Populating Google Form text box from Google Sheet - google-sheets

I am currently creating a form in Google Forms. It is already connected to sheets to populate a sheet. In the sheets app, I created a new sheet within the workbook that finds the last submission, and uses vlookup to get a few columns for that last submission.
What I want: Next time I submit a form, I want to have some text before, say, Question 1 which says "On your last submission, you said $X$." I want to fill in the X. Note: I do not want to populate the answer box, or the multiple choice options with data from the sheet. There are quite a few articles online describing how to do this with AppsScript. All I want is to pull data from, say, 'Sheet2!A2' and have it display in the description section of a question or text block in the form. (the form data itself is published to Sheet1, not Sheet2... Sheet2 is created to easily find the one cell I actually want)
Any ideas?
MWE: Form | Sheet


Importrange Query Google Sheet Include SheetName

I'm using Query and Importrange to pull details from other tabs on a Google Sheet.
The other tabs are linked to individual Google Forms.
I'd like to include the name of the sheet the data came from in the query but can't figure out a way to do this.
Any ideas?
I did try having a column on each sheet that contained the name of the sheet i.e. a column on sheet1 where all the entries are sheet1. Then with the query have that column included in the selection.
However, when new Google Forms submissions are made, a new row is added (I think) and the column that contains the sheet name now has a empty entry where the new row was added.
I'm not able to share the sheet as it contains student info from school and it's not-shareable outside my organisation.
Most likely you are using a drag-down style formula within the form responses tab which would cause this rows not aligning with your already included formula as & when new responses pop in!
You could just use an arrayformula accommodated in the first row_cell itself as shown in the screenshot and it should fix this thing. Please do test it out and let us know if its solved or aint.

How to make google form responses submit to bottom of spreadsheet and not ignore manually entered data in the spreadsheet

I have a spreadsheet with responses from a form, but occasionally we manually enter responses into the spreadsheet that do not come in through the google form. I would like these to remain in order with the form responses, but when a google form is submitted it inserts the next form response after the last form response and shifts the manually entered data on the spreadsheet down.
Is there a way I can get the manually entered data to be recognized when the form submits and always append the latest form response to the bottom of the spreadsheet?
I followed this answer here but it doesnt work for me, it still ignores manual entries. Any help is appreciated.
You cannot have automated data and manually entered data in the same range.
For instance, if you use an array formula on a sheet in in B:B, the array formula "owns" B:B. If you then enter manual data anywhere in B:B, you will "break" the array, all of your formula data will disappear and the original formula cell will show an error. Think of that error as Google Sheets' way of saying, "Looks like you decided that you want to use this range for manual data now instead of formula-produced data, so it appears your formula is now not what you want."
The same concept is true for form integration. A form does not "read" cell from your Google Sheet. It just outputs data to it. It's a one-way conversation, so to speak. As such, the form doesn't know what else you are doing on the form-data intake sheet. It only knows how to find the information that marks where it left off with the last submission; and then its instructions are to enter a new line below that point for the next new submission.
In other words, a form "owns" the sheet you integrate it with. And the form will do what it is programmed to do, regardless of whether you try to also "own" that sheet by typing into in manually.
The simple solution: always use your form to enter data.
If you say to yourself, "But using the form is more work than manual entry," it's time to rethink your form and your user experience, since forms are meant to make data entry easier than manual entry into the spreadsheet, not harder.
This sounds plain, but i keyed in the timestamps columns of manually entered data to any earlier date and sorted the data by timestamp. the new data from the form would populate the bottom rows after
however new responses doesn't take your formats n formulas..maybe u have to export it for calculations etc
hope this helps

Can I use a Google Form to check the status of a student's paperwork that is recorded in Google Sheets?

I have a Google Sheets filled in with student names and the status of a paper form. I need to email parents to have them complete the paper form if it is missing. But every time I send this email the first question I get is Doesn't my kid already have this form completed and on file?
So I would like to create a Google form where parents can enter the name of their student and it will show whether or not there is completed paperwork.
I can find how to pre-populate forms but that's not what I want. I need it to show a response based on the information a parent enters.
that's not really how Google Form was intended to be used. (eg. it's unfortunately not possible). you will need to redo your approach... you could create a new spreadsheet in which you would use IMPORTRANGE formula and import column of names only and send this new spreadsheet to the parents. this way when they press CTRL+F to find their kiddo a cell gets highlighted or just not found.

Using text from a cell in a formula in Google Sheets

I would like to use the text from a cell in a formula in Google Sheets.
I have a document with multiple sheets that a variety of people can edit with a H,M,L (high, medium, low) value from a drop-down list. Each person has their own tab in the Google Sheet.
I then have a dashboard that populates based on their choices of H,M,L. I know that I can use the formula =('Jay Delacruz'!C6) for example to populate a cell in another sheet by manually selecting the cells on the other sheet.
However, I am looking to make quite a few of these documents automatically with another Google Script that I am running that creates the individual sheets from a roster of names on the first tab.
My question is, is it possible to have a =('Jay Delacruz'!C6) type formula that instead of the sheet reference it can pull the name of the person from the roster, as this will match exactly the sheets that are automatically generated by the script I have running.
So I would essentially have a pre-populated dashboard of formulae that would become valid once the sheets are created with the names, as created by the other script.
If it makes it a little clearer, there is a link below to make a copy of the Sheet I am working with. All names were randomly generated, so don't reference any real people or data.
Thank you in advance!
Also see here for more info on INDIRECT() function.

Form submission results in skipped rows in Google Sheets formulas

I have a Google Form that populates a Google Sheet. The way it does that is not particular elegant (not a complaint - gift horse and all that... but it's the reason for this questions!), e.g. if there are three check-boxes in the form, Google dumps the text for each option into the relevant cell. I.e.:
__ "I care about delivery"
__ "I care about logistics"
__ "I care about nothing at all"
If the user selects the first and third check-box, the cell in the spreadsheet now reads:
"I care about delivery, I care about nothing at all"
I created another sheet in the same document, and wrote some basic evaluation rules such as
=if(iserror(FIND("delivery",'Form responses 1'!G5)),"No","Yes")
I populated the entire second sheet with these rules, and it works just as intended - until a new form entry is submitted. Form submission results in Google writing it correctly into the original "Form responses" sheet... but on my new sheet, the corresponding line vanishes.
In the example, if Line 5 was the last line filled in by the form, in the new sheet the next row makes reference to A6, B6 etc.
After I submit the new form, the new sheet formulas change from the (populated) A5, B5... to A7, B7... - so the new data is not captured in my nicer representation.
Does anyone understand what is going on here? And, even better, would anyone be able to suggest a fix?
When your Form is updated and a new row added your formula continues to reference G5 which is then a cell above (higher up than) the one you intend. To avoid having to chase the 'G5 cell' as it moves around the Form responses, apply an array version of your formula, say in Row1:
=ArrayFormula(if(iserror(FIND("delivery",'Form Responses 1'!G:G)),"No","Yes"))
