I've created my first AirTable Extension and it's working so I want to commit the code to my github repository. The airtable extension was created using the block init command similar to this:
block init appBlockId --template=https://github.com/Airtable/apps-hello-world myextension
That command creates a sample project which makes it easy to get started. That command created the file .block/remote.json for which I'm asking about.
I don't want to commit anything that contains any private information (that shouldn't be committed to a github repo).
AFAIK, the airtable API key is stored in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\.airtableblocksrc.json and not in the current code. See output from block set-api-key keyNotShown command.
block set-api-key keyNotShown
Saving API Key to: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\.airtableblocksrc.json
API Key saved.
The file .block/remote.json which looks like this:
"blockId": "blk0vY. . .",
"baseId": "appPvD. . ."
Searching for a solution
When searching for an answer I see that someone else committed the file, see
so it (hopefully) is something that can and should be committed.
Can I safely commit that file .block/remote.json to github? Does that file contain any private information?
On Mercurial I've implemented a hook in my hgrc file that activates when some sort of change occurs in Jenkins(i.e tagging or committing). Here is my hook code:
curl -X POST http://tokenusername:115d59a462df750d4f12347975b3d691cf#
So there's no issue with my hook notifying Jenkins that a change has occurred and the pipeline executes but for some reason I am having trouble getting the commit id or any or the author name's who made the commit etc. I went to the script console in jenkins and wrote the following code in groovy to see if the changeset data from Mercurial transferred over to Jenkins. Also all the libraries are imported
def job = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getItem("pipelinejob")
def builds = job.getBuilds()
def thisBuild = builds[0]
println('Lets test Mercurial fields ' + thisBuild.getEnvironment()['MERCURIAL_REVISION']) //Lets test Mercurial fields null
It makes me think that MERCURIAL_REVISION for some reason wasnt defined even though I provided a job that has the changeset info. I was reading this documentation https://javadoc.jenkins.io/plugin/mercurial/hudson/plugins/mercurial/MercurialChangeSet.html#MercurialChangeSet-- that lists a bunch of functions that have alot of functions like getCommitId() getNode() etc that gets the information that I need. Problem is I'm not entirely sure how to instantiate MercurialChangeSet with the jenkin jobs pipelinejob that in theory should have the Mercurial commitId information. Thats why I wanted to know if I perhaps missed something obvious regarding accessing MERCURIAL_REVISION
So I found out that I need to enable the Pipeline script from SCM and that I need to put the Jenkinsfile with the pipeline code inside my workspace directory in order to get the changeset information. I am not entirely sure why this works since I would think the Jenkinsfile needs to be in the repo directory of the SCM
We are trying to find a way to download a single file from a Bitbucket project using the REST API at a specific commit. Currently, we have the ability to download a file at a specific branch:
Note that the end of the URL, when decoded, contains the query parameter at=refs/heads/master, which refers to the master branch. This also works for specific tags:
Here the query parameter at=refs/tags/testtag1 refers to the tag (commit) testtag1.
But because of the nature of our implementation, we would like to refer directly to a commit SHA-1 hash via the Bitbucket REST API. Is this possible?
Obviously, one ugly workaround would be to just add a tag to every commit. But this could bloat the repository and it also feels like an unnecessary hack.
With the help of this SO question, I found one of the answers which tipped me off to the correct syntax. Use this:
For example:
Here is a table of three main endpoint types with the Bitbucket REST API:
query parameter | role
refs/heads/master | specify master branch
refs/tags/someTag | specify 'someTag' tag
at=bed2dda5 | specify commit #bed2dda5
I am looking for a file comparison tool (like WinMerge) that will compare the text of the files AND on the lines that were changed let me append a comment to the end of the line such as "//changed by bob".
The file would then be saved with the changes the developer made and with the added comment on every line changed.
I have found ways to log changes to a file but not a way to append the file that is being committed.
We are using ClearCase as source control so we have access to cleartool.
I am not aware of such a tool.
The closest you might consider would be cleartool annotate (see "How to use ClearCase Annotate").
You could process the output of this command in order to regenerate the file content with the right information added to each line.
I'm planning to do a program with Lua that will first of all read specific files
and get information from those files. So my first question is whats the "my documents" path name? I have searched a lot of places, but I'm unable to find anything. My second question is how can I use the first four letters of a file name to see which one is the newest made?
Finding the files in "my documents" then find the newest created file and read it.
The reading part shouldn't be a problem, but navigating to "my documents" and finding the newest created file in a folder.
For your first question, depends how robust you want your script to be. You could use Lua's builtin os.getenv() to get a variety of environment vars related to user, such as USERNAME, USERPROFILE, HOMEDRIVE, HOMEPATH. Example:
username = os.getenv('USERNAME')
dir = 'C:\\users\\' .. username .. '\\Documents'
For the second question, there is no builtin mechanism in Windows to have the file creation or modification timestamp as part of the filename. You could read the creation or modification timestamp, via a C extension you create or using an existing Lua library like lfs. Or you could read the contents of a folder and parse the filenames if they were named according to the pattern you mention. Again there is nothing built into Lua to do this, you would either use os.execute() or lfs or, again, your own C extension module, or combinations of these.
I am planning to replace the usage of git.exe from windows path by libgit2sharp for my plugin GitDiffMargin, A Visual Studio 2012 extension to display Git Diff on the margin of the current file. - https://github.com/laurentkempe/GitDiffMargin
I would like to know if there is an equivalent in libgit2sharp to start the external difftool using git difftool -y filename ?
I don't think it should be the responsibility of LibGit2Sharp to launch an external process. LibGit2Sharp goal is to provide a way to manipulate a git repository easily.
It means you can use it to:
Get the diff between files in the workdir and the previous version (in the index). To do that you can use the Repository.Diff.Compare(IEnumerable<string> paths, bool includeUntracked, ExplicitPathsOptions explicitPathsOptions) overload, which returns a TreeChanges object. From there, you can get a TreeEntryChanges object through the indexer of the treeChanges, which corresponds to the changes of a given file (use the .Patch property to get the actual content of the patch).
Get the configured diff tool by using the Repository.Config namespace (e.g.: repo.Config.Get<string>("diff.tool").Value, although you should also check if the value returned by the Get() method is null in case no diff tool has been configured by the user). That way, you can launch the diff tool by yourself.
Additional resources (v0.11.0):
Diff workdir to index tests
An example showing how to use the TreeChanges object
Configuration fixture, pretty self-explanatory
Note: it seems that at some point, you will need to know if a line has changed or not. I don't think there is an easy way to do that right now (apart from parsing the patch content manually). However, opening an issue on the LibGit2Sharp issue tracker might trigger some discussion around that (feel free to weigh in what kind of API you would like to have to do that!).
Edit: Before launching the external diff tool, you will need to copy the content of the file which is in the index in a temporary folder. You can lookup the blob of a file in the index by doing something like:
var indexEntry = repo.Index[fileName];
var blob = repo.Lookup(indexEntry.Id);
However... no filters are currently applied when you get the blob content, so the comparison is likely to produce false positives due to crlf differences.
There is currently an issue opened on libgit2 in order to propose an API to allow applying filters.