How to publish Hystrix metrics to New Relic? - dropwizard

wanted to view dashboard of Hystrix metrics published by Dropwizard application in New Relic. This New Relic doc isn't providing sufficient information on this. I am not able to find any other relevant doc. Please help with the steps to do this


how to monitor Keycloak on dynatrace

I'm trying to monitor Keycloak on dynatrace, but I see only process metrics.
is there a way to see metrics about sessions, Connected Users...
an existing plugin for keycloak on dynatrace?
If you want to monitor Keycloak you will see it as a process only and not on a transaction level unfortunately.
Supported technologies can be viewed here:
If there is option of collecting of extra Parameters you can always create a custom OneAgent extension. There is currently not a plugin available. You will be able to define the metrics that you would like to see in the UI:

Spring cloud data stream deploy stuck on load

I am a beginner to spring cloud data flow and i am following their official doc. But when i deploy the stream from spring cloud data flow dashboard it just stuck on loading and the stream is never deployed.
The DSL for the stream i want to deploy is:
http | log
I changed the ports for skipper but nothing works
I expect that when i click on deploy the stream then it should show me the status 'deploying' but instead it just keeps on loading forever.
When reporting for issues like this, it'd be great if you could share the versions in use and the logs for review.
Depending on the platform (local, cf or k8s), I'd recommend reviewing the troubleshooting steps included in the SCDF Microsite.
If you followed those steps and if you still see issues, please update the description of the post with the relevant details, and we can review then.

how to get dropwizard metrics web ui

I am trying to give some web user interface to the dropwizard metrics. Checked Graphite and Ganglia but I need something which can be easily installed on windows and linux,as well.
Could not configure metrics-watcher because the metrics in my application are dynamic. Also configured jclawson/metrics-ui but did not find the ui appealing. Please suggest me if there are any other sources which can be easily integrated.
Pipelined the metrics to Kibana. I was expecting a web interface where can I search the metrics contents, configuring meaningful widgets and dashboards for the same, Kibana fulfills my requirement.

Google Cloud Dataflow streaming pipeline with PubSubIO resource setup failed

I already read this question, but it didn't solve my problem.
I read from a PubSub topic in my Dataflow topology, but I am always getting the error of "resource setup failure":
Even if I have already enabled all of the Google Cloud APIs for the project.
Do you have any ideas? Could it be some issue with credentials?
Where can I get a more meaningful error message?
I needed to create the topics by hand.
Dataflow automatically creates the subscriptions, not topics.

What data does New Relic collect?

I consider using New Relic for profiling performance of a rails application. I know how useful New Relic is, but I worry about security. Concretely I want to know what data does New Relic collect and send it to their servers in default setting.
If you know about this question or any Web page, please tell me.
I knew this page, but too long, and I want to know more concretely for Rails application.
Privacy Policy
New Relic has a good deal of documentation on security considerations with our Ruby agent:
One of the best ways to find out every single thing that the agent is sending to the data collection server is the audit logs in Ruby Agent version 3.5.5 and later:
