get an access code from the doorkeeper gem - oauth-2.0

when we request by click on authorize.........
request send to the
the response come
now i hve to copy the "code" put in console like below code.....
app_id = "57070f3927deea2d38c50afa042ae0o9u0c539e4d45a79e203cd66d286f9ec8e"
secret = "1dbd541132ca2bdeb9fe83b41d24490b2be445c30fd1856e5914f6d343c4a71b"
client =, secret, site: "http://localhost:3000/")
client.auth_code.authorize_url(redirect_uri: callback)
access = client.auth_code.get_token('1560b332321dd2obc99ed3411c78614ce0d59c90e9264c87b7f2f179441d6b4e', redirect_uri: callback)
this how the access_token is generated...
is there a better way to get the access code from the dookeeper

This is standard way described by oauth2.0 specification for autorization code based retrieval of access token. There are other ways like implicit, password and client credentials. Check out the details in RFC and try it with Doorkeeper.


How to receive Access Token for OAuth 2.0 authorization using Simple.OData.Client, Grant Type 'authorization code'

I am trying to POST a payload to the web server using Simple.OData.Client in .Net application.
I have the following parameters:
Authorization = 'OAuth 2.0'
Grand Type = 'Authorization Code'
Callback URL = '*'
Auth URL = ''
Access Token URL = 'https://myserver/token'
Client ID = 'id'
Client Secret = 'secret'
Scope = 'openid'
Token Name = 'name'
I also have URL and endpoint for POST.
Using these parameters I can get Access Token and POST data successfully using Postman, the problem is to implement that on C#.
As I understand it has to be 2 steps process: get Access Token, post.
Could someone provide code for getting Access Token?

Trouble Establishing Ouath2 Connection to Microsoft Dynamics via Rails Oauth2 gem

I am new to authentication using Oauth2, and was hoping someone could provide some guidance on how to use the oauth2 gem to correctly perform authentication so as to get a token with Microsoft Dynamics.
I have been able to authorize and get a token with Postman, but as these types of applications greatly facilitate the overall process, it can be difficult to map these things to code, especially when the concepts are new.
For the access token, I have at my disposal:
The Auth URL, which is of the form "<CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER_HASH>/authorize?resource=
The Access Token URL, which is of the form "<CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER_HASH>/oauth2/token?resource="
The client_id
The client_secret
I've tried the various examples online, but I either get a nondescript error from oauth2 such as:
OAuth2::Error ():
Or, in other cases, something more particular:
OAuth2::Error ({"code"=>"RequestDataInvalid", "message"=>"Request data is invalid."}:
{"error": {"code": "RequestDataInvalid","message": "Request data is invalid."}}):
Does anyone have any real, working examples on how to successfully obtain a token?
Finaly cracked it.
Had to respecitvely move the resource element out of the auth and the access token urls to:<CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER_HASH>/authorize<CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER_HASH>/oauth2/token
At that point, i set the client as:
client =
site: base_url,
grant_type: "client_credentials",
resource: "",
authorize_url: auth_url,
token_url: token_url,
Above, the base_url is:<CUSTOMER_IDENTIFIER_HASH>
Then, i call the client to get an auth_code and had to explicitly pass the resource parameter:
client.auth_code.authorize_url(:redirect_uri => 'http://localhost:8080/oauth2/callback', resource: "")
I'm not sure if the resource is necessary when getting the token, but finally, I obtain it as follows:
token = client.password.get_token(<AUTHENTICATION_LOGIN>, <AUTHENTICATION_PASS>, resource: "")
then i can use the token to perform get commands:
token.get('<COMPANY_ID_HASH>)/customers', :headers => { 'Accept' => 'application/json' })
I have a feeling I have to do some cleanup on the url for the final get command, but it seems to work this way.

OAuth1 reject_token 401 unauthorized

Get Access Token request of OAuth1.0 only work once for Magento1.9 after being redirected back from Authorization URL. Next time when requesting for Access Token I get reject_token.
What I noticed there is difference in signature of both objects' signature.
Request 1(successful):
request_token.get_access_token(oauth_verifier: 'asdfasdagbadbv')
with signature having
Request 2(unsuccessful):
request_token.get_access_token(oauth_verifier: 'asdfasdagbadbv')
with signature having
This may be or may not be the issue but this is the only difference I found so far in both requests.
Please someone help me in updating oauth_nonce and signature or devise some other solution.
The problem is in the second line.
request_token.get_access_token(oauth_verifier: 'asdfasdfa')
According to Auth documentation request token should be used one time. Request token expires once we use them. You are using expired request token in the second call which causes reject_token 401 unauthorized.
Actually, request tokens are used to generate Access Token. Access Tokens can be used multiple times. So what you need is to store Access Token somewhere, generated in first request_token.get_access_token(oauth_verifier: 'asdfasdfa') line. Then you can use saved access token in the reset of your API calls. The syntax of using access token is the following:
#consumer =
#token ='ACCESS_TOKEN', 'ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET') // saved access token and secret here
#consumer.request(:post, '/people', #token, {}, #person.to_xml, { 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml' })

Request new access token using refresh token in username-password grant in DotNetOpenAuth

I'm trying to implement a OAuth2 Authorization Server using DotNetOpenAuth. The client is JavaScript based thus incapable of holding any secrets. This is exactly the same problem like this question but with another framework.
The client requests (against the token endpoint) access_token and refresh_token with following parameters:
grant_type: password
username: foo
password: bar
This does work. Now I want use the refresh_token and make a request against the token endpoint with the following parameters:
grant_type: refresh_token
refresh_token: ABCDEF
This gives me the following response:
{"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"The client secret was incorrect."}
Which does make (at least some) sense because RFC6749 states that:
Because refresh tokens are typically long-lasting credentials used to
request additional access tokens, the refresh token is bound to the
client to which it was issued. If the client type is confidential or
the client was issued client credentials (or assigned other
authentication requirements), the client MUST authenticate with the
authorization server as described in Section 3.2.1.
If I change my request like so:
grant_type: refresh_token
refresh_token: ABCDEF
client_id: MYCLIENT
client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET
The problem is my client is not supposed to be confidential (because it is client side JavaScript after all).
This is how the client is defined:
New ClientDescription(ApiKey, New Uri(allowedCallback), ClientType.Public)
I searched through the DotNetOpenAuth source code and found no use of the ClientType. To me it looks like it is not used at all.
It is also not possible to the set an empty client secret, because the DotNetOpenAuth source code actively checkes against this (ClientAuthenticationModules.cs):
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientSecret)) {
if (client.IsValidClientSecret(clientSecret)) {
return ClientAuthenticationResult.ClientAuthenticated;
} else { // invalid client secret
return ClientAuthenticationResult.ClientAuthenticationRejected;
} else { // no client secret provided
return ClientAuthenticationResult.ClientIdNotAuthenticated;
If I take a look at MessageValidationBindingElement.cs:
if (authenticatedClientRequest != null) {
string clientIdentifier;
var result = this.clientAuthenticationModule.TryAuthenticateClient(this.AuthServerChannel.AuthorizationServer, authenticatedClientRequest, out clientIdentifier);
switch (result) {
case ClientAuthenticationResult.ClientAuthenticated:
case ClientAuthenticationResult.NoAuthenticationRecognized:
case ClientAuthenticationResult.ClientIdNotAuthenticated:
// The only grant type that allows no client credentials is the resource owner credentials grant.
AuthServerUtilities.TokenEndpointVerify(resourceOwnerPasswordCarrier != null, accessTokenRequest, Protocol.AccessTokenRequestErrorCodes.InvalidClient, this.clientAuthenticationModule, AuthServerStrings.ClientSecretMismatch);
AuthServerUtilities.TokenEndpointVerify(false, accessTokenRequest, Protocol.AccessTokenRequestErrorCodes.InvalidClient, this.clientAuthenticationModule, AuthServerStrings.ClientSecretMismatch);
Espacially the comment The only grant type that allows no client credentials is the resource owner credentials grant. makes me wonder. Does that mean that in my scenario the JS client should send username/password along? Nope this will raise the following exception:
AccessTokenResourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsRequest parameter 'grant_type' to have value 'password' but had 'refresh_token' instead.
Which is okay to me, because I don't want the client to keep the password.
So here my questions:
Did I unterstand something fundamentally wrong about the password-grant, refresh_token scheme?
As I see it in a JS client the client_id is public knowledge, so it does not serve any security purpose. Am I correct?
Does it makes sense to change DotNetOpenAuth to make use of the ClientType.Public?
Would it make any difference if I just use client_id and client_secret as not secret? E.g. just supply dummy values? What are the security implications?

How do I refresh my google_oauth2 access token using my refresh token?

I have a RoR app where I am authenticating against Google using omniauth and google_oauth2 where I am requesting offline access.
How do I use my refresh token to request a current access token? Also, how can I refresh my access token when it no longer works? I don't want to have any user interface in this situation, assuming of course that the authorization hasn't been taken away.
For an example using the Ruby HTTParty gem:
Where #auth is an ActiveRecord record that stores the auth keys for the specific user you are trying to refresh tokens for.
# Refresh auth token from google_oauth2 and then requeue the job.
options = {
body: {
refresh_token: #auth.refresh_token,
grant_type: 'refresh_token'
headers: {
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
#response ='', options)
if #response.code == 200
#auth.token = #response.parsed_response['access_token']
#auth.expires_in = + #response.parsed_response['expires_in'].seconds
Rails.logger.error("Unable to refresh google_oauth2 authentication token.")
Rails.logger.error("Refresh token response body: #{#response.body}")
I don't see anything in google_oauth2 that handles fetching a new access_token with a refresh token, so it looks like you'll need to make the exchange directly.
Google's official OAuth 2.0 documentation explains how to do this at a low level. Within your server-side code, use your favorite HTTP client to construct a request that looks like this:
POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
where CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET are the same ones you used for the original authentication and REFRESH_TOKEN is the refresh token from the original authentication flow. If the exchange is successful, you'll receive a fresh access token in a response that looks something like this:
You can follow this process to grab a new access token whenever you need one. You can either use the expires_in value to estimate when you will need a new one, or attempt a refresh whenever your API request responds with a 401 HTTP status.
