Add extension to Midori browser - midori

I'm trying to add an extension (in crx format) to Midori, but I can't because the documentation is outdated and doesn't give info on how to add an extension that isn't written in vala. Could anyone help me?
I'm working with the build of the repo on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS


How can I install ProcessMaker 4 on Windows?

I'm new to ProcessMaker 4, I want to install it on Windows. I found a help about the installation on the web site of pm, but I want to get more help. I need a video tutorial about the installation in Win environment or a step by step help. Thank you!
Depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
If you are looking to install open Source version to test things out then refer to
Twenkid answer here.
However, If you are going for the enterprise edition, Your Operating system does not matter. Simply make contact with PM team and they will set up a cloud instance for you.
PM4 offers a smooth experience.
The installation instructions for the latest version are in github:
The instructions are on Linux and the requirements include VirtualBox, it seems it's recommended on Windows to install it on a Linux virtual machine, e.g.CentOS or Amazon Linux, see the answer here:
Requesting ProcessMaker 4 Installation Documenation

LUIS Docker Image not running on Windows Server 2016

So I have Windows 2016 Server and I followed the Docker Install Documentation to download Docker-EE. After which moved ahead to pull the Microsoft LUIS Docker Image. When I start that I get the following Error: image operating system "linux" cannot be used on this platform
I understand that one has to change the Daemon to make that image work. But DockerCli.exe isnt present in the Docker Program Folder to call the --SwitchDaemon function. Moreover, I can't Download Docker Desktop to do that same.
I know that Microsoft LUIS Doesnt have Windows version as per the Tag List
Could somebody please explain how I can achieve this? Help would be much appreciated.

IntelliJ IDEA not showing quick documentation in Dockerfile

I have a simple Dockerfile. When I edit it in IntelliJ IDEA and move my cursor to a docker command like
and then press F2, it doesn't show the quick documentation. I do have the Docker plugin installed.
F2/Quick Documentation works great in java source files.
Do you know if IDEA can show quick documentation for Dockerfiles? Do we need to import some DSL/grammar file in IntelliJ IDEA for this to work?
I am using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2019.1 on Mac OS X High Sierra.
Thank you.
use VSCode idea to show document
see image

Using Github Project in Docker

I'm working on face detection project and trying to use this github project.
But the issue is I'm using windows system and have difficulties installing modules used in this project. I can use a VM, install linux and use it. But can I use docker to call the project from github and work with it? If yes, how to do it? I tried to read about it, but hardly got any materials.
Thank you!

fabric composer on Windows machine

I tried setting up playground using
I followed the docker steps everything started OK, was able to access Fabric Composer Playground by clicking on this link: http://localhost:8080
But now what??? I tried to upload a sample model file but it shows error.
How do I try this out. Do I have install Ubuntu on my windows machine to really be able to try out fabric composer?? Pleas help
You can install and run the fabric composer locally on linux only. For that you can use VMWare and install ubuntu on it.
And then follow the installation steps here.
If you don't want to do so, then alternatively you can use the online composer playground and can export(download) your .bna file whenever you want.
Hope this helps you!
