token id with Saml response for further authentication of web services.
How I can get authentication token id with Saml response?
You can get SAML assertion Id from saml response or you can use nameID based on ID provider setting it will contain either userName or principle object.
String ID = credential.getAuthenticationAssertion().getID();
String userName = credential.getNameID().getValue();

get an access code from the doorkeeper gem

when we request by click on authorize.........
request send to the
the response come
now i hve to copy the "code" put in console like below code.....
app_id = "57070f3927deea2d38c50afa042ae0o9u0c539e4d45a79e203cd66d286f9ec8e"
secret = "1dbd541132ca2bdeb9fe83b41d24490b2be445c30fd1856e5914f6d343c4a71b"
client =, secret, site: "http://localhost:3000/")
client.auth_code.authorize_url(redirect_uri: callback)
access = client.auth_code.get_token('1560b332321dd2obc99ed3411c78614ce0d59c90e9264c87b7f2f179441d6b4e', redirect_uri: callback)
this how the access_token is generated...
is there a better way to get the access code from the dookeeper
This is standard way described by oauth2.0 specification for autorization code based retrieval of access token. There are other ways like implicit, password and client credentials. Check out the details in RFC and try it with Doorkeeper.
