How do I know what are the requirements I need to set in builder for my kivy app? - kivy

I have been trying several ways in builderdozer and I still can't get the application to work.


How to switch locations between local/server

Sorry I have not too much experience coding, I have developed an application currently working in a server, the topic is, each time that I need to upgrade or edit something in the app I have to change the locations from the server to my local PC locations to test, I donĀ“t know how to configure them in order to avoid changing them manually. I have read about web.configbut is not very clear for me or if this is the correct way to achieve it. could you please tell me which is the best or correct way? as I have to be swithcing 6 locations. langage is C# .net in Visual Studio
part of my code is something simple like this with my local path:
var watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(#"C:\Users\sds.admin\Documents\Customer_Automation\Inputs\knime Customers\eSTORE in-out,") //C:\Users\fernando\Documents\Local in-out
I have not tried anything to solve it

Reading an app setting value from iOS Settings-MyApp using Ionic

I want to create a app specific setting(app preference) in iOS(iPad) and read that in my Ionic(v5) code. I have seen plugins like this but not working with the cordova-9 as it was not updated. Looks like this project is abandoned.I was able to create a setting bundle during the build and place it under the settings->Myapp (key-value) but from the program reading is not working.
My requirement is very simple. I need to externalize the back-end server IP/name as it might change sometimes. I was thinking if I can create a property under Settings->MyApp->Server then I can edit it in the Settings and read it while starting the app.
Is there a different approach that I can follow?
Please let me know if you have any pointers.

What is the advantage of using angular with electronJS

I want to create desktop application compatible with other OS.For that I'm using electron with angular.Because both are frame work whether it will effect performance or loading time, and also whether deploying easy,can we use all the features of angular when we use with electron like routing..?
Electron uses Chromium and NodeJS which is the reason why it is compatible with other OSs. You can talk with the NodeJS process from your angular-app which opens up some possibilities. For example opening native file-dialogs to let the user choose files. Electron also already abstracts some platform specific operations like getting the user home to save some configuration files for example.
You can use routing just like in any Angular app and I think you can use most features like you would normally but dont take me for granted on this one.
I would not say it affects your loading time to combine those too. During development you have to build your angular app before electron can start up and use those files but in production Angular is already ready to be loaded so they dont hinder each other.

JailBreak iOS: adding custom view to input call view

I need to add my custom view to input call view. I have got jail broken device with iOS 9.3.2. I've installed Theos to my MacBook. I've installed mobile substrate to iOS. And now I don't know what I need to do.
I found that I have to modify But I cannot find needed class for tweak.
Also I don't understand how can I write logs. I tried to use NSLog(#"aaa") and %log(#"aaa") but I cannot find file with logs.
Thank you.
If you want to add something to the app, modifying the .app isn't the easiest way. If you have MobileSubstrate installed you can hook a method from the Phone application and using basic iOS paradigms like MVC you can find the views you need to modify and go from there. If you need the header files you can either dump them yourself with class-dump-z or see if these are still valid.
Logging data is also quite easy with Ryan Petrich's deviceconsole
Just run the command deviceconsole --process < YOUR HOOKED PROCESSES' NAME > in your console after installing deviceconsole onto your Mac, and anything in your code using %log(); will show up in the console.

ShowShareSheet creates black/blank screen

Using an ActionList and Tbutton that is linked to the aciton: ActionShowShareSheet, the picture above is my result. I can not find a lot of troubleshooting around or many examples regarding the topic. I am trying to share an image with informational text - nothing to fancy - either by email or whichever the desired social sharing service is preferred by the user.
Yes, I have looked at the example provided by Delphi, and even attempted copying and pasting the same controls/components from that example.
edit ---
Okay, so I tested in in the iPad as well, it appears to show the popver modal but no items are shown to share with. So I am now facing two problems:
1. ShowActionShareSheet does not display properly with an iPhone device/simulator
2. I have nothing to share with, or I can't. I have signed into Facebook as a test via the iOS device settings and it still does not work properly.
Help ! Thanks
~ Simple solution. Just doesn't work in the simulator.
