Programmatically trigger a Tooltip with arbitrary contents - tooltip

I wonder if there is a way to programmatically trigger a Tooltip with arbitrary content on arbitrary event in ECharts?


How can I selectively disable android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" from manifest file?

Initially I want to show a composable immediately on top of the Android default keyboard, what slides in if needed on my different screens. Similar like in this example, but I do not want to set WindowCompat.setDecorFitsSystemWindows(window, false), which would be required for this solution.
Therefore, I've set in the manifestv for that Activity:
And aligned stuff I want to display immediately on top of the keyboard to Alignment.Bottom.
For the very same activity, I also have a use case, where the keyboard slides in, but I do not want to align it on top of the keyboard. it shall remain on the the same position as it was without keyboard.
Can I selectively tell a composable to ignore android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize", which was already set for the whole Activity?

VoiceOver accessibility focus on a series of elements

Say I have a dialog box like this:
and I want to focus on title, then body and then each button one after another. I am able to focus on body using
UIAccessibilityPostNotification(UIAccessibilityScreenChangedNotification, dialog.bodyLabel);
but is there any way to define a set of elements we want to focus instead of a single one?
I have also tried to make a list of elements I want to focus on using this syntax:
dialog.accessibilityElements = #[dialog.titleLable, dialog.bodyLable, etc];
but it just reads the first element (in this case dialog.titleLable) and doesn't move to the next one. Any thoughts?
The default value is set to NO for all the elements.
set the isAccessibleElement to YES for the all individual elements in the dialog
and then you can do
dialog.accessibilityElements = #[dialog.titleLable, dialog.bodyLable];
so that voice over reads title label first and body label next.

ALV tooltip in a single cell of a row. Possible?

It is possible to put a tooltip on a single cell of my alv? I know that it is possible in a column by a field catalog, but what about single cell?
I have ALV with icon like that, which is called via cl_gui_alv_gridv
I want information about this item in tooltip when I hover mouse over this icon
The information on how to display a symbol with a tooltip is easily available if you google for " tooltip icon". Since you seem to be unable to find it, here is the actual link. Make the target field large enough (132 characters is a common size), then use the function ICON_CREATE.
If you don't want an icon to appear, you can use ICON_SPACE. And since the tooltip is contained in the value of each cell, of course it is possible to have different tooltips for different cells.

highstock - control when tooltip appears

By default, the tooltip appears as soon as the cursor enters the chart. I would like to control when it first appears in one of two ways:
Wait for user to hover over (around) a data point on the chart.
This way the user can look at the entire chart without the
distraction of the tooltip.
mousedown - is there a way to disable the default mousedown function
and use it for displaying the tooltip instead? And because the
tooltip and crosshair seem to be joined, perhaps the same mousedown
event could fire the crosshair to appear?
number 2 would be best; any suggestions/solutions would be appreciated!
Number 2 is possible to achieve by:
disable default Highcharts tooltip
create event handler
in above handler, create your own tooltip (it's simple div with some CSS)
make proper position for tooltip (accessed via this.point.plotX and this.point.plotY

jQuery .datepicker("setDate",newdate) is not triggering onChange nor onSelect events

The contents of the datepicker input is changed programmatically via "setDate" method and I want to update the preview of the input form depending on the changed date value.
The "onSelect" event is triggered only when the date is changed through the datepicker UI and not when "setDate" is called.
"onChange" event of the input is also not triggered.
Right now it seems the only way is to call my updatePreview function manually every time after the "setDate" and I have to re-format the date object I get from the "getDate" method.
Is there an easier way to do it?
Here's the mockup in jsFiddle. The "change programmatically" button doesn't update the preview.
If I am understanding correctly, you want to update a separate element with the date being entered or set programmatically. If so, updating an alternate field preview is baked into jQuery UI Datepicker already.
The datepicker widget only seems to be able to update an alternate <input> field rather than a <div> preview though, so if you need it to update a <div> then this demo will require a bit more work.
You could trigger the event yourself, but in general setting values in javascript does not trigger events. This goes for jQuery too.
Firing the events yourself:
$(elem).select(); // for select obviously
$(elem).change(); // for change
