I work with domain knowledge experts that work mostly with R2 and explained variance as metrics. Hence, when I share models with them, I want my model to minimize a specific metric (R2). I often use DecisionTreeRegressor from scikit-learn, and the criterion parameter only accepts the following :
{“squared_error”, “friedman_mse”, “absolute_error”, “poisson”}
Is there an easy workaround to create our own cost function to optimize a model (with R2 in my case)?
I'm working on a ML prediction model and I have a dataset with a categorical variable (let's say product id) and I have 2k distinct products.
If I convert this variable with dummy variables like one hot enconder, the dataset may have a size of 2k times the number of examples (millions of examples), but it's too many to be processed.
How is this used to be treated?
Should I use the variable only with the whitout the conversion?
High cardinality of categorial features is a well-known problem and "the best" way typically depends on the prediction task and requires a trial-and-error approach. It is case-dependent if you can even find a strategy that is clearly better than others.
Addressing your first question, a good collection of different encoding strategies is provided by the category_encoders library:
A set of scikit-learn-style transformers for encoding categorical variables into numeric
They follow the scikit-learn API for transformers and a simple example is provided as well. Again, which one will provide the best results depends on your dataset and the prediction task. I suggest incorporating them in a pipeline and test (some or all of) them.
In regard to your second question, you would then continue to use the encoded features for your predictions and analysis.
I'm trying to classify some data using knime with knime-labs deep learning plugin.
I have about 16.000 products in my DB, but I have about 700 of then that I know its category.
I'm trying to classify as much as possible using some DM (data mining) technique. I've downloaded some plugins to knime, now I have some deep learning tools as some text tools.
Here is my workflow, I'll use it to explain what I'm doing:
I'm transforming the product name into vector, than applying into it.
After I train a DL4J learner with DeepMLP. (I'm not really understand it all, it was the one that I thought I got the best results). Than I try to apply the model in the same data set.
I thought I would get the result with the predicted classes. But I'm getting a column with output_activations that looks that gets a pair of doubles. when sorting this column I get some related date close to each other. But I was expecting to get the classes.
Here is a print of the result table, here you can see the output with the input.
In columns selection it's getting just the converted_document and selected des_categoria as Label Column (learning node config). And in Predictor node I checked the "Append SoftMax Predicted Label?"
The nom_produto is the text column that I'm trying to use to predict the des_categoria column that it the product category.
I'm really newbie about DM and DL. If you could get me some help to solve what I'm trying to do would be awesome. Also be free to suggest some learning material about what attempting to achieve
PS: I also tried to apply it into the unclassified data (17,000 products), but I got the same result.
I won't answer with a workflow on this one because it is not going to be a simple one. However, be sure to find the text mining example on the KNIME server, i.e. the one that makes use of the bag of words approach.
The task
Product mapping to categories should be a straight-forward data mining task because the information that explains the target variable is available in a quasi-exhaustive manner. Depending on the number of categories to train though, there is a risk that you might need more than 700 instances to learn from.
Some resources
Here are some resources, only the first one being truly specialised in text mining:
Introduction on Information Retrieval, in particular chapter 13;
Data Science for Business is an excellent introduction to data mining, including text mining (chapter 10), also do not forget the chapter about similarity (chapter 6);
Machine Learning with R has the advantage of being accessible enough (chapter 4 provides an example of text classification with R code).
First, you will have to preprocess your product labels a bit. Use KNIME's text analytics preprocessing nodes for that purpose, that is after you've transformed the product labels with Strings to Document:
Case Convert, Punctuation Erasure and Snowball Stemmer;
you probably won't need Stop Word Filter, however, there may be quasi-stop words such as "product", which you may need to remove manually with Dictionary Filter;
Be careful not to use any of the following without testing testing their impact first: N Chars Filter (g may be a useful word), Number Filter (numbers may indicate quantities, which may be useful for classification).
Should you encounter any trouble with the relevant nodes (e.g. Punctuation Erasure can be tricky amazingly thanks to the tokenizer), you can always apply String Manipulation with regex before converting the Strings to Document.
Keep it short and simple: the lookup table
You could build a lookup table based on the 700 training instances. The book Data mining techniques as well as resource (2) present this approach in some detail. If any model performs any worse than the lookup table, you should abandon the model.
Nearest neighbors
Neural networks are probably overkill for this task.
Start with a K Nearest Neighbor node (applying a string distance such as Cosine, Levensthein or Jaro-Winkler). This approach requires the least amount of data wrangling. At the very least, it will provide an excellent baseline model, so it is most definitely worth a shot.
You'll need to tune the parameter k and to experiment with the distance types. The Parameter Optimization Loop pair will help you with optimizing k, you can include a Cross-Validation meta node inside of the said loop to obtain an estimate of the expected performance given k instead of only one point estimate per value of k. Use Cohen's Kappa as an optimization criterion, as proposed by the resource number (3) and available via the Scorer node.
After the parameter tuning, you'll have to evaluate the relevance of your model using yet another Cross-Validation meta node, then follow up with a Loop pair including Scorer to calculate the descriptives on performance metric(s) per iteration, finally use Statistics. Kappa is a convenient metric for this task because the target variable consists of many product categories.
Don't forget to test its performance against the lookup table.
What next ?
Should lookup table or k-nn work well for you, then there's nothing else to add.
Should any of those approaches fail, you might want to analyse the precise cases on which it fails. In addition, training set size may be too low, so you could manually classify another few hundred or thousand instances.
If after increasing the training set size, you are still dealing with a bad model, you can try the bag of words approach together with a Naive Bayes classifier (see chapter 13 of the Information Retrieval reference). There is no room here to elaborate on the bag of words approach and Naive Bayes but you'll find the resources here above useful for that purpose.
One last note. Personally, I find KNIME's Naive Bayes node to perform poorly, probably because it does not implement Laplace smoothening. However, KNIME's R Learner and R Predictor nodes will allow you to use R's e1071 package, as demonstrated by resource (3).
I am trying with various SVM variants in scikit-learn along with CountVectorizer and HashingVectorizer. They use fit or fit_transform in different examples, confusing me which to be used when.
Any clarification would be much honored.
They serve a similar purpose. The documentation provides some pro's and con's for the HashingVectorizer :
This strategy has several advantages:
it is very low memory scalable to large datasets as there is no need to store a vocabulary dictionary in memory
it is fast to pickle and un-pickle as it holds no state besides the constructor parameters
it can be used in a streaming (partial fit) or parallel pipeline as there is no state computed during fit.
There are also a couple of cons (vs using a CountVectorizer with an
in-memory vocabulary):
there is no way to compute the inverse transform (from feature indices to string feature names) which can be a problem when trying to
introspect which features are most important to a model.
there can be collisions: distinct tokens can be mapped to the same feature index. However in practice this is rarely an issue if
n_features is large enough (e.g. 2 ** 18 for text classification
no IDF weighting as this would render the transformer stateful.
Is there an objective way to validate the output of a clustering algorithm?
I'm using scikit-learn's affinity propagation clustering against a dataset composed of objects with many attributes. The difference matrix supplied to the clustering algorithm is composed of the weighted difference of these attributes. I'm looking for a way to objectively validate tweaks in the distance weightings as reflected in the resulting clusters. The dataset is large and has enough attributes that manual examination of small examples is not a reasonable way to verify the produced clusters.
Give the clusters to a domain expert, and have him analyze if the structure the algorithm found is sensible. Not so much if it is new, but if it is sensible.
... and No:
There is not automatic evaluation available that is fair. In the sense that it takes the objective of unsupervised clustering into account: knowledge discovery aka: learn something new about your data.
There are two common ways of evaluating clusterings automatically:
internal cohesion. I.e. there is some particular property such as in-cluser variance compared to between-cluster variance to minimize. The problem is that it's usually fairly trivial to cheat. I.e. to construct a trivial solution that scores really well. So this method must not be used to compare methods based on different assumptions. You can't even fairly compare different types of linkage for hiearchical clustering.
external evaluation. You use a labeled data set, and score algorithms by how well they rediscover existing knowledge. Sometimes this works quite well, so it is an accepted state of the art for evaluation. Yet, any supervised or semi-supervised method will of course score much better on this. As such, it is A) biased towards supervised methods, and B) actually going completely against the knowledge discovery idea of finding something you did not yet know.
If you really mean to use clustering - i.e. learn something about your data - you will at some point have to inspect the clusters, preferrably by a completely independent method such as a domain expert. If he can tell you that e.g. the user group identified by the clustering is a non-trivial group not yet investigated closely, then you are a winner.
However, most people want to have a "one click" (and one-score) evaluation, unfortunately.
Oh, and "clustering" is not really a machine learning task. There actually is no learning involved. To the machine learning community, it is the ugly duckling that nobody cares about.
There is another way to evaluate the clustering quality by computing a stability metric on subfolds, a bit like cross validation for supervised models:
Split the dataset in 3 folds A, B and C. Compute two clustering with you algorithm on A+B and A+C. Compute the Adjusted Rand Index or Adjusted Mutual Information of the 2 labelings on their intersection A and consider this value as an estimate of the stability score of the algorithm.
Rinse-repeat by shuffling the data and splitting it into 3 other folds A', B' and C' and recompute a stability score.
Average the stability scores over 5 or 10 runs to have a rough estimate of the standard error of the stability score.
As you can guess this is very computer intensive evaluation method.
It is still an open research area to know whether or not this Stability-based evaluation of clustering algorithms is really useful in practice and to identify when it can fail to produce a valid criterion for model selection. Please refer to Clustering Stability: An Overview by Ulrike von Luxburg and references therein for an overview of the state of the art on those matters.
Note: it is important to use Adjusted for Chance metrics such as ARI or AMI if you want to use this strategy to select the best value of k in k-means for instance. Non adjusted metrics such as NMI and V-measure will tend to favor models with higher k arbitrarily.
I am working on a Machine Learning problem which looks like this:
Input Variables
Output Variables
The major issue that I am facing is that Output Variables are not totally independent of each other and there is no relation that can be established between them. That is, there is a dependence but not due to the causality (one value being high doesn't imply that the other will be high too but the chances of other being higher will improve)
An Example would be:
v - Number of Ad Impressions
x - Number of Ad Clicks
y - Number of Conversions
z - Revenue
Now, for an Ad to be clicked, it has to first appear on a search, so Click is somewhat dependent on Impression.
Again, for an Ad to be Converted, it has to be first clicked, so again Conversion is somewhat dependent on Click.
So running 4 instances of the problem predicting each of the output variables doesn't make sense to me. Infact there should be some way to predict all 4 together taking care of their implicit dependencies.
But as you can see, there won't be a direct relation, infact there would be a probability that is involved but which can't be worked out manually.
Plus the output variables are not Categorical but are in fact Discrete and Continuous.
Any inputs on how to go about solving this problem. Also guide me to existing implementations for the same and which toolkit to use to quickly implement the solution.
Just a random guess - I think this problem can be targeted by Bayesian Networks. What do you think ?
Bayesian Networks will do fine in your case. Your network won't be that huge either so you can live with exact inference algorithms like graph elimination or junction tree. If you decide to use BNs, then you can use Kevin Murphy's BN toolbox. Here is a link to that. For a more general toolbox that uses Gibbs sampling for approximate Monte Carlo inference, you can use BUGS.
As an example look at the famous sprinkler example here. For totally discrete variables, you define the conditional probability tables as in the link. For instance you say that given that today is cloudy, there is a 0.8 probability of rain. You define all probability distributions, where the graph shows the causality relations (i.e. if cloud then rain etc.) Then as query you ask to your inference algorithm questions like, given that grass was wet; was it cloudy, was it raining, was the sprinkler on and so on.
To use BNs one needs a system model that is described in terms of causality relations (Directed Acyclic Graph) and probability transitions. If you wanna learn your system parameters there are techniques like EM algorithm. However, learning the graph structure is a really hard task and supervised machine learning approaches will do better in that case.