Filter data over a period of time in - ios

I have been using on my iOS app for 2 months. It's an e-commerce app so I'm using custom events for monitoring Product search and Purchases. What I noticed it's that though the tables in "Answers" get filled up with data it's not possible to define the date range of the reported query of searching for older events. The dashboard panels look limited to the latest data with no possibilities of customisation.
Is there any way to perform a proper filtering?

Apparently the dashboard only allows you to see the data from the most recent 30 days. If you use the export function you get the data from one year.
They know that some people want to have it, but I don't think they are working on that.
Would be great if everyone could add their +1 on this question:
Hope this helps.


Issue with Microsoft Graph Api filter

I am trying to use filter operator to find the events between specific date and time. Now, it only searches single events, any occurrence of recurring events are being excluded.
Following i tried in Graph explorer$filter=start/dateTime ge '2022-09-20T00:00:00Z' and end/dateTime le '2022-09-20T23:59:00Z'
it was working all ok few months back and was returning single occurrences of recurring events as well , but now its behaving differently. Can anyone suggest if i am doing something wrong or something changed.
You need to be using a CalendarView to expand recurring appointments . The API shouldn't expand recurring appointment if you make a normal query like your example. This is important if you have any application that is syncing the real exchange store items vs the expanded virtual ones. If it was previously doing that then it was most likely a bug that was fixed.

how to create a flutter app like wikipedia

I'm trying to create a Flutter app like wikipedia where a user can search and display the information but I'm don't have a lot of backend knowledge so it'll be appreciated if someone can guide me what I should do or learn in order to start this project.
The reason I'm trying to build this app is for my ethnic group. I want to have an app where we can read articles/information in our own language.
My goals is basically get all the article or documents about our cultures from other people and store in one database and display it in my app.
I'm not really sure where will be the best place to store all the article and retrieve that in Flutter. I've been looking Firebase but I'm not really sure if I can store the whole articles and display it.
Just to give you an idea, this is minipedia app and I'm thinking about creating an app just like this.
Any suggestion will be really helpful. thanks
You can use Firebase Firestore for this project. I've used FB before and to the best of my knowledge, there shouldn't be any problem with doing what you mentioned above.
I've been looking Firebase but I'm not really sure if I can store the whole articles and display it.
Yes, you can store whole articles on Firestore and retrieve them whenever you need them. Each document has a maximum limit of 1MB, which is approximately 1 million characters but should you need more space(which I highly doubt), you can always separate your articles into chunks.

Working with iTunes Store customer reviews API

I am working with iTunes store's customer reviews API and I have some questions, the general URL is like this:
I have two questions, the first is I don't want to specify the country, so I remove the country code like this:
// /us/ has been removed from the URL
...but still, the reviews and rates belong to the US store, Is there any possible way to get a summary of rates and reviews worldwide?
Secondly, can I change the result sort defined by sortBy=mostRecent?
My third question is if I develop an app which monitors reviews and rates with Apple's official API, does Apple reject my app for reasons like scraping their website or something like that?
Unfortunately, there is no way to get the results for all countries in one go. You have to query each country individually. Here is a list of country codes:
There is no publicly documented way of changing the sort order.
I'd be surprised if you ran into any problems - after all, you're not scraping their website, but using an API they've exposed for that very purpose. Others have been doing it for a long time, e.g. or But there's only one way to find out for sure.
You can't get all countries, only the ones you specify, us is default.
There is a limit, of as far as I know, 50 reviews you can get trough
pagination links provided in the las result item.
You can load .../xml or .../json
You can only sort by mostRecent
The first result item is not a review but an app description.
Your last question can only be answered by Apple.
The problem is currently .xml doesn't work and for your question to monitor in bulk, if you know R there's a package in R itunesr that can help solve extract bulk data.

Import data from another source into Adobe Analytics

I’m trying to tie data from another product with my data inside of Adobe Analytics.
We have Adobe Analytics javascript on our website collecting data and we use a third party tool to track how users interact with certain parts of the website. We’re trying to use the Adobe API to tie the data together.
So far we’ve gone down the path of using the Data Insertion API, but it wasn’t quite right as it’s meant to be used as a replacement for the JS, from what I can tell.
We also explored using the Data Sources API. Now the documentation for this suggests you can use a transaction ID to tie offline data with the data collected from the JS, we’ve tried this and it doesn’t match the data up. We’re now exploring using Visitor ID to tie the sessions together but we’re having problems uploading any rows with the Visitor ID column, Adobe just returns the error “Column header: ‘visitorid’ is not a valid column header”. We’ve tried several different variations of visitor id, such as “visitor_id”, “visitor-id”, “vistor id”, etc and still no luck.
The end goal is for us to be able to upload data to Adobe that will update/add eVars for already existing sessions earlier that day. How would I go about doing this? Is there something I'm missing or doing wrong?
Edit: I managed to solve this problem by using the Adobe SAINT API. When a user arrives at the site, we push an eVar for that user with a unique ID and then the day after we use the SAINT API and the unique ID in the eVar we pushed previously to add the additional data we needed.
It could be a good idea to look back at the Data Insertion API and combine it with the visitorId approach where you tie existing/old visitorID's to new eVars and use the timestamp to "update" the dataset.
Although this is experimental, it might be worth a try.
Best regards,

Rails current visitor count

How does one implement a current visitors count for individual pages in Rails?
For example, a property website has a list of properties and a remark that says:-
"there are 6 people currently looking at this property" for each individual listing.
I'm aware of the impressionist gem, which is able to log unique impressions for each controller. Just wondering if there is a better way than querying
impressions.where("created_at <= ?", 5.minutes.ago).count
for each object in the array.
Before you get downvoted, I'll give you an idea of how to do it
Recording visitors is in the realm of analytics, of which Google Analytics is the most popular & recognized
Analytics systems work with 3 parts:
The process of capturing & processing data is fundamentally the same -- put a JS widget on your site to send a query to the server with attached user data. Processing the data puts it into your database
Displaying The Data
The difference for many people is the display of the data they capture
Google Analytics displays the data in their dashboard
Ebay displays the data as x people bought in the past hour
You want to show the number of people viewing an item
The way to do this is to hard-code the processing aspect of the data into your app
I can't explain the exact way to do this, because it's highly dependent on your stack, but this is the general way to do it
