How to get the optgroups object of the selected fields in the getRule json object output? - jquery-query-builder

I have requirement to get the optgroup of selected field in the query builder, but as of I am aware queryBuilder('getRules') doesn't provide. For example:- I want to get optgroups object of selected field 'price' in the json output. How to get it? Please give some idea.
-optgroups object
optgroups: {
core: {
en: 'Item'
-json output object
"condition": "AND",
"rules": [
"id": "price",
"field": "price",
"type": "double",
"input": "text",
"operator": "less",
"value": "10.25"

As I was answered for this question on GitHub by the library developer(#mistic100). The answer is-
You can use the data property of the filter
It will be copied as it on each rule using the said filter.


Specifying map key regex for additionalProperties through Swagger/OpenAPI [duplicate]

The API I'm trying to describe has a structure where the root object can contain an arbitrary number of child objects (properties that are themselves objects). The "key", or property in the root object, is the unique identifier of the child object, and the value is the rest of the child object's data.
"child1": { ... bunch of stuff ... },
"child2": { ... bunch of stuff ... },
This could similarly be modeled as an array, e.g.:
{ "id": "child1", ... bunch of stuff ... },
{ "id": "child2", ... bunch of stuff ... },
but this both makes it structurally less clear what the identifying property is and makes uniqueness among the children's ID implicit rather than explicit, so we want to use an object, or a map.
I've seen the Swagger documentation for Model with Map/Dictionary Properties, but that doesn't adequately suit my use case. Writing something like:
"Parent": {
"additionalProperties": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Child",
Yields something like this:
This adequately communicates the descriptiveness of the value in the property, but how do I document what the restrictions are for the "key" in the object? Ideally I'd like to say something like "it's not just any arbitrary string, it's the ID that corresponds to the child". Is this supported in any way?
Your example is correct.
how do I document what the restrictions are for the "key" in the object? Ideally I'd like to say something like "it's not just any arbitrary string, it's the ID that corresponds to the child". Is this supported in any way?
OpenAPI 3.1
OAS 3.1 fully supports JSON Schema 2020-12, including patternProperties. This keyword lets you define the format of dictionary keys by using a regular expression:
"Parent": {
"type": "object",
"patternProperties": {
"^child\d+$": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Child"
"description": "A map of `Child` schemas, where the keys are IDs that correspond to the child"
Or, if the property names are defined by an enum, you can use propertyNames to define that enum:
"Parent": {
"type": "object",
"propertyNames": {
"enum": ["foo", "bar"]
"additionalProperties": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Child"
OpenAPI 3.0 and 2.0
Dictionary keys are assumed to be strings, but there's no way to limit the contents/format of keys. You can document any restrictions and specifics verbally in the schema description. Adding schema examples could help illustrate what your dictionary/map might look like.
"Parent": {
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Child"
"description": "A map of `Child` schemas, where the keys are IDs that correspond to the child",
"example": {
"child1": { ... bunch of stuff ... },
"child2": { ... bunch of stuff ... },
If the possible key names are known (for example, they are part of an enum), you can define your dictionary as a regular object and the keys as individual object properties:
// Keys can be: key1, key2, key3
"Parent": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"key1": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Child" },
"key2": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Child" },
"key3": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Child" }
Then you can add "additionalProperties": false to really ensure that only those keys are used.

Renaming type for FSharp.Data JsonProvider

I have a JSON that looks something like this:
"names": [
"value": "Name",
"language": "en"
"descriptions": [
"value": "Sample description",
"language" "en"
When using JsonProvider from the FSharp.Data library, it maps both fields as the same type MyJsonProvider.Name. This is a little confusing when working with the code. Is there any way how to rename the type to MyJsonProvider.NameOrDescription? I have read that this is possible for the CsvProvider, but typing
JsonProvider<"./Resources/sample.json", Schema="Name->NameOrDescription">
results in an error.
Also, is it possible to define that the Description field is actually an Option<MyJsonProvider.NameOrDescription>? Or do I just have to define the JSON twice, once with all possible values and the second time just with mandatory values?
"names": [
"value": "Name",
"language": "en"
"descriptions": [
"value": "Sample description",
"language" "en"
"names": [
"value": "Name",
"language": "en"
To answer your first question, I do not think there is a way of specifying such renaming. It would be quite reasonable option, but the JSON provider could also be more clever when generating names here (it knows that the type can represent Name or Description, so it could generate a name with Or based on those).
As a hack, you could add an unusued field with the right name:
type A = JsonProvider<"""{
"do not use": { "value_with_langauge": {"value":"A", "language":"A"} },
"names": [ {"value":"A", "language":"A"} ],
"descriptions": [ {"value":"A", "language":"A"} ]
To answer your second question - your names and descriptions fields are already arrays, i.e. ValueWithLanguge[]. For this, you do not need an optional value. If they are not present, the provider will simply give you an empty array.

Openlayers bbox strategy

I have bbox strategy for one source of data. Code looks like this:
bbox: function newBboxFeatureSource(url, typename) {
return new ol.source.Vector({
loader: function (extent) {
let u = `${url}&TYPENAME=${typename}&bbox=${extent.join(",")}`;
$.ajax(u).then((response) => {
strategy: ol.loadingstrategy.bbox
I works fine but... When I pan/move the map then this loader is calling again and add another features which fit to new box. But there is a lot of duplicates then because some of new features are just the same as old.
So I wanted first clear all features using this.clear() before add new features but when I add this command then loader is running all the time and I have "infinitive loop". Do you know why? How can I disable loading new features after calling this.clear()?
my response with features looks like this:
{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "crs": { "type": "name", "properties":
{ "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::3857" } },
"features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ogc_fid": "2",
"name": "AL" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon" , "coordinates":
[ [ [ ... ] ] ] } }, { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "ogc_fid":
"3", "name": "B" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon" ,
"coordinates": [ [ [ ...] ] ] } } ..... and so on
I've removed coordinates because there was too many of them.
My features are generated by mapserver and are configured in .map file which looks like this:
NAME "postcode_area_boundaries"
"wfs_title" "Postcode area boundaries"
"wfs_srs" "EPSG:3857"
"wfs_enable_request" "*"
"wfs_getfeature_formatlist" "json"
"wfs_geomtype" "multipolygon"
"wfs_typename" "postcode_area_boundaries"
"wms_context_fid" "id"
"wfs_featureid" "id"
"gml_featureid" "id"
"gml_include_items" "id,postarea,wkb_geometry"
"gml_postarea_alias" "name"
"ows_featureid" "id"
"tinyows_table" "postcode_area_boundaries"
"tinyows_retrievable" "1"
"tinyows_include_items" "id,postarea,wkb_geometry"
DATA "wkb_geometry FROM postcode_area_boundaries USING UNIQUE id"
To summarize the discussion and answer the initial question:
The features sent by the server need an attribute called id, which must be unique and the same for the feature on every request.
{type: "Feature", id: "some-wfs.1234", properties: { "ogc_fid": 2, ...
See this GitHub Issue for the original comment of ahocevar.
In GeoServer this can be achieved if you set an identifier in your layer.
I guess there is something similar to set in MapServer.
Following up on #bennos comment: you can expose the fid in Mapserver using the FORMATOPTION USE_FEATUREID=true as described in:
Starting from MapServer v7.0.2. Defaults to false. Include feature ids in the generated output, if the ows_featureid metadata key is set at the layer level. The featureid column to use should be an integer column. Useful if you need to include an “id” attribute to your geojson output. Use with caution as some OGR output drivers may behave strangely when fed with random FIDs.
NAME "application/json"
MIMETYPE "application/json"

How do I model a key/value for which the key is not known in Swagger

I have a simple JSON object that can contain key/values for which the exact values are not known upfront. They depend on some server side process. How do I model this in Swagger?
An example of the JSON would be:
,message: "invalid length. Must be in between {min} and {max}"
,attributes: {
min: 0
,max: 6
Another example would be:
,message: "You must fill out this field as well because {field} has a value"
,attributes: {
field: "age"
The following solution will only work with Swagger 2.0.
Define the model as described like this:
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"message": {
"type": "string"
"attributes": {
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": {}
This describes attributes as a map of properties, where the value can be anything (string, number, array and even an object).

Autocomplete with external source

I found this example where autocomplete suggestions come from external source, here it is search.php:
However I don't see there how the search.php is formatted, so I get no help of getting external source to work right. I would like to get my suggestions from database and html page. Help the newbie!
The search.php return the data in the following format:
$result = array(
query is the search query the user entered (the results are cached in hidden divs on the page)
suggestions are your results which will be displayed
data is an optional parameter which contains an array of keys matching the suggested values
The full code of the search.php file they use is also on github, here:
Just look for a way to serialize objects into JSon on your platform, which should return something like this:
"id": "Dromas ardeola",
"label": "Crab-Plover",
"value": "Crab-Plover"
"id": "Larus sabini",
"label": "Sabine`s Gull",
"value": "Sabine`s Gull"
"id": "Vanellus gregarius",
"label": "Sociable Lapwing",
"value": "Sociable Lapwing"
"id": "Oenanthe isabellina",
"label": "Isabelline Wheatear",
"value": "Isabelline Wheatear"
