iOS: Amplify always storing files to public directory - ios

I am using Amplify library to store files from iOS to AWS storage. My code looks something like this:
class UploadServiceController {
static let `default` = UploadServiceController()
init() {
Amplify.Logging.logLevel = .verbose
do {
try Amplify.add(plugin: AWSCognitoAuthPlugin())
try Amplify.add(plugin: AWSS3StoragePlugin())
try Amplify.configure()
} catch {
assert(false, "An error occurred setting up Amplify: \(error)")
func upload(data: Data, for filePath: String) -> UploadServiceOperation {
let storageOperation = Amplify.Storage.uploadData(key: "media/images", data: data)
return UploadServiceOperation(storageOperation: storageOperation)
storage json:
"storage": {
"plugins": {
"awsS3StoragePlugin": {
"bucket": "native-media-storage",
"region": "eu-central-1"
However when I perform upload my images are stored to: native-media-storage/public/media/images, instead of native-media-storage/media/images. I have browsed SO, I found solution for javascript: AWS amplify adding files in public directory, but nothing for iOS.
How can this be done on iOS?

While Amplify Docs leave a lot to be desired, browsing through their github, I found PR that adds this functionality. The PR is from September 2021, and here is the solution:
// MARK: - Custom Prefix Resolver
private struct CustomPrefixResolver: AWSS3PluginPrefixResolver {
func resolvePrefix(for accessLevel: StorageAccessLevel,
targetIdentityId: String?) -> Result<String, StorageError> {
return .success("")
and use it like this:
try Amplify.add(plugin: AWSS3StoragePlugin(configuration: .prefixResolver(CustomPrefixResolver())))


Amplify ios signin with custom flow

I am trying to implement a custom signin flow using amplify ios library and cognito.
The flow is based on this passwordless implementation, it works great on web, but I can't make it work on ios, I get the following error:
-------Sign In response---------
failure(AuthError: Incorrect username or password.
Recovery suggestion: Check whether the given values are correct and the user is authorized to perform the operation.)
Please find below the relevant code:
public init(_ secureService: SecureServiceProtocol) {
self.secureService = secureService
self.token = secureService.get(tokenKey)
self.authModel = secureService.get(authKey, type: AuthModel.self)
do {
let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "amplifyconfiguration", withExtension: "json")!
let configuration = try AmplifyConfiguration(configurationFile: url)
try Amplify.add(plugin: AWSCognitoAuthPlugin())
try Amplify.configure(configuration)
if authModel != nil {
self.retrieveAuthData { _ in }
} catch {
L.log(type: .error, message: error.localizedDescription)
public func accessWith(_ phone: String, callback: #escaping AuthResultCallback) {
Amplify.Auth.signIn(username: phone) { result in
print("-------Sign In response---------")
"auth": {
"plugins": {
"awsCognitoAuthPlugin": {
"IdentityManager": {
"Default": {}
"CredentialsProvider": {
"CognitoIdentity": {
"Default": {}
"CognitoUserPool": {
"Default": {
"Region": "eu-west-2",
"PoolId": "eu-west-2xxxxxx",
"AppClientId": "5vmjioxxxxxxxxxx"
"Auth": {
"Default": {
"authenticationFlowType": "CUSTOM_AUTH"
I have been facing the same issue and found this
The root cause for our issue was that the iOS Amplify library always sends an initial ChallengeName of SRP_A to the Cognito signIn call. However, the example "Define Auth Challenge trigger" is explicitly coded to fail any authentication calls where the ChallengeName is not CUSTOM_CHALLENGE.
So you need to port that same behavior with these lambdas. Because the Define lambda looks for the CUSTOM_CHALLENGE ChallengeName and fails requests that have a different ChallngeName, the logic is incompatible with the iOS Amplify libraries as-is, since they initially send SRP_A.
I was able to work around this by modifying the Define Auth Challenge lambda to respond with the CUSTOM_CHALLENGE name instead of failing outright, and that seems to have fixed up the iOS side.
You can use the lambda's from here

Failed to initialize Amplify with PluginError: Unable to decode configuration

Whenever im trying to upload an image, app crashes, after investigating the issue, I reached the following:
when calling Amplify.configure, its failing and im getting the following error:
Failed to initialize Amplify with PluginError: Unable to decode configuration
Recovery suggestion: Make sure the plugin configuration is JSONValue.
the upload code where the app is crashing is as follow:
Amplify.Storage.uploadData(key: String(actualKey), data: data) { (event) in
..... }
my code is as following in app delegate:
private func setupAWS() {
do {
let storafePlugin = AWSS3StoragePlugin()
try Amplify.add(plugin: storafePlugin)
try Amplify.add(plugin: AWSCognitoAuthPlugin())
try Amplify.configure()
print("Amplify configured with storage plugin")
} catch {
print("Failed to initialize Amplify with \(error)")
the amplify json file is as follow:
"UserAgent": "aws-amplify-cli/2.0",
"Version": "1.0",
"storage": {
"plugins": {
"awsS3StoragePlugin": {
"bucket": "xxxxxx",
"region": "eu-central-1",
"defaultAccessLevel": "guest"
anyone knows what's going around?
UPDATE: when I remove the following:
try Amplify.add(plugin: AWSCognitoAuthPlugin())
the error disappears, but on image upload im getting a new error:
Fatal error: No plugins added to Authentication category.

SWIFTUI - File Not Found error when trying to import a file from a cloud file provider like OneDrive and GoogleDrive

I have the following SwiftUI code where a simple button brings up the iOS file manager and allows the user to select a CSV file to be imported. I've found that it works well for files that are stored locally on my device but if I try to select a file from Google Drive or OneDrive it gets a URL but when I then try to retrieve the data from it, it returns an error saying that the file was not found.
After a lot of head scratching, I've found that when using the file browser if I long press to bring up the context menu and then view the info for the file (which I'm guessing may be pulling it down to the phones local cache), it will then work as expected. This is shown in the following animated gif:
I've found that once I've done that caching trick, I can access the file without issue in other apps using the same code and I've also found that I can uninstall my app and reinstall it and it continues to work.
Can anyone advise on an approach using SwiftUI where I can avoid this File Not Found error when trying to import the file from Google Drive or OneDrive?
The entire code that I've been using for testing is as follows:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var isImporting: Bool = false
#State private var fileContentString = ""
#State var alertMsg = ""
#State var showAlert = false
func reportError(error: String) {
alertMsg = error
var body: some View {
VStack {
Button(action: { isImporting = true}, label: {
Text("Select CSV File")
Text(fileContentString) //This will display the imported CSV as text in the view.
isPresented: $isImporting,
allowedContentTypes: [.commaSeparatedText],
allowsMultipleSelection: false
) { result in
do {
guard let selectedFileURL: URL = try result.get().first else {
alertMsg = "ERROR: Result.get() failed"
self.reportError(error: alertMsg)
print("selectedFileURL is \(selectedFileURL)")
if selectedFileURL.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() {
//print("startAccessingSecurityScopedResource passed")
do {
print("Getting Data from URL...")
let inputData = try Data(contentsOf: selectedFileURL)
print("Converting data to string...")
let inputString = String(decoding: inputData, as: UTF8.self)
fileContentString = inputString
catch {
alertMsg = "ERROR: \(error.localizedDescription)"
self.reportError(error: alertMsg)
//defer { selectedFileURL.stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() }
} else {
// Handle denied access
alertMsg = "ERROR: Unable to read file contents - Access Denied"
self.reportError(error: alertMsg)
} catch {
// Handle failure.
alertMsg = "ERROR: Unable to read file contents - \(error.localizedDescription)"
self.reportError(error: alertMsg)
.alert(isPresented: $showAlert, content: {
Alert(title: Text("Message"), message: Text(alertMsg), dismissButton: .destructive(Text("OK"), action: {
The console log output is as follows:
selectedFileURL is file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/8F147702-8630-423B-9DA0-AE49667748EB/File%20Provider%20Storage/84645546/1aTSCPGxY3HzILlCIFlMRtx4eEWDZ2JAq/example4.csv
Getting Data from URL...
ERROR: The file “example4.csv” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.
selectedFileURL is file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/8F147702-8630-423B-9DA0-AE49667748EB/File%20Provider%20Storage/84645546/1aTSCPGxY3HzILlCIFlMRtx4eEWDZ2JAq/example4.csv
Getting Data from URL...
Converting data to string...
First Name,Last Name
My testing has been done on a physical iPhone 12 Pro Max running iOS 14.2 and a physical iPad Air 2 running iPadOS 14.4.
I found an answer to my issue. The solution was to use a NSFileCoordinator() to force the file to be downloaded.
With the code below, if I access a file in cloud storage that hasn't been previously downloaded to the local device it will print "FILE NOT AVAILABLE" but it will now just download the file rather than throwing a file not found error.
Ideally I would like to be able to download just the file property metadata first to check how big the file is and then decide if I want to download the full file. The NSFileCoordinator has a metadata only option but I haven't worked out how to retrieve and interpret the results from that. This will do for now...
if selectedFileURL.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
if fileManager.fileExists(atPath: selectedFileURL.path) {
} else {
var error: NSError?
readingItemAt: selectedFileURL, options: .forUploading, error: &error) { url in
print("coordinated URL", url)
let coordinatedURL = url
isShowingFileDetails = false
importedFileURL = selectedFileURL
do {
let resources = try selectedFileURL.resourceValues(forKeys:[.fileSizeKey])
let fileSize = resources.fileSize!
print ("File Size is \(fileSize)")
} catch {
print("Error: \(error)")
do {
print("Getting Data from URL...")
let inputData = try Data(contentsOf: selectedFileURL)
print("Do stuff with file....")

File Provider iOS11 startProvidingItem not invoked

I'm implementing a File Provider Extension for iOS 11.
Dispite watching the conference at and navigating through Apple's Documentation, I still can't seem to understand how to implement some of the methods for NSFileProviderExtension and NSFileProviderEnumerator objects.
I successfully implemented NSFileProviderItem, having all of them listed in the Navite iOS 11 Files App. However, I can't trigger any document based app to open upon selecting a file.
I overrided all the methods for the NSFileProviderExtension. Some are still empty, but I placed a breakpoint to check whenever they are called.
The NSFileProviderExtension looks something like this:
class FileProviderExtension: NSFileProviderExtension {
var db : [FileProviderItem] = [] //Used "as" a database
override func item(for identifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier) throws -> NSFileProviderItem {
for i in db {
if i.itemIdentifier.rawValue == identifier.rawValue {
return i
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: NSNotFound, userInfo:[:])
override func urlForItem(withPersistentIdentifier identifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier) -> URL? {
guard let item = try? item(for: identifier) else {
return nil
// in this implementation, all paths are structured as <base storage directory>/<item identifier>/<item file name>
let manager = NSFileProviderManager.default
let perItemDirectory = manager.documentStorageURL.appendingPathComponent(identifier.rawValue, isDirectory: true)
return perItemDirectory.appendingPathComponent(item.filename, isDirectory:false)
// MARK: - Enumeration
func enumerator(for containerItemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier) throws -> NSFileProviderEnumerator {
var maybeEnumerator: NSFileProviderEnumerator? = nil
if (containerItemIdentifier == NSFileProviderItemIdentifier.rootContainer) {
maybeEnumerator = FileProviderEnumerator(enumeratedItemIdentifier: containerItemIdentifier)
self.db = CustomData.getData(pid: containerItemIdentifier)
} else if (containerItemIdentifier == NSFileProviderItemIdentifier.workingSet) {
// TODO: instantiate an enumerator for the working set
} else {
guard let enumerator = maybeEnumerator else {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: NSFeatureUnsupportedError, userInfo:[:])
return enumerator
My enumerateItems looks something like so:
class FileProviderEnumerator: NSObject, NSFileProviderEnumerator {
override func enumerateItems(for observer: NSFileProviderEnumerationObserver, startingAt page: NSFileProviderPage) {
let itens = CustomData.getData(pid: enumeratedItemIdentifier)
observer.finishEnumerating(upTo: nil)
The static function CustomData.getData is used for testing. It returns an array of NSFileProviderItem with the desired properties. It should be replaced with a database, as explained in the conference.
class CustomData {
static func getData(pid : NSFileProviderItemIdentifier) -> [FileProviderItem] {
return [
FileProviderItem(uid: "0", pid: pid, name: "garden", remoteUrl : ""),
FileProviderItem(uid: "1", pid: pid, name: "car", remoteUrl : ""),
FileProviderItem(uid: "2", pid: pid, name: "cat", remoteUrl : ""),
FileProviderItem(uid: "3", pid: pid, name: "computer", remoteUrl : "")
The problem is, when the user presses a document, urlForItem is successfully called but nothing happens upon returning the item url.
What am I doing wrong?
I can't find any examples on the internet.
Turns out, I did not correctly implement providePlaceholder(at url:).
It is now solved.
In order to list the items in your file provider, the method enumerator(for:) should be implemented.
This method will receive a containerItemIdentifier, as if telling you "what folder the user is trying to access". It returns a NSFileProviderEnumerator object, that should also be implemented by you.
Here is an example of how a simple enumerator(for:) method should look like:
class FileProviderExtension: NSFileProviderExtension {
override func enumerator(for containerItemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier) throws -> NSFileProviderEnumerator {
var enumerator: NSFileProviderEnumerator? = nil
if (containerItemIdentifier == NSFileProviderItemIdentifier.rootContainer) {
enumerator = FileProviderEnumerator(enumeratedItemIdentifier: containerItemIdentifier)
else {
enumerator = FileProviderEnumerator(enumeratedItemIdentifier: containerItemIdentifier)
if enumerator == nill {
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: NSFeatureUnsupportedError, userInfo:[:])
return enumerator
Again, as I said, the FileProviderEnumerator should be implemented by you. The important method here is the enumerateItems(for observer:, startingAt page:)
Here it is how it should look:
class FileProviderEnumerator: NSObject, NSFileProviderEnumerator {
func enumerateItems(for observer: NSFileProviderEnumerationObserver, startingAt page: NSFileProviderPage) {
if (enumeratedItemIdentifier == NSFileProviderItemIdentifier.rootContainer) {
//Creating an example of a folder item
let folderItem = FileProviderFolder()
folderItem.parentItemIdentifier = enumeratedItemIdentifier //<-- Very important
folderItem.typeIdentifier = "public.folder" = "ExampleFolder" = "ExampleFolderID"
//Creating an example of a file item
let fileItem = FileProviderFile()
fileItem.parentItemIdentifier = enumeratedItemIdentifier //<-- Very important
fileItem.typeIdentifier = "public.plain-text" = "ExampleFile.txt" = "ExampleFileID"
self.itemList.append(contentsOf: [folderItem, fileItem])
observer.finishEnumerating(upTo: nil)
else {
//1 > Find directory name using "enumeratedItemIdentifier" property
//2 > Fetch data from the desired directory
//3 > Create File or Folder Items
//4 > Send items back using didEnumerate and finishEnumerating
Remember that we were creating these FileProviderEnumerators, giving them the containerItemIdentifier. This property is used to determine what folder the user is trying to access.
Very important note: Each item, File or Folder, should have its parentItemIdentifier property defined. If this property is not set, the items won't appear when the user tries to open the parent folder.
Also, as the name suggests, typeIdentifier will hold the Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) for the item.
Finally, the last object we should implement is the NSFileProviderItem. Both File and Folder items are very similar, and should differ in their typeIdentifier property.
Here is a very simple example of a folder:
class FileProviderFolder: NSObject, NSFileProviderItem {
public var id: String?
public var name: String?
var parentItemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier
var typeIdentifier: String
init() {
var itemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier {
return NSFileProviderItemIdentifier(!)
var filename: String {
The itemIdentifier is very important because, as stated before, this property will provide the directory name for the folder item when trying to enumerate its contents (refer to enumerator(for:) method).
If the user selects a file, the method startProvidingItem(at url:) should be called.
This method should perform 3 tasks:
1 - Find the selected item ID (usualy using the provided url, but you can use a database too)
2 - Download the file to the local device, making it available at the specified url. Alamofire does this;
3 - Call completionHandler;
Here is a simple example of this method:
class FileProviderExtension: NSFileProviderExtension {
override func urlForItem(withPersistentIdentifier identifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier) -> URL? {
// resolve the given identifier to a file on disk
guard let item = try? item(for: identifier) else {
return nil
// in this implementation, all paths are structured as <base storage directory>/<item identifier>/<item file name>
let perItemDirectory = NSFileProviderManager.default.documentStorageURL.appendingPathComponent(identifier.rawValue, isDirectory: true)
let allDir = perItemDirectory.appendingPathComponent(item.filename, isDirectory:false)
return allDir
override func persistentIdentifierForItem(at url: URL) -> NSFileProviderItemIdentifier? {
// exploit that the path structure has been defined as <base storage directory>/<item identifier>/<item file name>, at urlForItem
let pathComponents = url.pathComponents
assert(pathComponents.count > 2)
return NSFileProviderItemIdentifier(pathComponents[pathComponents.count - 2])
override func startProvidingItem(at url: URL, completionHandler: #escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
let itemID = persistentIdentifierForItem(at: url),
let item = try? self.item(for: itemID) as! FileProviderFile else {
file: item,
toLocalDirectory: url,
success: { (response) in
// Do necessary processing on the FileProviderFile object
// Example: setting isOffline flag to True
fail: { (response) in
Note that, to get the ID from the URL, I'm using the recomended method: the URL it self contains the item ID.
This URL is definedin the urlForItem method.
Hope this helps.
I thought I'd provide a followup answer, the primary answer is great as a first step. In my case startProvidingItem was not called because I was not storing the files in exactly the directory the system was looking for, that is to say:
<Your container path>/File Provider Storage/<itemIdentifier>/My Awesome Image.png
That is on the slide from WWDC17 on the FileProvider extension, but I did not think it must follow that format so exactly.
I had a directory not named "File Provider Storage" into which I was putting files directly, and startProvidingItem was never called. It was only when I made a directory for the uniqueFileID into which the file was placed, AND renamed my overall storage directory to "File Provider Storage" that startProvidingItem was called.
Also note that with iOS11, you'll need to provide a providePlaceholder call as well to the FileProviderExtension, use EXACTLY the code that is in the docs for that and do not deviate unless you are sure of what you are doing.

I'm trying to archive a meteor-built ios app, but Xcode but I keep getting 'Ambiguous use of […]'

I built this project from a meteor app (with meteor build ios...).
I've set it to use the legacy version of Swift (otherwise I get a lot of errors). But when I try to archive it, i get this error in different locations.
func cancel() { // Error: Ambiguous use of 'dispatch_sync(_:block)'
dispatch_sync(queue) {
func dispatch_sync(queue: dispatch_queue_t, block: () throws -> ())throws { // 1. Found this candidate
var caughtError: ErrorType?
dispatch_sync(queue) {
do {
try block()
} catch {
caughtError = error
if let caughtError = caughtError {
throw caughtError
func cancel() { // 2. Found this candidate
dispatch_sync(queue) {
I'm not sure how to solve it, could you help me?
PS: I'm using the latest version of Xcode with MacOS Sierra. And Meteor
Rename your function dispach_sync into, for instance, dispatch_sync_mine
