[iOS][AvFoundation] Need to get the similar classes like MediaCodec in android - ios

is there any class in iOS which returns encoder/ decoder capabilities just like Android MediaCodec/ MediaCodecList.(https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaCodec)
I need to get the fps/profile/level and width /height supported on each profile of h264 and hevc codec.
I have found it related to AvCaptureSession, but this may not be correct since we need to support AvPlayer only (and camera is not in the part of the flow.)

AVFoundation has very limited supported formats. Refer to this StackOverflow
So If somebody wants to query for the codec info, I recommend him/she use ffmpeg. To be specific, it's ffmpeg-kit. Check here for all API documentation.
I wrote you a sample about how to use it in iOS and query for codec info(or anything you want). Please check it out:
let mediaInfoSession = FFprobeKit.getMediaInformation(kSampleFilePath)
let mediaInfo = mediaInfoSession?.getMediaInformation()
let props = mediaInfo?.getAllProperties()
let duration = mediaInfo?.getDuration()
let bitRate = mediaInfo?.getBitrate()
Feel free to contact me.


WebRTC iOS: Filtering camera stream from RTCCameraVideoCapturer. Conversion from RTCFrame to CVPixelBuffer

I found the git below is simple and efficient by using func capturer(_ capturer: RTCVideoCapturer, didCapture frame: RTCVideoFrame) of RTCVideoCapturerDelegate. You get RTCVideoFrame and then convert to CVPixelBuffer to modify.
However, I found Chronium says nativeHandle to get PixelBuffer is no more available(link below). I tried frame.buffer.pixelbuffer..., but, looking at framework > Headers > RTCVideoFrameBuffer.h, I found CVPixelBuffer is also gone from here!
Is there any good way to convert RTCVideoFrame to CVPixelBuffer?
Or do we have better way to modify captured video from RTCCameraVideoCapturer?
Below link suggests modifying sdk directly but hopefully we can achieve this on Xcode.
How to modify (add filters to) the camera stream that WebRTC is sending to other peers/server
can you specify what is your expectation? because you can get pixel buffer from RTCVideoframe easily but I feel there can be a better solution if you want to filter video buffer than sent to Webrtc, you should work with RTCVideoSource.
you can get buffer with
as seen
RTCCVPixelBuffer *buffer = (RTCCVPixelBuffer *)frame.buffer;
CVPixelBufferRef imageBuffer = buffer.pixelBuffer;
(with latest SDK and with local video camera buffer only)
but in the sample i can see that filter will not work for remote.
i have attached the screenshot this is how you can check the preview as well.

Convert RTMP to RTP in iOS application for sending it to Kurento Media Server

Working on implementing Screen Sharing(Replay Kit) in iOS app using Kurento Media Server. I get CMSampleBuffer which follows RTMP protocol. But Kurento doesn't support RTMP. It does support RTP. Is there a way to convert from RTMP to RTP. I read about ffmpeg but it seems to need to be implemented on server side which require a lot of change in current flow something like below
[Browser] -> RTMP -> [Node_Media_Server(srs)] -> RTMP ->
[FFmpeg] -> RtpEndpoint -> [Kurento] -> WebrtcEndpoint -> [Browser]
Will this flow be efficient enough ?
Is there a way to convert it from client side i.e iOS application?
Using WebRTC to send an iOS devices’ screen capture using ReplayKit Looks like the answer in this question may point you in the right direction. Kurento supports webrtc. You can take the pixel buffer from the cmsamplebuffer and turn it into a RTCFrame and pipe that into a local video source and stream it up using webrtc
The problem was with videoCapturer , VideoSource and video track initialized again and again in processSampleBuffer.
We need to create VideoCapturer, VideoSource, MediaStream, VideoTrack only once in broadcastStartedWithSetupInfo.
Now i am able to see video packets on wireshark but a green screen appears on receiver side . I think the issue is with media configuration which is as below.
NBMMediaConfiguration *config = [[NBMMediaConfiguration alloc] init];
config.rendererType = NBMRendererTypeOpenGLES;
config.audioBandwidth = 0;
config.videoBandwidth = 0;
config.audioCodec = NBMAudioCodecOpus;
config.videoCodec = NBMVideoCodecVP8;
NBMVideoFormat format;
format.dimensions = (CMVideoDimensions){720, 480};
format.frameRate = 30;
format.pixelFormat = NBMPixelFormat420f;
config.receiverVideoFormat = format;
config.cameraPosition = NBMCameraPositionAny;
Please suggest if it seems correct
SRS 4.0 supports coverting RTMP to WebRTC, or vice versa.
For usage, please follow SRS #307 and RTMP to RTC.
The stream flow is like bellow, it's quite simple:
FFmpeg/OBS/CMSampleBuffer --RTMP--> SRS --WebRTC--> Browser
Note that RTMP does not support opus, while WebRTC always use opus as default audio codec, so SRS transcodes aac to opus, which causes performance suffer.
However, seems there is no audio for your sue scenario, so it seems OK.

How to custom WebRTC video source?

Does someone know how to change WebRTC (https://cocoapods.org/pods/libjingle_peerconnection) video source?
I am working on an screen sharing app.
At the moment, I retrieve the rendered frames in real-time in CVPixelBuffer. Does someone know how I could add my frames as video source please?
Is it possible to set an other video source instead of camera device source ? Is yes, which format the video has to be and how to do it ?
var connectionFactory : RTCPeerConnectionFactory = RTCPeerConnectionFactory()
let videoSource : RTCVideoSource = factory.videoSource()
videoSource.capturer(videoCapturer, didCapture: videoFrame!)
Mounis answer is wrong. This leads to nothing. At least not at the time of this writing. There is simply nothing happening.
In fact, you would need to satisfy this delegate
- (void)capturer:(RTCVideoCapturer *)capturer didCaptureVideoFrame:(RTCVideoFrame *)frame;
(Note the difference to the Swift version: didCapture vs. didCaptureVideoFrame)
Since this delegate is for unclear reasons not available at Swift level (the compiler says you have to use didCapture, since it has been renamed from didCaptureVideoFrame with Swift3) you have to put the code int an ObjC class. I did copy this and this (which is a part of this sample project)into my project, made my videoCapturer an instance of ARDBroadcastSampleHandler
self.videoCapturer = ARDExternalSampleCapturer(delegate: videoSource)
and within the capture callback I'm calling it
let capturer = self.videoCapturer as? ARDExternalSampleCapturer

Read HLS Playlist information to dynamically change the preferredBitRate of an Item

I'm working on a video app, we are changing form regular mp4 files to HLS, one of the many reasons we have to do the change is that we hace much more control over the bandwidth usage of videos (we load lots of other stuff in our player, so we need to optimize the experience the best way).
So, AVFoundation introduced in iOS10 the ability to control the bandwidth using:
AVPlayerItem *playerItem = [AVPlayerItem playerItemWithAsset:self.urlAsset];
playerItem.preferredForwardBufferDuration = 30.0;
playerItem.preferredPeakBitRate = 200000.0; // Remember this line
There's also a configuration introduced on iOS11 to set the maximum resolution of the item with preferredMaximumResolution, So we're using it, but we still need a solution for iOS10 devices.
Well, now we have control over the preferredPeakBitRate that's nice, but we have a problem, not all the HLS sources are generated by us, so, let's say we want to set a maximum resolution of 480p when you're not connected to a wifi network, today I don't have way to achieve that, not always I'm going to be able to know how much bandwidth needs the 480p source for the selected HLS playlist.
One thing I was thinking about is to read the information inside the m3u8 file, to at least know which are the different quality sources that my player can show and how much bandwidth needs everyone.
One way to do this, would download the m3u8 playlist as a plain text, use a regex to read the file and process this data, well, I'm trying to avoid that, I think that this should far less difficult.
I cannot read this information from the tracks, because a) I can't find the information, b) the tracks are replaced dynamically when changing the quality, yeah 1 track for every quality level.
So, I don't know how I can get this information, I've searched google, stackoverflow and I can't find this information, does any one can help me?
Here's an example for what I want to do, I have this example playlist:
And I just want to have that information available on an array inside my code, something like this:
NSArray<ZZMetadata *> *metadataArray = self.urlAsset.bandwidthMetadata;
NSLog(#"Metadata info: %#", metadataArray);
And print something like this:
<__NSArrayM 0x123456789> (
<ZZMetadata 0x234567890> {
trackId: 1
neededBandwidth: 314000
resolution: 228x128
codecs: ...
<ZZMetadata 0x345678901> {
trackId: 2
neededBandwidth: 478000
resolution: 400x224

How to decode a H.264 frame on iOS by hardware decoding?

I have been used ffmpeg to decode every single frame that I received from my ip cam. The brief code looks like this:
-(void) decodeFrame:(unsigned char *)frameData frameSize:(int)frameSize{
AVFrame frame;
AVPicture picture;
AVPacket pkt;
AVCodecContext *context;
pkt.data = frameData;
pat.size = frameSize;
avpicture_alloc(&picture, PIX_FMT_RGB24, targetWidth, targetHeight);
avcodec_decode_video2(&context, &frame, &got_picture, &pkt);
The code woks fine, but it's software decoding. I want to enhance the decoding performance by hardware decoding. After lots of research, I know it may be achieved by AVFoundation framework.
The AVAssetReader class may help, but I can't figure out what's the next.Could anyone points out the following steps for me? Any help would be appreciated.
iOS does not provide any public access directly to the hardware decode engine, because hardware is always used to decode H.264 video on iOS.
Therefore, session 513 gives you all the information you need to allow frame-by-frame decoding on iOS. In short, per that session:
Generate individual network abstraction layer units (NALUs) from your H.264 elementary stream. There is much information on how this is done online. VCL NALUs (IDR and non-IDR) contain your video data and are to be fed into the decoder.
Re-package those NALUs according to the "AVCC" format, removing NALU start codes and replacing them with a 4-byte NALU length header.
Create a CMVideoFormatDescriptionRef from your SPS and PPS NALUs via CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH264ParameterSets()
Package NALU frames as CMSampleBuffers per session 513.
Create a VTDecompressionSessionRef, and feed VTDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame() with the sample buffers
Alternatively, use AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer, whose -enqueueSampleBuffer: method obviates the need to create your own decoder.
This link provide more detail explanation on how to decode h.264 step by step: stackoverflow.com/a/29525001/3156169
Original answer:
I watched the session 513 "Direct Access to Video Encoding and Decoding" in WWDC 2014 yesterday, and got the answer of my own question.
The speaker says:
We have Video Toolbox(in iOS 8). Video Toolbox has been there on
OS X for a while, but now it's finally populated with headers on
iOS.This provides direct access to encoders and decoders.
So, there is no way to do hardware decoding frame by frame in iOS 7, but it can be done in iOS 8.
Is there anyone figure out how to directly access to video encoding and decoding frame by frame in iOS 8?
