Is it possible to change the design of the AppSwitcher feature? - ios

Hello Stackoverflow, I have an apple app idea but am not exactly sure
if it's technically possible to implement it. This is because I know that Apple is pretty strict on its designs.
App Description:
This app is basically Siri suggestion on steroids. As iPhone users know, apple has a AppSwitcher feature's where you can easily switch between already opened apps. Hence, what this app should do is use the app switcher feature's to switch between suggested apps, instead of already opened apps. For instance, if I have Instagram open and swipe to the right at the bottom edge of the screen, my next most suggest app will show up. Or if I have Instagram open and swipe upwards, it will show me the next 5 most suggest apps.


How can I programmatically disable iphone home button in swift 4?

I am going to develop an application for kids. That I needed is I have to lock the home button permanently for this particular application but I didn't get any solution for this.
For kids, there is a feature in the iPhone setting called "Guided Access" this setting lock the phone with one app. This could be helpful for you. You can mention this in your app.
You can use this API to do programmatically. It was introduced in WWDC 2017. For more information how to use API and lock in a specific way. Please check this video. For doing programmatically without any device management it has been explained at 15:40th minute.

Making a lock screen UI similar to the Apple Map app in nav mode?

I have been googling and can't seem to find any info on how to make anything more than a widget app for when an iOS device is on the lock screen. HOWEVER.... then I see the Nav mode for Apple's map app and it taunts me.
I want to make a app that works very similarly for recording a path taken.
Unfortunately I can find anyone talking about how to replicate that behavior. Could someone tell me:
A) If it's possible or locked down for 1st party apple apps only.
B) Where do I find a example app that I can learn from?

What happens when a user taps map in Apple Watch?

I'm developing a Apple Watch app but I'm not one of the lucky guys who got the watch earlier. It says that when a user taps a map it opens the native maps app.
When I place a red marker on the static map, will it be displayed in the native maps app as well?
I think there is no way to directly start a navigation from the watch app but if anybody knows how this - pretty common - use case can be handled I would be glad to get some advice.
It will open the native Maps app centred on the point where your annotation/marker was, but it won't be displayed. I haven't been able to confirm the behaviour if you have multiple markers, however.
Source: one of the lucky guys/dev forums

Changing the behavior of the iOS Lockscreen

Is there a way to change the behavior of the iOS Lockscreen? For instance, can an app, if active, provide a user with dynamic content, such as pictures, as the phone's background, and, in addition, allow a user to swipe left (in addition to swiping right, if they want to unlock the phone) to engage said content?
Is there a way to change the behavior of the iOS Lockscreen?
For instance, can an app, if active...
iOS doesn't provide any API that would allow the sort of thing that you describe. It might be possible to modify or replace the lock screen if you jailbreak your phone -- all bets are off at that point. But an app that uses the Apple-provided API has no way to modify the lock screen.
Also, note that if the device is locked, your app won't be active. You may have intended a looser definition of "active," but looking at the linked chart of app states will help you understand that what you're looking to do isn't achievable with the current API. Apps have to be active to receive events, but a locked phone implies that your app will be in an inactive, background, or suspended state if it's running at all.
No. (Not if you're talking about an 'app' in the sense of the App Store)
The only way an app can interact with the lock screen is through notifications, and cannot alter the standard lock screen interface.
You can alter the lock screen with a MobileSubstrate tweak on a jailbroken phone, but this requires reverse-engineering SpringBoard (the iOS launcher app), can be quite complicated and obviously cannot be distributed through the App Store

Locking iPad to Safari and one webpage

Can you somehow lock an iPad to Safari and only one webpage? I've found people locking iPad to certain apps but can't find this anywhere.
One app example:
Lock-down iPhone/iPod/iPad so it can only run one app
From the accepted answer to the question you link to:
It is possible to put an iPad or iPhone into 'Store Demo' mode so that the home button and swipe to home gesture is disabled. If you have seen the iPads in the Apple Store running the smart sign apps then you will know what I mean.
So you could, for example, lock the device to Safari. But then it would be possible to navigate to any webpage.
What you need to do is to write a simple app that has a UIWebView that loads your site, and then put the device in 'Store Demo' mode afterwards. Also, depending on whether your site contains links to the outside world, you may have to implement webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType: from the UIWebViewDelegate protocol so that it refuses to leave your site.
