How can I programmatically disable iphone home button in swift 4? - ios

I am going to develop an application for kids. That I needed is I have to lock the home button permanently for this particular application but I didn't get any solution for this.

For kids, there is a feature in the iPhone setting called "Guided Access" this setting lock the phone with one app. This could be helpful for you. You can mention this in your app.
You can use this API to do programmatically. It was introduced in WWDC 2017. For more information how to use API and lock in a specific way. Please check this video. For doing programmatically without any device management it has been explained at 15:40th minute.


Is it possible to change the design of the AppSwitcher feature?

Hello Stackoverflow, I have an apple app idea but am not exactly sure
if it's technically possible to implement it. This is because I know that Apple is pretty strict on its designs.
App Description:
This app is basically Siri suggestion on steroids. As iPhone users know, apple has a AppSwitcher feature's where you can easily switch between already opened apps. Hence, what this app should do is use the app switcher feature's to switch between suggested apps, instead of already opened apps. For instance, if I have Instagram open and swipe to the right at the bottom edge of the screen, my next most suggest app will show up. Or if I have Instagram open and swipe upwards, it will show me the next 5 most suggest apps.

Is it possible to detect another application from the current app in iOS?

I need to create sticky button which is on screen like hike button in ios
If i detect that application(WhatsApp) state event so i solve this problem. Thats why i need to create another application launched event.
Thank you in advance.
Apps on iOS are sandboxed and can not directly communicate with other apps directly. There are some API's in the iOS SDK which allows some interaction, mostly audio, share of items.
Apple does not expose to you app if an other app is launched, so checking that an other is launched is not possible.
The second issue is that you can draw on de screen outside of you own apps windows. So you will not be able to draw a button on top of some other app.

Getting refrence of current touch event similar to VoiceOver

I am developing an iphone app for my internal purpose(dont want to put it on App Store).
I want Some functionality similar to built in VoiceOver Application in iPhone.
In my app, i want my app to be kept in background, and when user touches to any button,textfield or any UIElement, then my backgrounded app should be able to know the accessibility label of that element which was touched by User and then perform some action(similar to speech in voiceover). Is there any private apis available to get this detail. If it is possible for jailbroken, then still it is OK for me.
You should try to use IOHid framework to do this.
Look at this question, because it has the code how to do this:
iOS touch event notifications (private API)
Although, I am not sure this method is still applicable in iOS 7 (I believe it was discussed in iOS 6 timeframe).

Is it possible to make a push notification that doesn't open the app

I want a push notification where you could tap yes or no.If yes is tapped it would NOT open the app.
AFAIK it is not possible on iOS 6 unless you have a "Newsstand" app.
I've heard many of the newsstand-only features will be available to all apps in iOS 7 but I haven't had time to look into it yet. Maybe someone who knows more will answer.
iOS 6 can't do this - all Push notifications need to be treated as if they'll display to the user, and if they get a push when the app isn't open, it will take them to the app if they tap "Yes".
As #eran pointed out, you could modify the push notification bundle to make it only display 1 button.
iOS 7 is currently NDA so can't be discussed here. That said, if you have Xcode 5, you should have the developer doc site basically downloaded. Look at the Multitasking Guide and the Release notes.
If you have two buttons and none of them opens the app, why do you need two buttons?
If you pass null to the action-loc-key parameter, you'll get a single button that dismisses the alert without opening the app.

can you turn on airplay mirroring with iOS 5 objective-c code?

can you trigger airplay mirroring with iOS 5 code?
I see in the API how you can stream. Just wonder if anyone knows how to turn on and off mirroring programmically in my app on iPad2 using iOS5, or if that even is possible.
I DO see how to physically turn it on via the dock at the bottom of the screen,
so no need to post a link to the Apple demo of that.
Thanks in advance
It's currently not possible. With a bit of luck this may change tomorrow, but it isn't something I can see apple doing. (for the same reasons as they dont allow toggling bluetooth/airplane mode/wifi etc..)
