How to custom WebRTC video source? - ios

Does someone know how to change WebRTC ( video source?
I am working on an screen sharing app.
At the moment, I retrieve the rendered frames in real-time in CVPixelBuffer. Does someone know how I could add my frames as video source please?
Is it possible to set an other video source instead of camera device source ? Is yes, which format the video has to be and how to do it ?

var connectionFactory : RTCPeerConnectionFactory = RTCPeerConnectionFactory()
let videoSource : RTCVideoSource = factory.videoSource()
videoSource.capturer(videoCapturer, didCapture: videoFrame!)

Mounis answer is wrong. This leads to nothing. At least not at the time of this writing. There is simply nothing happening.
In fact, you would need to satisfy this delegate
- (void)capturer:(RTCVideoCapturer *)capturer didCaptureVideoFrame:(RTCVideoFrame *)frame;
(Note the difference to the Swift version: didCapture vs. didCaptureVideoFrame)
Since this delegate is for unclear reasons not available at Swift level (the compiler says you have to use didCapture, since it has been renamed from didCaptureVideoFrame with Swift3) you have to put the code int an ObjC class. I did copy this and this (which is a part of this sample project)into my project, made my videoCapturer an instance of ARDBroadcastSampleHandler
self.videoCapturer = ARDExternalSampleCapturer(delegate: videoSource)
and within the capture callback I'm calling it
let capturer = self.videoCapturer as? ARDExternalSampleCapturer


[iOS][AvFoundation] Need to get the similar classes like MediaCodec in android

is there any class in iOS which returns encoder/ decoder capabilities just like Android MediaCodec/ MediaCodecList.(
I need to get the fps/profile/level and width /height supported on each profile of h264 and hevc codec.
I have found it related to AvCaptureSession, but this may not be correct since we need to support AvPlayer only (and camera is not in the part of the flow.)
AVFoundation has very limited supported formats. Refer to this StackOverflow
So If somebody wants to query for the codec info, I recommend him/she use ffmpeg. To be specific, it's ffmpeg-kit. Check here for all API documentation.
I wrote you a sample about how to use it in iOS and query for codec info(or anything you want). Please check it out:
let mediaInfoSession = FFprobeKit.getMediaInformation(kSampleFilePath)
let mediaInfo = mediaInfoSession?.getMediaInformation()
let props = mediaInfo?.getAllProperties()
let duration = mediaInfo?.getDuration()
let bitRate = mediaInfo?.getBitrate()
Feel free to contact me.

cannot use 'TVICameraCapturer'

I'm migrating my app into iOS 13 , swift 5.0.
The main feature in my app is video calling which was working great.
I was using TVICameraCapturer in order to add the video track.
using the below methods:
var camera : TVICameraCapturer!
guard let camera = TVICameraCapturer(source: .backCameraWide), let videoTrack = LocalVideoTrack(capturer: camera) else {
any way after migrating and fixing all errors, there remains 1 thing, that I couldn't find
'TVICameraCapturer' please can anyone help if it's obsoleted and give any alternative.
It is been changed in recent versions of TwilioVideo CameraSource is the type you are looking for.

Value of type 'AVCaptureFileOutput' has no member 'delegate'

The documentation indicates a delegate property exists for AVCaptureFileOutput.
But the following code
let vfo = AVCaptureFileOutput()
vfo.delegate = self
give the error "Value of type 'AVCaptureFileOutput' has no member 'delegate'"
I am looking to use a AVCaptureFileOutputDelegate for a AVCaptureMovieFileOutput instance.
Any pointer will be helpful.
Follow the link to the delegate property on the page you quoted (or look at the #ifs around it in the header file), and you'll notice that property is for macOS only, not iOS. Thus, when you're in a project targeting iOS, that property doesn't exist.
iOS doesn't let you both receive sample buffers during capture and record to a file with the same session -- you can have an AVCaptureVideoDataOutput or an AVCaptureMovieFileOutput, but not both. If you just want delegate callbacks about movie file capture progress, use startRecording(toOutputFileURL:recordingDelegate:) and adopt AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate instead. If you want sample buffers, use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to receive them and AVAssetWriter for lower-level file output.
Thank you for the pointer to AVAssetWriter. I was able to find RosyWriter sample The modified CaptureOutput:didOutputSampleBuffer to capture the audio averagePowerLevel did the trick of getting a recorded movie and getting simultaneous audio levels.
But is there a more striped down example of its use? My attempts to strip out the renderers, which do the video manipulation, have only broken the sample.

AVPlayer does not play Video, play Button with Line through

Im new to swift but i like it more than obj-c as it looks a bit like java does to me from syntax wise compared to obj-c.
My problem is now that most of the source code samples are for obj-c so theyre unreadable for me =)
Anyway i managed to run a few code snippets like this(im not at my mac but they were similar):
let steamingURL:NSURL = NSURL(string: "http://....")!
let player = AVPlayer(URL: steamingURL)
player.allowsExternalPlayback = false
PlayWorkoutViewController.playerController = AVPlayerViewController()
PlayWorkoutViewController.playerController.player = player
PlayWorkoutViewController.playerController.view.frame = videoContainerView.frame
PlayWorkoutViewController.playerController.showsPlaybackControls = false
resulting in a Play Button with a line trough it, it doesnt play the Stream.
The stream source is a mpg1/2 stream according to VLCPlayer and its coming from a Linux based satellite receiver.
Another thing i tried was to change that "string:" part to "fileURLWithPath:" at the NSURL variable but that didnt work either.
Is there a way to Buffer the stream or is this just a codec issue, what workaround options do i have?
Im hesitating since three days, i hope its not a duplicate question, thanks.
EDIT: content of the stream.m3u file:
Security setting might be the problem. Go to info.plist and Add "App Transport Security Settings". Under that add "Allow Arbitrary Loads" and set it to YES. I hope this fixes the problem.

Is it possible to access system classes in swift?

I was trying to access the player inside WKWebView but I did some coding and it turned out it doesn't use AVPlayerViewController it uses a system class called WebFullScreenVideoRootVideoController
I used the code like this
the function in the picture is fired after a UIWindow appears
After that I started digging more and search for notifications fired by WebFullScreenVideoRootVideoController and some class called AVSystemController or something like that... it turned out it has multiple notifications two of them logically do what I want:
NowPlayingAppIsPlayingDidChange // first one
SomeClientPlayingDidChange // second one
But also the object that they return is called FigBaseObject
Is there anyway to access these objects "some hacky way :P" ?
This link should help you to find when to work on particular notification.
inside the notification, you can find the url
Extract video URL from NSNotification Asset
if let asset = notification.object?.asset as? AVURLAsset {
let videoURL = asset.URL
Did test for XAMAarin IOS, notification.object?.asset is not available, but not sure about swift.
