I recently set up apache guacamole and a remote connection to a windows machine and I can access it through the machine I set it up on. But if I try to get into guacamole from a different machine I cant, it just displays a website not found error. Did I missunderstand the features of guacamole or do I need to make some changes in guacamole. I set it up through docker on an ubuntu virtual machine
I am trying to setup up guacamole in a Digital Ocean Droplet (Ubuntu 18.04). I followed the steps provided in https://computingforgeeks.com/install-and-use-guacamole-on-ubuntu/ to setup guacamole and used Postgresql to authenticate guacamole by following the instructions provided in https://guacamole.apache.org/doc/gug/jdbc-auth.html#idm46227496294336.
The installation got over and I am able to access the webpage at http://droplet-ip:8080/guacamole, but when I try to connect to a remote machine over RDP I get a connection error stating 'The remote desktop server is currently unavailable. If the problem persists, please notify your system administrator, or check your system logs.'
I have checked the login credentials of the remote device, it's hostip and RDP port number, everything is correct. I am able to login to the machine through Remote Desktop Connection in Windows. I can also login to the same remote machine with same credentials in a perfectly working guacamole setup in another digitalocean droplet.
I have also tried this by installing guacamole using docker by following instructions provided in https://wiki.networksecuritytoolkit.org/index.php/HowTo_Setup_Guacamole, but still face the same problem. What am I doing wrong? I would be happy if someone could help me solve this problem
I was finally able to figure out why I was not able to connect to a remote device in Guacamole.
My Digital Ocean Linux droplets had freeRDP already installed. But Guacamole Server 1.3.0 works on freeRDP2. I had to make Guacamole send requests through freeRDP2.
I have enabled SFTP in the connection settings. But somehow the OpenSSH was corrupted in the remote machine resulting in connection error. So, I disabled SFTP. I think guacamole tries to establish RDP and SFTP connection in the very beginning, so even if one of the protocols fail, connection cannot be established. I am not proficient with guacamole so not sure with this point.
After resolving these problems, guacamole was able to send connection request to the remote machine. I checked the status using netstat and the status was SYN_SENT, but there was no response from the remote server. The problem was Firewall.
I allowed the ports for RDP in windows firewall, but the remote machine was in a network which had external firewall. I added the Guacamole Server IP in allowed list for NAT forwarding in the firewall device and finally I was able to establish a connection with the remote machine.
I set up a Virtual Machine (VM) on OpenStack remotely. The VM is running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.
I ssh into the above VM using ssh vm-url, and then I setup a rails server during that ssh session and get it running using rails server -b vm-url
Now, I try to access the rails website above from my local Chrome browser by typing the URL vm-url:3000 into Chrome's address bar (the Omnibox), but I get:
This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
Why Can't I access the rails website, what have I done wrong?
Please correct me if any terminologies I used are incorrect.
Thank you.
Two things to check,
The ip attached to the VM is public and accessible
Http port is enabled to be accessed from outside
The port accessed is handled in security groups which is generally configured while creating the instance. Either add new security group with enough privileges or update the same with new added ports.
I've installed a Crate DB on a Virtual Machine Ubuntu (xenial).
Since I want to connect to it from both my VM and my Windows host, I've tried to set the VM's IP on both params in crate.yml:
The rest of the parameters I can see in crate.yml
But that won't do the trick (I get ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error when I try to connect to "my_VMs_ip:4200" from my Windows host PC) and I can't find any way around it on crate.io nor on Google.
Would any of you have an idea?
Thanks a lot
NB: I'm running Crate 2.0.7
So I am trying to run my code on an Amazon EC2 instance running Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS.
I realized that my code is breaking with the following error when imshow() is called:
: cannot connect to X server localhost:10.0
I an connecting through putty and I have selected "Enable X11 Forwarding".
I can remove all imshow calls but I actually need to use them. Is there a way to enable this functionality while connecting to the EC2 instance through Putty ?
You also need to be running an X windows server on your desktop (where you're running putty). There are several available, and setup depends on which you choose. If you want a very easy solution, there's MobaXterm, which is an ssh client and X11 server combined. There's a commercial version and a free home edition (with some limitations).
I've got Ubuntu (the newest version) running as a virtual machine on Windows 7 Pro, using VMware.
My question is, can I make the rails sever acessible to windows while the virtual machine is running?
So, for example, if I type on my Windows browser http://localhost:3000 I would get the rails sever?
Also, can I make it acessible to computers from the outside, so if someone would type
myipaddress:3000 he would be able to acess the sever as a client?
I hope this is clear.
There are a lot of "ifs" here, but it should "just work".
In Linux, find the IP address of your virtual machine.
$ /sbin/ifconfig
You're looking for a section that is probably labelled "eth0" and in that "inet addr".
Using that address with port 3000 from your Windows host should work fine. If not, post the specific problem that you're seeing, including any logs you can find or info on any firewalls you have running on your Linux client.