OpenAPI shows string as default value for string in sort field of pageable - swagger-ui

OpenAPI shows string as default value for string in sort field of pageable, why is the default being set to value "string" for "sort". Since we would prefer that end users don't set a value for Pageable while executing calls via the Swagger UI console
"page": 0,
"size": 1,
"sort": [


Describe pipe delimited encoding in object in response body in Open API 3.0

So maybe I'm trying to go into too much detail in my descriptor, but here's my use case. While defining the schema of the object that is returned in the response body for my API, I have one property of the object the value of which is an object with variable properties, so I am using the additionalProperties descriptor.
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "string"
However instead of describing the type of the values in this variable keyed object as string, I would like to describe them more precisely, seeing that the string is actually a pipe delimited serialization of an array. Example:
"property1": {
"variableProperty1": "info1|info2|info3",
"variableProperty2": "info1|info2|info3"
Is there any way of describing this pipe-delimited serialization? Something like:
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
"type": "array",
"explode": false,
"encoding": {
"style": "pipeDelimited"
Or is this only possible for query parameters?

How to get the optgroups object of the selected fields in the getRule json object output?

I have requirement to get the optgroup of selected field in the query builder, but as of I am aware queryBuilder('getRules') doesn't provide. For example:- I want to get optgroups object of selected field 'price' in the json output. How to get it? Please give some idea.
-optgroups object
optgroups: {
core: {
en: 'Item'
-json output object
"condition": "AND",
"rules": [
"id": "price",
"field": "price",
"type": "double",
"input": "text",
"operator": "less",
"value": "10.25"
As I was answered for this question on GitHub by the library developer(#mistic100). The answer is-
You can use the data property of the filter
It will be copied as it on each rule using the said filter.

Custom envelope fields using Docusign REST API

I'm using the docusign_rest gem to integrate with the Docusign REST API in my rails application. I have created a custom envelope field in the Docusign admin called SFID. I need to pass an ID into SFID inside of the envelope. I'm getting the following error with my JSON code:
{"errorCode"=>"INVALID_REQUEST_BODY", "message"=>"The request body is missing or improperly formatted. Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) into type 'API_REST.Models.v2.customFields' because the type requires a JSON object (e.g. {\"name\":\"value\"}) to deserialize correctly.\r\nTo fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON object (e.g. {\"name\":\"value\"}) or change the deserialized type to an array or a type that implements a collection interface (e.g. ICollection, IList) like List<T> that can be deserialized from a JSON array. JsonArrayAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON array.\r\nPath 'customFields', line 1, position 1073."}
My controller code:
#envelope_response = client.create_envelope_from_template(
status: 'sent',
email: {
subject: "The test email subject envelope",
body: ""
template_id: '90B58E8F-xxxxx',
custom_fields: [
textCustomFields: [
name: 'SFID',
required: 'false',
show: 'true'
signers: [
The Docusign API explorer says the following is the correct way to push an envelope custom field:
"customFields": {
"textCustomFields": [
"value": "0101010101",
"required": "true",
"show": "true",
"name": "SFID"
"required": "true",
"show": "true"
The Docusign_rest gem says the following on custom envelope fields:
customFields - (Optional) A hash of listCustomFields and textCustomFields.
# Each contains an array of corresponding customField hashes.
# For details, please see:
What formatting changes to I need to make to my controller code to get it to successfully push a custom envelope field?
You have an extra array in your customFields node.
Remove the [] array from your custom_fields:
#envelope_response = client.create_envelope_from_template(
status: 'sent',
email: {
subject: "The test email subject envelope",
body: ""
template_id: '90B58E8F-xxxxx',
textCustomFields: [
name: 'SFID',
required: 'false',
show: 'true'
signers: [
Also I'm assuming that your client.create_envelope_from_template is converting your _'s into a camelCased string. if that is not happening, then that also needs to change.

How do I model a key/value for which the key is not known in Swagger

I have a simple JSON object that can contain key/values for which the exact values are not known upfront. They depend on some server side process. How do I model this in Swagger?
An example of the JSON would be:
,message: "invalid length. Must be in between {min} and {max}"
,attributes: {
min: 0
,max: 6
Another example would be:
,message: "You must fill out this field as well because {field} has a value"
,attributes: {
field: "age"
The following solution will only work with Swagger 2.0.
Define the model as described like this:
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"message": {
"type": "string"
"attributes": {
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {}
This describes attributes as a map of properties, where the value can be anything (string, number, array and even an object).

Convert JSON into a Hash

I have this JSON and I am trying to send it to a Rails API from Postman:
"type": "out",
"x": "x",
"y": "y"
"ts": "timestamp",
"total": 2,
"min": "x",
"max": "y"
"total": 2,
"error1": "first",
"error2": "second"
I need to convert this into a Hash in my model so that I can manipulate it with before_create. Here's what I came with:
object = self.to_json # => converts object to json
object = JSON.parse(object) # => converts json to hash
1st problem: I get this (id=>nil is not relevant since it will be inserted automatically in the database):
{"id"=>nil, "type"=>"out", "vars"=>{"x"=>"x", "y"=>"y"}, "values"=>{"ts"=>"timestamp", "ok"=>"{\"total\"=>2, \"min\"=>\"x\", \"max\"=>\"y\"}", "error"=>"{\"total\"=>2, \"error1\"=>\"first\", \"error2\"=>\"second\"}"}, "created_at"=>"2015-01-29T15:45:01.329Z", "updated_at"=>"2015-01-29T15:45:01.329Z"}
and when I try to manipulate object["values"]["ok"], Rails sends the error:
unexpected token at '"{\"total\"=\u003e2, \"min\"=\u003e\"x\", \"max\"=\u003e\"y\"}"'
2nd problem: I can only call object["values"], and I want to call it with a symbol, not a string object[:values].
Solved my issues using:
object = self.as_json.with_indifferent_access
# => allowing me to use a symbol key instead of a string
ok_vals = object[:values][:ok].as_json.gsub(/\=\>/, ':')
# => allowing to change json string '{"val1"=>"val1", "val2"=>"val2"}' to '{"val1":"val1", "val2":"val2"}'
ok_vals = JSON.parse(ok_vals)
# => which transform json string to hash {val1: "val1", val2: "val2"}
Feel free to make any suggestions to this code. Thanks for the help.
