I'm trying to monitor Keycloak on dynatrace, but I see only process metrics.
is there a way to see metrics about sessions, Connected Users...
an existing plugin for keycloak on dynatrace?
If you want to monitor Keycloak you will see it as a process only and not on a transaction level unfortunately.
Supported technologies can be viewed here: https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/shortlink/supported-technologies
If there is option of collecting of extra Parameters you can always create a custom OneAgent extension. There is currently not a plugin available. You will be able to define the metrics that you would like to see in the UI: https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/shortlink/oneagent-extensions-tutorial
Considering MQTT's pub/sub behavior, topic namespace is not isolated and any user can access every other user's data on a topic.
I've seen services like flespi which claim they provide isolated name spaces but some of them use containers to isolate users...
Is it possible to modify an MQTT broker, e.g. Mosquitto, for that purpose? Or is there such open source broker?
Mosquitto can set access control to topics based on authentication username. This allows the administrator to restrict access to topics and restrict which clients can subscribe, publish or receive messages on particular topics. This is documented in Mosquitto’s documentation.
For greater flexibility you can also use the dynamic security plugin, or the mosquitto-go-auth plugin which allows you to use a variety of different data sources for authorization and ACL configuration.
Is there a recommended way to customize the user interface of Spring Cloud Data Flow?
I am trying to find a way to change the text of the dashboard, colors and logos.
I found the GitHub repo for the UI on https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-dataflow-ui/
But I cannot understand how to integrate that with my backend because the APIs and docs are not provided. Neither style guides nor backend logic.
The Spring Cloud Data Flow UI is tightly coupled to the Spring Cloud Data Flow server (as one of the REST clients of the SCDF server) and hence it is not designed to be customizable or extensible. All the documentation we have for the SCDF UI is pertinent to the SCDF use cases only.
Spring Cloud Data Flow Server (Local) does not have any dynamic way to set up users and roles either through dashboard UI or shell, ie. there is no way to add or delete users with roles while the server is running.
I have been able to get both single user or file based authentication and authorization working but both of them I had to set up the docker-compose.yml file like so:
spring.cloud.dataflow.security.authentication.file.users.bob=bobpass, ROLE_MANAGE
spring.cloud.dataflow.security.authentication.file.users.alice=alicepass, ROLE_VIEW, ROLE_CREATE
spring.cloud.dataflow.security.authentication.file.users.hare=harepass, ROLE_VIEW
However, if I have to add new users with roles, I will have to docker-compose down, edit the docker-compose.yml and then do docker-compose up, for the new user authentication authorization to work.
Is there any work around this?
There isn't any other approach to dynamically add/update users and then have it reflect at runtime in SCDF.
However, in SCDF 2.0, we have redesigned/rewritten the security architecture. In this baseline, we rely on Cloud Foundry's UAA component, which is a standalone application that can work in Local, CF or K8s.
Here, you can directly interact with UAA outside of SCDF. You can add, update, and delete users, too. Of course, you can centrally manage the OAuth token-credentials such as remote renewals and revocations. Check out the end-to-end sample demonstration of the new design with SCDF + OAuth + LDAP, all in action.
The recent 2.0 M1 release already include this improvement - see blog. Try it out and let us know if you have any questions/feedback.
I recently also bumped into a UAA Web-UI from the community. Perhaps UAA team could consider adding it to the official stack eventually.
I am trying to give some web user interface to the dropwizard metrics. Checked Graphite and Ganglia but I need something which can be easily installed on windows and linux,as well.
Could not configure metrics-watcher because the metrics in my application are dynamic. Also configured jclawson/metrics-ui but did not find the ui appealing. Please suggest me if there are any other sources which can be easily integrated.
Pipelined the metrics to Kibana. I was expecting a web interface where can I search the metrics contents, configuring meaningful widgets and dashboards for the same, Kibana fulfills my requirement.
can somebody list the uses of JMX in web application other than logging. I am new to JMX and logging seems to be the only good use of JMX.
Thanks in advance
You can you JMX to administer and manage components of a web application. For starters, most, if not all, Java EE web application servers register a lot of MBeans to provide monitoring and administration capabilities to several of their resources such as, connection pools, transaction managers, deployed applications, etc. You can then use a JMX client, like JConsole that comes with the JDK/JRE, to attach to a running application server and manage those components.
You can take it one step further, by creating and registering you own, custom MBeans to help manage and control portions of your applications. As an example, if your web app is using a cache of some kind to boost response times, you could create a control object that is capable of flushing the cache, change entry eviction times, disabling the cache, etc. Then you could register the control with the MBean server which in turn would make it accessible through the JMX client.
I have done this many times to provide an administration console into my web applications without the need to create any custom user interface.