How to style an entry in my dynamically created bootstrap table? -

I am creating a table dynamically using bootstrap using an ajax call. While displaying the said data, in one particular field, if that field (numeric), does not fulfill a condition, i need it to be highlighted (with say a different color) in the table being displayed. How to do this?


Kendo UI Grid data bind to two table DB

I am trying to figure out two things. First, is it even possible. Second, am I on the correct path?
I am making an Kendo UI Grid that just needs a very simple two table, inner join from an Entity Framework model. The issue is that one of the fields is incredibly large. It requires me to set the value to the json object size to max int value just to be able to return a single table result.
Because the resulting set is so large, I do not seem to be able to use a view model. It just returns a size limit error on that as well. Is there a way to return a very large dataset from two tables to a single Kendo UI grid? I have tried every suggestion from every existing answer on Stack Overflow and the Telerik forums.
I don't really think that some user need information which cannot be handled by default json object size.
May be should load first 50-100 characters from that field to grid and if user click on cell load rest of the data.
Another way is using virtual scroll or paging.
If kendo model cant handle your field size, you can add columnt to each row with view large data button and open window with text field loaded from db on click.

Ui-grid: how can I create multiple ui grids dynamically

I need to display multiple ui grids in my screen. The number of grids are dynamic.
Scenario: I am adding some people in a list and proceeds to next screen where I need to display their details in a separate ui grid. How can I create grid options dynamically?
Wrap up the code and html inside a directive, pass the table data to the directive.See the answer from user CMR here...I hope this helps.
Custom directive for Ui Grid

Pass table row values to struts action class which uses display: column tag

I have a struts table which displays data using <display:column> tag.It has many rows and checkbox for each row. But for only one column I need to show as text fields which I did using <display:column><input type ="text"..../></display:column>. Now the problem is I need to submit only the value of the text fields for the rows which have been selected by checking the check box. The submit button is outside the display tag. Can anybody please suggest how to achieve this.

How to add table styles back to table after it has been updated using jQuery Mobile

I create a table dynamically from json data. I then allow the user to update certain elements in the table. Before the update the table looks as follows:
I inspect the element and it has the following:
Then after I update the table, the styles added to the input boxes and selects in the table are removed:
I would like to know, how would I add back these styles (i.e ui-select, ui-btn-inner etc) so that the tables dont lose their styling when I recreate the tables. I want to know how to add back the styles to the select, input and the colour of the "Update TextBooks".
just to shed some more light on the answer so that people understand everything 100%. I was always calling code that basically kept reconstructing the above table, as seen in the pictures above.
In order to keep adding the jQuery Mobile formatting and css to the table everytime one has to call the .trigger() method on the table. So for example I would dynamically create an a table based in the users values entered previously. For this solution lets say my table has an id of id = 'updatetable'.
Thus to fix the above problem simply use:
after you have dynamically created the table.

Add dynamically an FormItem to a DynamicForm with SmartGWT

I would like to add a FormItem to a DynamicForm in a SmartGWT form, but all I can find is the setItems method, which adds all FormItem of the form, so it can only be used to initialize the form. Am I missing something?
My form contains a TextItem, and each time the user enters a new string and validate, a new CheckButton is added.
Best approach depends on what you want to do:
Dynamically shown item? Add it to the form at initialization, but hidden, then show() it later
repeating form, like the built-in FilterBuilder component? Just add a series of DynamicForms to a Layout, consider tying them together with a ValuesManager
something else? Consider either #2 above, or, setItems() can be used as a means of providing just one new item to the form, just provide a new Array of FormItems including the items you already have. The form will automatically preserve the item's current values.
