Issue with Microsoft Graph Api filter - microsoft-graph-api

I am trying to use filter operator to find the events between specific date and time. Now, it only searches single events, any occurrence of recurring events are being excluded.
Following i tried in Graph explorer$filter=start/dateTime ge '2022-09-20T00:00:00Z' and end/dateTime le '2022-09-20T23:59:00Z'
it was working all ok few months back and was returning single occurrences of recurring events as well , but now its behaving differently. Can anyone suggest if i am doing something wrong or something changed.

You need to be using a CalendarView to expand recurring appointments . The API shouldn't expand recurring appointment if you make a normal query like your example. This is important if you have any application that is syncing the real exchange store items vs the expanded virtual ones. If it was previously doing that then it was most likely a bug that was fixed.


JQL query to filter JIRAs based on the last commented date by a particular account / user

I am new to JIRA / JQL, and wanted help in knowing if the following is possible:
I want to filter JIRAs which have been commented on by a particular user (a bot account) in the past xx days
I want to filter JIRAs which have a particular regex in its comments in the past xx days
If the above cannot be done, I am open to suggestions as to how to achieve it using a combination of labels and description in the JIRA!
Sorry, but comments are stored within each Issue and you can't search for them globally using the native JQL query. You'd need to utilise the REST API to iterate through the Issues, extracting all the comments, then filtering the results.
Refer to this article in the Atlassian community Jira blog on the same topic and what third party tools can help work around the issue.

Google API (youtube search) always sorts results by relevance instead of date

I use Google API to get a JSON result of my own YouTube channel videos.
The URL has not changed, but suddenly, Google returns the JSON only with order=relevant instead of order by date.<key>
The first result returned will be a 2 year old video instead of yesterday's one.
This call did work 'till last week (week 11 2016)
From this thread, it seems it is a bug and that the YouTube team is aware of it. A Google employee responded 3 days ago with:
YouTube is aware the search/sorting functions aren't working as
expected – this is temporary and part of our efforts to better
respond, review and remove graphic, violative content from YouTube.
Thanks for your patience while we work through this. Will update this
thread when these features are working normally again, feel free to
subscribe for updates.
You can subscribe to the thread for faster updates.

Get time spent by field (column) on Jira

I have a board with 3 columns (To-do, Work in Progress and Done).
Is there a way to get the time spent by a card on each column via API?
The getIssue does not fetch this kind of data
There is no 'time spent by' measure available through the JIRA REST API (as it is too narrow/specific).
There is a possibility to get timestamps of status changes via REST API though. As this answer explains it, you need to use &expand=changelog flag in your API request. In this case response would return created field for each transition that issue has made. You can use it to calculate time between issue transitions.
There is another answer that explains how to get dates using jira-python library (just in case you use it).

Filter data over a period of time in

I have been using on my iOS app for 2 months. It's an e-commerce app so I'm using custom events for monitoring Product search and Purchases. What I noticed it's that though the tables in "Answers" get filled up with data it's not possible to define the date range of the reported query of searching for older events. The dashboard panels look limited to the latest data with no possibilities of customisation.
Is there any way to perform a proper filtering?
Apparently the dashboard only allows you to see the data from the most recent 30 days. If you use the export function you get the data from one year.
They know that some people want to have it, but I don't think they are working on that.
Would be great if everyone could add their +1 on this question:
Hope this helps.

Jira to know how many poeple have visited an issue

I want to know how many people have visited a particular isssue in order to know its popularity( I can't trust on number of watchers of the issue) .Is there any way (JiraDB or anything) by which i can know how many people(just the count) have visited any particular issue.
The question can be modified like this : Top 10 mostly visited issues in a week or so.
Seb's earlier answer provides a possible solution for JIRA Cloud. I am not aware of any off-the-shelf product for behind-the-firewall installations of JIRA, and I do not believe that views are tracked anywhere in the JIRA database.
For behind-the-firewall instances, you could certainly write a script to parse the JIRA access logs (stored in $JIRA_HOME/logs/access_log*) to count issue accesses that way.
The JIRA access logs are stored in a format that is similar to the Apache access log format, so you just need to parse out accesses to individual issues by looking for URLs of the format "http://MYJIRA/browse/ABC-123".
Out of the box this is not possible. Jira does not log view counts for single issues.
You could have a look if there is any plugin for this at
E.g. looks like it could fit your requirements, but I personally have never heard of it.
