How can I install ProcessMaker 4 on Windows? - processmaker

I'm new to ProcessMaker 4, I want to install it on Windows. I found a help about the installation on the web site of pm, but I want to get more help. I need a video tutorial about the installation in Win environment or a step by step help. Thank you!

Depends on what you are trying to accomplish.
If you are looking to install open Source version to test things out then refer to
Twenkid answer here.
However, If you are going for the enterprise edition, Your Operating system does not matter. Simply make contact with PM team and they will set up a cloud instance for you.
PM4 offers a smooth experience.

The installation instructions for the latest version are in github:
The instructions are on Linux and the requirements include VirtualBox, it seems it's recommended on Windows to install it on a Linux virtual machine, e.g.CentOS or Amazon Linux, see the answer here:
Requesting ProcessMaker 4 Installation Documenation


OpenIAM set up using docker for custom edition

I need to install and set up OpenIAM custom edition using docker in centos VM , I don't want to go for enterprise edition for which docker image is available in OpenIAM git hub through a subscription.
I am aware of the rpm install manually for custom edition that requires other dependencies to install as well for complete set up, but want to automate this through docker. Any idea how I can achieve this?
Just for transparency, I work for OpenIAM.
Our RPM installation requires minimal external dependencies. Additionally, there will be a new release of the Community Edition next month which will be provided via Docker as well. The Enterprise Edition currently supports RPM, Docker and Kubernetes.
We will also be releasing a slew of tutorial videos for v4.1.11 and 4.1.12 in the coming weeks to help users get started.
Ameet Shah

How to install Peatio on cPanel

Intro : Peatio is a free and open-source crypto currency exchange implementation with the Rails framework and other cutting-edge technology.
We want to install Peatio in cPanel but we didn't found any tutorial or any article how can we install this on cPanel . I found their wiki and their is only linux/Mac and Ubuntu installation guides available. We opened issue and thought they maybe help us and they refer us to post on stack overflow. I hope someone help us. And i am also willing to pay , we have root access on our cPanel server.
Github Link is here
Linux / Mac OSX Ruby 2.1.0 Rails 4.0+ Git 1.7.10+ Redis 2.0+ MySQL
Thank you.
Peatio is Ruby based exchange which can not installed on cPanel but any one can use this repository:
Requirements For Setup:
OS: Debian 9
RAM: Min 8GB Recommended 16
Domain: Any top level domain name

Installation error with Neo4j enterprise edition 2.0.0

I am a developer at a company. We started using Neo4j recently. We have been using Neo4j community editions till now. We use Amazon as our cloud. We put up the neo database onto cloud and we are using ubuntu instance for this. I was able to put Neo4j community editions onto the cloud till now and put data on it. We have now bought the enterprise edition of Neo4j (Neo4j Enterprise edition 2.0.0) . I am trying to put the new enterprise edition onto the cloud using ubuntu.
I have downloaded the enterprise version and extracted the contents of it on ubuntu. Now I am trying to install Neo database using the command:
var/lib/neo4j/ neo4j-community-2.0.0 $ sudo ./bin/neo4j-installer install
This gives me output as:
WARNING: this installer is deprecated and may not be the optimal way to install Neo4j on your system.
Please see the Neo4j Manual for up to date information on installing Neo4j.
Press any key to continue
Graph-like power should be handled carefully. What user should run Neo4j? [neo4j] ubuntu
ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/etc/init.d/neo4j-service’: File exists
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/neo4j-service: file does not exist
This does not install neo database now. The same command was working fine with Neo4j community editions. Please let me know what should be done for this? I am stuck on this for several hours now. I have no clue what should be done.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
As you are a customer, probably best to open a support ticket, and then add an answer here, so that other people can learn about it?
Did you remove the community installation first? It could be a clash of the two versions.
Because the manual actually says the same thing here:

how to install Commerce Server 2007 Staging (grayed out on mine and my collegue's box)?

I need to use CS Staging API to do some tests with a remote server.
However, the Staging option is grayed out for me and my colleague, at least
when i try to install the MSDN version (both Enterprise and Developer).
Any idea how can I at least use the Staging API with the remote server?
(I do not care whether I've got a local server or not)
Thanks in advance
You are trying to install on an unsupported OS
You cannot officially install CSS on the following OS':
Windows XP
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Having said this, the Greg has got CSS working on Windows 7 by manually copying the binaries (see comments below). Obviously, this is not supported or endorsed by Microsoft.
You are missing CSS pre-requisite software
For example, classic ASP is one of the pre-requisites. Make sure you follow
the (long) instructions in the CS 2007 Install Guide, you should be OK. You can also review a list of components CSS depends upon.

What version on Ubuntu should I run my Rails app on?

My host gives me a few choices when it comes to distros. I know I want to run Ubuntu, but What version will give me the best compatibility with a typical rails app and the usual libraries I'd be using with Rails.
I have these available to me:
Ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS (hardy)
Ubuntu 8.10 (intrepid)
Ubuntu 9.04 (jaunty)
Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic)
I'm tempted to just go with 9.10 just because its the newest... is that a good idea?
Because rails/ruby is a fairly rapidly moving platform, I'd recommend going with the latest (9.10).
If the LTS (long term support) aspect is important to you, the next one is out in April (10.04)
I can't imagine any reason to not to do so.. :)
You are still going to need to install a number of libraries regardless of your choice, so I would go with the newest version you have available.
Yes, just go with 9.10. That will give you the longest support period.
