Broadcast-like chat using Twilio - twilio

I'm using Twilio Conversations for a chat service in my project. Currently, we have only normal 1-to-1 chat which is handled using frontend SDKs. It's working properly. My new requirement is something like WhatsApp broadcast: the sender can send messages to multiple participants, but on the receiver's side, it should be a normal chat message. Is it possible to implement using Twilio? How can I implement this?

Twilio developer evangelist here.
You can definitely do this with Twilio Conversations! Here's a way to do it using the Twilio CodeExchange.
Here's the JS version of that CodeExchange app on GitHub as well.
Edit: A Messaging PM says that Conversations is not the right product for notifications/bulk messaging. They're positioning Conversations and its features for bi-directional/conversational messaging and Messaging for transactional messaging (notifications, bulk messaging, verifications, etc.)
What they've seen people do in the past:
get list of numbers, iterate through them with Messaging API to send out bulk marketing message
set up the 'from' number (twilio sender) with Conversations autocreation, so that if someone replies it creates a Conversation
Handle the interactive dialogue with the person who wrote back using Conversations
Let me know if this helps at all!


Twilio Notifications for Business Side

How can my company (3-4 people) be notified that we have a new text within Twilio via our phones when we are out of the office?
Use the Twilio Programmable SMS product to notify one or more phones.
You can either use a Webhook pointing to your own backend setup or use their Functions console.

How to make Incoming SMS via Twilio Appear and Generate Notifications in Bitrix

Hi I've integrated Twilio with Bitrix and am able to send outgoing sms that do reach the receiving number, but the incoming reply texts do not appear on the contact profile or generate notifications. To summarize, I need help making incoming sms appear in contact profiles and generate notifications for all/most employees.
I heard one method was to use Bitrix24 webhook for authorization and API REST for data. If this method works then I need a step-by-step on how to do it.
I have limited coding experience.
I've tried generating a Bitrix webhook and setting that as the incoming URL for the text messages in Twilio but the replies still did not appear.

Using Twilio Chat on iOS, is it possible to send a small amount of custom non-message data between users?

We have an app built with Twilio Chat for iOS and everything is working very well. However, we now have a requirement to invite the other chat participant to join a video room, and we would like to send the invite signal through the Twilio Chat channel that is already established (similar in functionality to the Typing signal.)
I know Push Notifications are supported by Twilio Chat, but that seems like overkill for this use case, where a simple signal is all that's needed.
What is the easiest way to send a very small amount of non-message data between Twilio Chat channel participants?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you send a message with Twilio Chat you can also set an Attributes field which can contain JSON. You can then use this to signal that the message is not for printing on the page, but a service message or invite. You will then need to updated your UI to read the attributes of a message and decide whether to display it or use it to create the Video chat.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Connecting Twilio SMS to my phone via XMPP

I'd like to interact with my customers via texting/messaging on a phone app, but not use my personal phone number. Although this seems like a common need, haven't found a solution for that yet.
Twilio SMS services are amazing. I'd like to take advantage of those services as well as utilize a familiar iMessage like interface for interaction with in and out SMS/MMS messages.
Was wondering if I could avoid re-inventing the wheel by using a standard XMPP iOS app with a standard XMPP chat server and only build an intermediate service that would translate between Twilio SMS and XMPP.
I've got to assume that other's have already solved this problem. I'd would love to hear your input on using this approach or hearing how you've solved this.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I am not an expert in XMPP I'm afraid. However, a bit of Googling turned up the following links:
SMS over XMPP with Twilio
Multi channel chat with Twilio and Google App Engine
Cloudpipes Twilio XMPP integration
Perhaps one of those might help?
This XMPP component connects Twilio SMS and voice to XMPP:
I posted an Android SMS app called Owl SMS, that allows you to do what you wanted, keep your personal SMS (from your mobile phone number) separate from your business SMS. At this time, it only does text, I haven't added MMS.

Get conversation list using Sinch API & iOS SDK

I have to develop a messaging app and I came across this Sinch messaging SDK. I had downloaded the iOS SDK and tried the Sinch Instant Messaging sample app. I was able to send messages and get messages. But I need to know:
Can I get the conversation list using Sinch SDK with latest message for each conversation to show in list?
How can I differentiate the incoming chat messages from different users. In the sample I see only one chat messages screen which populates all the messages from different users. So, do we have any property in Sinch SDK that differentiates the conversations?
Is there any possibility to create group name, group image for group chat? And how will Sinch API will possibly maintain these group chat and single chat message?
No, Think of us as a delivery mechanism for messages, not a mailbox.
Look at the senderid in the messages, that will differentiate who is sending.
You can implement that feature by SendMessageWithHeaders, but Sinch IM is not really channel discussion group, its more well suited for multirecipient messages.
you can create the group name, group image for group chat etc features more easily. Many API SDK's resources are available in an internet market. For instant communication between users.
Refer to this, you may get an idea:
