How can I get the feature names after several fit_transform's from sklearn? - machine-learning

I'm running a machine learning model that requires multiple transformations. I applied polynomial transformations, interactions, and also a feature selection using SelectKBest:
transformer = ColumnTransformer(
transformers=[("cat", ce.cat_boost.CatBoostEncoder(y_train), cat_features),]
X_train_transformed = transformer.fit_transform(X_train, y_train)
X_test_transformed = transformer.transform(X_test)
poly = PolynomialFeatures(2)
X_train_polynomial = poly.fit_transform(X_train_transformed)
X_test_polynomial = poly.transform(X_test_transformed)
interaction = PolynomialFeatures(2, interaction_only=True)
X_train_interaction = interaction.fit_transform(X_train_polynomial)
X_test_interaction = interaction.transform(X_test_polynomial)
feature_selection = SelectKBest(chi2, k=55)
train_features = feature_selection.fit_transform(X_train_interaction, y_train)
test_features = feature_selection.transform(X_test_interaction)
model = lgb.LGBMClassifier(), y_train)
However, I want to get the feature names and I have no idea on how to get them.


Why does all my emission mu of HMM in pyro converge to the same number?

I'm trying to create a Gaussian HMM model in pyro to infer the parameters of a very simple Markov sequence. However, my model fails to infer the parameters and something wired happened during the training process. Using the same sequence, hmmlearn has successfully infer the true parameters.
Full code can be accessed in here:
My model is modified from the example in here:
I manually created a first order Markov sequence where there are 3 states, the true means are [-10, 0, 10], sigmas are [1,2,1].
Here is my model
def model(observations, num_state):
assert not torch._C._get_tracing_state()
with poutine.mask(mask = True):
p_transition = pyro.sample("p_transition",
dist.Dirichlet((1 / num_state) * torch.ones(num_state, num_state)).to_event(1))
p_init = pyro.sample("p_init",
dist.Dirichlet((1 / num_state) * torch.ones(num_state)))
p_mu = pyro.param(name = "p_mu",
init_tensor = torch.randn(num_state),
constraint = constraints.real)
p_tau = pyro.param(name = "p_tau",
init_tensor = torch.ones(num_state),
constraint = constraints.positive)
current_state = pyro.sample("x_0",
infer = {"enumerate" : "parallel"})
for t in pyro.markov(range(1, len(observations))):
current_state = pyro.sample("x_{}".format(t),
dist.Categorical(Vindex(p_transition)[current_state, :]),
infer = {"enumerate" : "parallel"})
dist.Normal(Vindex(p_mu)[current_state], Vindex(p_tau)[current_state]),
obs = observations[t])
My model is compiled as
device = torch.device("cuda:0")
obs = torch.tensor(obs)
obs =
guide = AutoDelta(poutine.block(model, expose_fn = lambda msg : msg["name"].startswith("p_")))
Elbo = Trace_ELBO
elbo = Elbo(max_plate_nesting = 1)
optim = Adam({"lr": 0.001})
svi = SVI(model, guide, optim, elbo)
As the training goes, the ELBO has decreased steadily as shown. However, the three means of the states converges.
I have tried to put the for loop of my model into a pyro.plate and switch pyro.param to pyro.sample and vice versa, but nothing worked for my model.
I have not tried this model, but I think it should be possible to solve the problem by modifying the model in the following way:
def model(observations, num_state):
assert not torch._C._get_tracing_state()
with poutine.mask(mask = True):
p_transition = pyro.sample("p_transition",
dist.Dirichlet((1 / num_state) * torch.ones(num_state, num_state)).to_event(1))
p_init = pyro.sample("p_init",
dist.Dirichlet((1 / num_state) * torch.ones(num_state)))
p_mu = pyro.sample("p_mu",
dist.Normal(torch.zeros(num_state), torch.ones(num_state)).to_event(1))
p_tau = pyro.sample("p_tau",
current_state = pyro.sample("x_0",
infer = {"enumerate" : "parallel"})
for t in pyro.markov(range(1, len(observations))):
current_state = pyro.sample("x_{}".format(t),
dist.Categorical(Vindex(p_transition)[current_state, :]),
infer = {"enumerate" : "parallel"})
dist.Normal(Vindex(p_mu)[current_state], Vindex(p_tau)[current_state]),
obs = observations[t])
The model would then be trained using MCMC:
hmc_kernel = NUTS(model, target_accept_prob = 0.9, max_tree_depth = 7)
mcmc = MCMC(hmc_kernel, num_samples = 1000, warmup_steps = 100, num_chains = 1)
The results could then be analysed using:

how do I use TimeSeriesSplit in

I have trying to run XGBoost for time series analysis. these are my codes which are used else where
xgb1 = xgb.XGBRegressor(learning_rate=0.1,n_estimators=n_estimators,max_depth=max_depth,min_child_weight=min_child_weight,gamma=0,subsample=0.8,colsample_bytree=0.8,
reg_alpha=reg_alpha,objective='reg:squarederror', nthread=4, scale_pos_weight=1, seed=27)
xgb_param = xgb1.get_xgb_params()
dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=X_train, label=y_train)
cv_folds = 5
early_stopping_rounds = 50
cvresults =, params = xgb_param,num_boost_round=xgb1.get_params()['n_estimators'], nfold=cv_folds,
metrics='rmse', early_stopping_rounds=early_stopping_rounds)
Obvious issue here is that I want to cross validate timeseries data and hence can't use the cv_folds = 5.
(How) can I use the TimeseriesSplit function within

Find the best pipeline model using CrossValidator and ParamGridBuilder

I have an acceptable model, but I would like to improve it by adjusting its parameters in Spark ML Pipeline with CrossValidator and ParamGridBuilder.
As an Estimator I will place the existing pipeline.
In ParamMaps I would not know what to put, I do not understand it.
As Evaluator I will use the RegressionEvaluator already created previously.
I'm going to do it for 5 folds, with a list of 10 different depth values in the tree.
How can I select and show the best model for the lowest RMSE?
ACTUAL example:
from import Pipeline
from import DecisionTreeRegressor
from import VectorIndexer
from import RegressionEvaluator
dt = DecisionTreeRegressor()
pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[vectorizer, dt])
model =
regEval = RegressionEvaluator(predictionCol = "Predicted_XX", labelCol = "XX", metricName = "rmse")
rmse = regEval.evaluate(predictions)
print("Root Mean Squared Error: %.2f" % rmse)
(1) Spark Jobs
(2) Root Mean Squared Error: 3.60
from import CrossValidator, ParamGridBuilder
dt2 = DecisionTreeRegressor()
pipeline2 = Pipeline(stages=[vectorizer, dt2])
model2 =
regEval2 = RegressionEvaluator(predictionCol = "Predicted_PE", labelCol = "PE", metricName = "rmse")
paramGrid = ParamGridBuilder().build() # ??????
crossval = CrossValidator(estimator = pipeline2, estimatorParamMaps = paramGrid, evaluator=regEval2, numFolds = 5) # ?????
rmse2 = regEval2.evaluate(predictions)
#bestPipeline = ????
#bestLRModel = ????
#bestParams = ????
print("Root Mean Squared Error: %.2f" % rmse2)
(1) Spark Jobs
(2) Root Mean Squared Error: 3.60 # the same ¿?
You need to call .fit() with your training data on the crossval object to create the cv model. That will do the cross validation. Then you get the best model (according to your evaluator metric) from that. Eg.
cvModel =
myBestModel = cvModel.bestModel

keras combine pretrained model

I trained a single model and want to combine it with another keras model using the functional api (backend is tensorflow version 1.4)
My first model looks like this:
import tensorflow.contrib.keras.api.keras as keras
model = keras.models.Sequential()
input = Input(shape=(200,))
dnn = Dense(400, activation="relu")(input)
dnn = Dense(400, activation="relu")(dnn)
output = Dense(5, activation="softmax")(dnn)
model = keras.models.Model(inputs=input, outputs=output)
after I trained this model I save it using the keras method. I can also load the model and retrain it without problems.
Now I want to use the output of this model as additional input for a second model:
# load first model
old_model = keras.models.load_model(path_to_old_model)
input_1 = Input(shape=(200,))
input_2 = Input(shape=(200,))
output_old_model = old_model(input_2)
merge_layer = concatenate([input_1, output_old_model])
dnn_layer = Dense(200, activation="relu")(merge_layer)
dnn_layer = Dense(200, activation="relu")(dnn_layer)
output = Dense(10, activation="sigmoid")(dnn_layer)
new_model = keras.models.Model(inputs=[input_1, input_2], outputs=output)
new_model.compile(loss="binary_crossentropy", optimizer="adam", metrics=["accuracy"][x1,x2], labels=labels, epochs=50, batch_size=32)
when I try this I get the following error message:
FailedPreconditionError (see above for traceback): Attempting to use uninitialized value dense_1/kernel
[[Node: dense_1/kernel/read = Identity[T=DT_FLOAT, _class=["loc:#dense_1/kernel"], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0"](dense_1/kernel)]]
[[Node: model_1_1/dense_3/BiasAdd/_79 = _Recv[client_terminated=false, recv_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0", send_device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0", send_device_incarnation=1, tensor_name="edge_68_model_1_1/dense_3/BiasAdd", tensor_type=DT_FLOAT, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"]()]]
I would do this in following steps:
Define function for building a clean model with the same architecture:
def build_base():
input = Input(shape=(200,))
dnn = Dense(400, activation="relu")(input)
dnn = Dense(400, activation="relu")(dnn)
output = Dense(5, activation="softmax")(dnn)
model = keras.models.Model(inputs=input, outputs=output)
return input, output, model
Build two copies of the same model:
input_1, output_1, model_1 = build_base()
input_2, output_2, model_2 = build_base()
Set weights in both models:
Now do the rest:
merge_layer = concatenate([input_1, output_2])
dnn_layer = Dense(200, activation="relu")(merge_layer)
dnn_layer = Dense(200, activation="relu")(dnn_layer)
output = Dense(10, activation="sigmoid")(dnn_layer)
new_model = keras.models.Model(inputs=[input_1, input_2], outputs=output)
Let's say you have a pre-trained/saved CNN model called pretrained_model and you want to add a densely connected layers to it, then using the functional API you can write something like this:
from keras import models, layers
kmodel = layers.Flatten()(pretrained_model.output)
kmodel = layers.Dense(256, activation='relu')(kmodel)
kmodel_out = layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(kmodel)
model = models.Model(pretrained_model.input, kmodel_out)

Sklearn SVR shows worst result after scaling

Following code works quite well when used without scaling, but when scaling is applied results are too far from actual. Here is the code:
data =(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63).
model = SVR(kernel='poly', C=1e3, degree=3)
data_min = min(data)
data_max = max(data)
diff = data_max - data_min
data_scaled = []
for i in range(0,len(data)):
data_scaled = np.matrix(data_scaled)
data_scaled = data_scaled.reshape(-1,1)
y = (1,8,27,64,125,216,343,512,729,1000,1331,1728,2197,2744,3375,4096,4913,5832,6859,8000,9261,10648,12167,13824,15625,17576,19683,21952,24389,27000,29791,32768,35937,39304,42875,46656,50653,54872,59319,64000,68921,74088,79507,85184,91125,97336,103823,110592,117649,125000,132651,140608,148877,157464,166375,175616,185193,195112,205379,216000,226981,238328,250047), y)
predicted = model.predict(data_scaled)
