SQL Server always encrypted : stored procs recompiling - stored-procedures

We are applying Always encrypted(AE) related to changes to stored procs. Suppose one such stored proc calls another 20 SPs. Each of those 20 SPs call another 5, and so on. Some of these SPs are decade old.
Should all the stored procs needs to be recompiled which are being called in that nested fashion, irrespective of whether the encrypted params are being passed to all of them or not?
The SP works fine without the AE changes, but starts giving weird errors with AE changes. AE changes are small changes with none-or-little logic changes.
I couldn't find any documentation about this.


Lua / FiveM, why fetching hashed objects is slow?

My introduction to Lua has been through building a FiveM Role Play server using ESX v1.2. There's many inefficiencies in the code and I've isolated the majority of them which were causing "server thread hitches" in the server, but there's one thing I'm a little lost on.
There's an "extended player" object which holds a bunch of RP specific information aggregated from various database calls, commonly called xPlayer. Each player has a server id which is a number and there's a lua table called ESX.Players and the xPlayer is stored with a hash with ESX.Players[source] = xPlayer
There's a function:
ESX.GetPlayerFromId = function(source)
return ESX.Players[tonumber(source)]
which wraps the fetch by hash which is where we get lots of server hitches happening. In calling code I've taken out all processing logic to leave just this function call in place and the hitches happen still and commenting it the issue goes away. The question is why given it's just pulling from a hashtable causing lag when the things in the hashtable are already instantiated tables and are NOT reaching out to touch any IO or do anything fancy in the process? It's just a stored instance.
The one thing that stands out to me is there are a hand full of values on the xPlayer table followed by MANY functions. Is the weight of those functions on a Lua table enough to slow down returning a reference to that? This file shows where the extended player table is created and returned https://github.com/esx-framework/es_extended/blob/v1-final/server/classes/player.lua
I am in the process of pushing all those functions onto a dedicated utility table that will exist once and each of them take an xPlayer argument to be processed by the function. There's thousands of calls throughout the 100+ FiveM resources back onto the xPlayer.() calls, so the weight of code churn and regression testing is epic therefore right now the codebase is not in a state to release to a production server to test with 40+ players hammering it yet. Can anyone confirm if I'm on the right track, is lifting away the functions of the xPlayer tables likely to give me any performance improvement when fetching by hashed key? And if so why?

Compressing/encoding SQL commands for faster network transmission

I am developing an iOS app which stores its data in an sqlite3 database. Every insert, update or delete operation is logged locally and then pushed up to iCloud, and other devices running the app can download these transaction logs and execute the SQL commands within them to keep all devices running the app synchronised. This is working extremely well.
I am now looking into optimising the process and it occurs to me that logging the whole SQL command results in a lot of redundant data being pushed to and pulled from the cloud, which will ultimately result in longer sync times and increased data usage.
The SQL queries are very predictable (there is only one format each of insert, update and delete used in the app) so I am considering using an encoding/decoding routine which will compress the SQL command for storage in the transaction log, and then decompress it from the log for execution.
The string compression methods I have found don't seem to do too well with SQL queries, so I've devised my own:
Single byte to identify the SQL command type
Table and column names indexed in arrays in the app, and the names are encoded using their index position in the array
String of tab separated digits to represent groups of columns, and tab separated values (e.g. in a VALUES() clause)
Encoded check column and value (for the WHERE clause in an update or delete command)
Using this format I have compressed one example query of 186 bytes down to just 78 bytes. This has clear advantages for speed of data transmission and amount of data usage.
The disadvantage I foresee is that it will require more processing on the client end to encode and decode the commands. I am wondering whether anybody has done anything similar and has any advice to offer.
To make is clearer what I am asking: in general is it better to minimise the amount of data being synced and increase the burden on the client to interprete those data, or is it preferable to just sync the data as-is and leave the client to use it as-is?
I'm posting an answer to my own question because I have some information which may provide advice to others who are looking in to the same thing.
I spent some time yesterday writing SQL query compression and decompression functions in Objective C. These functions use the method detailed in my original question and in so doing reduce all non-data parts of the queries (SQL command [insert/update/delete], table names and column names) to a single digit to represent each, and remove all of the remaining SQL syntax (key words like "FROM", spaces, commas, brackets...).
I have done some testing by creating five records both with and without the query compression enabled, and here are the results for the file sizes:
Full SQL queries (logged unmodified to the transactions file)
Zip compressed: 747 bytes
Uncompressed: 1,515 bytes
Compressed SQL queries (compressed using my custom format to the transactions file)
Zip compressed: 673 bytes
Uncompressed: 785 bytes
As you can see, the greatest benefit was to using both types of compression. Encoding the queries achieved ~50% compression. Encoding and then zipping the queries achieved about 10% compression compared to zipping the unencoded queries.
The question I really need to ask myself now is whether it's worth the additional overhead to encode and then zip the queries, and unzip and decode them after downloading the transaction logs from other devices. In this example I only saved 74 bytes overall by encoding and then compressing the transaction log. With five queries this averages at 14.8 bytes saved per query (compared to zipping alone). This is just 14.4kb per 1000 records, which does not seem a lot.

Store a checksum or similar for a file, to tell easily if it's the same as another file

In our app we have a table called support_files which stores documents that have been uploaded , which are mostly PDFs.
I'd like to get a unique list of these files, often the same file is uploaded more than once. I thought that a way to do this would be to add a column to the database called "checksum", and then, for each file, calculate the checksum somehow and store it in the column. (This is obviously the slow part).
Once this is done then I can easily filter out duplicates from my table by examining the checksum column.
Can anyone recommend a method to generate this checksum/hash/whatever? Ideally I'd like to generate a hash/checksum that's large enough to guarantee uniqueness, but small enough to fit into a string field in my database.
My server's running on Ubuntu server, and the total number of files I need to checksum is currently around 12,000. For the sake of argument assume it won't grow over 100,000.
A bit of Googling reveals sha1sum, but this may be more suited to telling if a file has been accidentally changed rather than if two files are different?
Take a look at Digest::SHA256, it can interface directly with files and it works great.
From the referenced documentation:
p Digest::SHA256.file("X11R6.8.2-src.tar.bz2").hexdigest
# => "f02e3c85572dc9ad7cb77c2a638e3be24cc1b5bea9fdbb0b0299c9668475c534"

Writing many stored procedures

I need to write a long procedure which generates a report for a company.
Since report involves multiple data to be fetched i have written many small procedures to fetch the different records .
Is it the write approach to write many sub programs in the main program and calling them in the main program?
please help or is there any other way to do this.
Unless you really go wild (**) and build a 'tree' of stored procedures each calling the other one I don't see any problems with this. There might in fact be benefits to this as
it's easier to maintain smaller pieces of code
(re)compilation of smaller stored procedures is going to be faster
**: There is a 'limit' in MSSQL in that the stack is limited to 32 levels. That is, if procedure1 calls procedure1_1 and that procedure calls procedure1_1_1 and that one calls another etc... you'll get an error when you get over 32 calls 'deep'. Calling multiple stored procedures sequentially isn't a problem though.
The only thing to keep in mind is the context of the variables/temporary tables you're using. If you want to pass values around you'll need to use parameters. (using `OUTPUT can be useful to keep track of a #rowcount variable for instance).

Is there a limit to the number of parameters in a TStoredProc?

Is there limit to either the number of params or to the overall size of a params in a TStoredProc ExecProc call?
Currently running a system that is still using the BDE to connect to Oracle and a recent change to the number of parameters to a package procedure as started producing access violations. The params count is now up to 291 and the AV is being created in the ExecProc call of TStoredProc.
If we remove a single param from the list (any param, does not have to be a specific param), the ExecProc call works fine.
I have debugged through the code and the access violation is being thrown with the TStoredProc.BindParams procedure within DBTables.pas. I have several watches set up, one of which is SizeOf(FRecordBuffer) and as I step through this procedure, the value is 65535. This is MaxWord (Windows.pas). I don't see is any specified limits within the DBTables code.
The callstack is TStoredProd.ExecProc -> TStoredProc.CreateCursor -> TStoredProc.GetCursor -> TStoredProc.BindParams and the access violation is thrown in the for-loop that iterates through the FParams.
Thanks in advance, we need to find something we can pinpoint so we can steer clear.
I'm not at all versed in Oracle SQL, but since you're maintaining the thing, I would see if I could change the call with all that parameters to a single insert into a new dedicated table (with that many columns plus an autonumber primary key), and change the stored procedure to take this key as input and call the values from this new record to do its job. This may just deliver a bit faster than finding out what's the maximum number of parameters and try to find a fix there. (Though it's a bit of a strange number, as in not a power of 2, it may well be 291...)
