RuntimeError when using pydrake.symbolic.Evaluate - drake

When trying to use evaluate to retrieve the numerical value of my continuous decision variable q, I get the following error:
RuntimeError: The following environment does not have an entry for the variable q(0,0)
Trying to get the value of a single entry in q (akin to the answer given here), results in this error:
TypeError: Evaluate(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. (m: numpy.ndarray[object[m, n]], env: Dict[pydrake.symbolic.Variable, float] = {}, generator: pydrake.common._module_py.RandomGenerator = None) -> numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]]
2. (m: numpy.ndarray[object[m, n]], env: Dict[pydrake.symbolic.Variable, float]) -> numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n]]
Invoked with: Variable('q(0,0)', Continuous)
What am I missing?

Evaluate(expression) will only provide output if the Expression is a constant. To get the values of your decision variables, use MathmaticalProgramResult.GetSolution.
There are many great tutorials on using MathematicalProgram here:


Julia imresize function definition is vague

Here the function imresize from ImageTransformation.jl is defined.
On line 164 there is this expression:
resized[I] = original(I_o...)
From Julia's documentation I understood the triple dot is called splatting and it unpacks an argument into multiple arguments. For example I_o is a tuple here. My issue is that I cannot find any trace of a function called original in the mentioned Julia file.
Where is original? From the code itself I have the impression that original should be an array and indeed on line 147 the type of original is annotated as AbstractInterpolation yet in turn I could not find any object of such type in the rest of the code.
The function declaration reads:
function imresize!(resized::AbstractArray{T,N}, original::AbstractInterpolation{S,N}) where {T,S,N}
Hence, original is the parameter of the imresize! function.
Now, you can see that this is called with paranthesis (). This happens because a functor has been defined.
This functor seems to be defined outside of this package but you can see in the package how it is used:
#inline _getindex(A, v) = A[v...]
#inline _getindex(A::AbstractInterpolation, v) = A(v...)
so simply it is used to yield an interpolation element.
You can find the actual declaration of this functor in the Interpolations package (for each interpolation type). For an example:
#inline function (itp::BSplineInterpolation)(x::Vararg{UnexpandedIndexTypes})
itp(to_indices(itp, x)...)

I don't understand this map tuple key compilation error, in F#

Here is a function:
let newPositions : PositionData list =
|> List.filter (fun x ->
let key = (x.Instrument, x.Side)
match brain.Positions.TryGetValue key with
| false, _ ->
// if we don't know the position, it's new
| true, p when x.UpdateTime > p.UpdateTime ->
// it's newer than the version we have, it's new
| _ ->
it compiles at expected.
let's focus on two lines:
let key = (x.Instrument, x.Side)
match brain.Positions.TryGetValue key with
brain.Positions is a Map<Instrument * Side, PositionData> type
if I modify the second line to:
match brain.Positions.TryGetValue (x.Instrument, x.Side) with
then the code will not compile, with error:
[FS0001] This expression was expected to have type
'Instrument * Side'
but here has type
match brain.Positions.TryGetValue ((x.Instrument, x.Side)) with
will compile...
why is that?
This is due to method call syntax.
TryGetValue is not a function, but a method. A very different thing, and a much worse thing in general. And subject to some special syntactic rules.
This method, you see, actually has two parameters, not one. The first parameter is a key, as you expect. And the second parameter is what's known in C# as out parameter - i.e. kind of a second return value. The way it was originally meant to be called in C# is something like this:
Dictionary<int, string> map = ...
string val;
if (map.TryGetValue(42, out val)) { ... }
The "regular" return value of TryGetValue is a boolean signifying whether the key was even found. And the "extra" return value, denoted here out val, is the value corresponding to the key.
This is, of course, extremely awkward, but it did not stop the early .NET libraries from using this pattern very widely. So F# has special syntactic sugar for this pattern: if you pass just one parameter, then the result becomes a tuple consisting of the "actual" return value and the out parameter. Which is what you're matching against in your code.
But of course, F# cannot prevent you from using the method exactly as designed, so you're free to pass two parameters as well - the first one being the key and the second one being a byref cell (which is F# equivalent of out).
And here is where this clashes with the method call syntax. You see, in .NET all methods are uncurried, meaning their arguments are all effectively tupled. So when you call a method, you're passing a tuple.
And this is what happens in this case: as soon as you add parentheses, the compiler interprets that as an attempt to call a .NET method with tupled arguments:
brain.Positions.TryGetValue (x.Instrument, x.Side)
^ ^
first arg |
second arg
And in this case it expects the first argument to be of type Instrument * Side, but you're clearly passing just an Instrument. Which is exactly what the error message tells you: "expected to have type 'Instrument * Side'
but here has type 'Instrument'".
But when you add a second pair of parens, the meaning changes: now the outer parens are interpreted as "method call syntax", and the inner parens are interpreted as "denoting a tuple". So now the compiler interprets the whole thing as just a single argument, and all works as before.
Incidentally, the following will also work:
brain.Positions.TryGetValue <| (x.Instrument, x.Side)
This works because now it's no longer a "method call" syntax, because the parens do not immediately follow the method name.
But a much better solution is, as always, do not use methods, use functions instead!
In this particular example, instead of .TryGetValue, use Map.tryFind. It's the same thing, but in proper function form. Not a method. A function.
brain.Positions |> Map.tryFind (x.Instrument, x.Side)
Q: But why does this confusing method even exist?
Compatibility. As always with awkward and nonsensical things, the answer is: compatibility.
The standard .NET library has this interface System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary, and it's on that interface that the TryGetValue method is defined. And every dictionary-like type, including Map, is generally expected to implement that interface. So here you go.
In future, please consider the Stack Overflow guidelines provided under How to create a Minimal, Reproducible Example. Well, minimal and reproducible the code in your question is, but it shall also be complete...
…Complete – Provide all parts someone else needs to reproduce your
problem in the question itself
That being said, when given the following definitions, your code will compile:
type Instrument() = class end
type Side() = class end
type PositionData = { Instrument : Instrument; Side : Side; }
with member __.UpdateTime = 0
module brain =
let Positions = dict[(Instrument(), Side()), {Instrument = Instrument(); Side = Side()}]
let positions = []
Now, why is that? Technically, it is because of the mechanism described in the F# 4.1 Language Specification under §14.4 Method Application Resolution, 4. c., 2nd bullet point:
If all formal parameters in the suffix are “out” arguments with byref
type, remove the suffix from UnnamedFormalArgs and call it
This is supported by the signature of the method call in question:
System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary.TryGetValue(key: Instrument * Side, value: byref<PositionData>)
Here, if the second argument is not provided, the compiler does the implicit conversion to a tuple return type as described in §14.4 5. g.
You are obviously familiar with this behaviour, but maybe not with the fact that if you specify two arguments, the compiler will see the second of them as the explicit byref "out" argument, and complains accordingly with its next error message:
Error 2 This expression was expected to have type
PositionData ref
but here has type
This misunderstanding changes the return type of the method call from bool * PositionData to bool, which consequently elicits a third error:
Error 3 This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
'a * 'b
In short, your self-discovered workaround with double parentheses is indeed the way to tell the compiler: No, I am giving you only one argument (a tuple), so that you can implicitly convert the byref "out" argument to a tuple return type.

Erlang Doesn't Warn About Unused Function Argument

If I declare a function
test(A) -> 3.
Erlang generates a warning about variable A not being used. However the definition
isEqual(X,X) -> 1.
Doesn't produce any warning but
isEqual(X,X) -> 1;
isEqual(X,Y) -> 0.
again produces a warning but only for the second line.
The reason why that doesn't generate a warning is because in the second case you are asserting (through pattern matching), by using the same variable name, that the first and second arguments to isEqual/2 have the same value. So you are actually using the value of the argument.
It might help to understand better if we look at the Core Erlang code produced from is_equal/2. You can get .core source files by compiling your .erl file in the following way: erlc +to_core pattern.erl (see here for pattern.erl).
This will produce a pattern.core file that will look something like this (module_info/[0,1] functions removed):
module 'pattern' ['is_equal'/2]
attributes []
'is_equal'/2 = fun (_cor1,_cor0) ->
case <_cor1,_cor0> of
%% Line 5
<X,_cor4> when call 'erlang':'=:=' (_cor4, X) ->
%% Line 6
<X,Y> when 'true' ->
As you can see, each function clause from is_equal/2 in the .erl source code gets translated to a case clause in Core Erlang. X does get used in the first clause since it needs to be compared to the other argument. On the other hand neither X or Y are used in the second clause.

lua static analysis: detecting uninitialized table field

I'm using luacheck (within the Atom editor), but open to other static analysis tools.
Is there a way to check that I'm using an uninitialized table field? I read the docs ( but maybe I missed how to do this?
In all three cases in the code below I'm trying to detect that I'm (erroneously) using field 'y1'. None of them do. (At run-time it is detected, but I'm trying to catch it before run-time).
local a = {}
a.x = 10
a.y = 20
print(a.x + a.y1) -- no warning about uninitialized field y1 !?
-- luacheck: globals b
b = {}
b.x = 10
b.y = 20
print(b.x + b.y1) -- no warning about uninitialized field y1 !?
-- No inline option for luacheck re: 'c', so plenty of complaints
-- about "non-standard global variable 'c'."
c = {} -- warning about setting
c.x = 10 -- warning about mutating
c.y = 20 -- " " "
print(c.x + c.y1) -- more warnings (but NOT about field y1)
The point is this: as projects grow (files grow, and the number & size of modules grow), it would be nice to prevent simple errors like this from creeping in.
lua-inspect should be able to detect and report these instances. I have it integrated into ZeroBrane Studio IDE and when running with the deep analysis it reports the following on this fragment:
unknown-field.lua:4: first use of unknown field 'y1' in 'a'
unknown-field.lua:7: first assignment to global variable 'b'
unknown-field.lua:10: first use of unknown field 'y1' in 'b'
unknown-field.lua:14: first assignment to global variable 'c'
unknown-field.lua:17: first use of unknown field 'y1' in 'c'
(Note that the integration code only reports first instances of these errors to minimize the number of instances reported; I also fixed an issue that only reported first unknown instance of a field, so you may want to use the latest code from the repository.)
People who look into questions related to "Lua static analysis" may also be interested in the various dialects of typed Lua, for example:
Typed Lua
But you may not have heard of "Teal". (early in its life it was called "tl"); .
I'm taking the liberty to answer my original question using Teal, since I find it intriguing.
-- 'record' (like a 'struct')
local Point = record
x : number
y : number
local a : Point = {}
a.x = 10
a.y = 20
print(a.x + a.y1) -- will trigger an error
-- (in VS Code using teal extension & at command line)
From command line:
> tl check
1 error: invalid key 'y1' in record 'a'
By the way...
> tl gen'
creates a pure Lua file: 'myfile.lua' that has no type information in it. Note: running this Lua file will trigger the 'nil' error... lua: myfile.lua:42: attempt to index a nil value (local 'a').
So, Teal gives you a chance to catch 'type' errors, but it doesn't require you to fix them before generating Lua files.

Datatypes with functions as attributes in Z3 Python

I am using the Python bindings for Z3, and trying to create a Z3 datatype whose attributes are functions. For example, I might execute the following:
Foo = Datatype('Foo')
Foo.declare('foo', [('my_function', Function('f', IntSort(), BoolSort()))])
This is an attempt to create a datatype Foo with attribute my_function, where I would be able to call my_function x (if x is a variable of type Foo) in order to get out some function from ints to bools.
However, I run into the following error at the second line:
z3types.Z3Exception: Valid list of accessors expected. An accessor is a pair of the form (String, Datatype|Sort)
Is it possible to declare Z3 datatypes with functions as attributes, perhaps using a different syntax?
Or is it something that is not allowed? The post function declaration in z3 suggests to me that higher-order functions are not allowed in Z3, so perhaps adding a function to a datatype is disallowed so as to prevent the creation of higher-order functions using those datatypes.
You can use the Array type to encode function spaces.
Foo = Datatype('Foo')
Foo.declare('foo', ('my_function', ArraySort(IntSort(), BoolSort())))
print Foo.create()
