How to call a method inside triggers block in Jenkinfile - jenkins

I have a pipeline which needs to be scheduled to run at a particular time. There are some dynamic parameters that needs to be passed while running the pipeline.
I have created a function that gives me the desired parameter value. However this pipeline does not get triggered as the function value is not getting resolved inside trigger block & is getting treated as string.
getlatest is the method I created which takes in 3 parameters. The value of this method is not getting resolved & instead treated as string. The pipeline rund as expected if I hardcode some value for version.
parameterizedCron("H/5 * * * * % mod=test; version=getlatest('abc','xyz','lmn');")

The problem is that the code that calculates the parameter — just like any other code in Jenkins — needs an executor to run. To get an executor, you need to run your pipeline. To run your pipeline, you need to give Jenkins the parameters. But to give Jenkins the parameters, you need to run your code.
So there's a chicken and egg problem, there.
To break out of this cycle, you may want to run scripted pipeline before you run the declarative one:
node('built-in') { // or "master", or any other
def version = getlatest('abc','xyz','lmn')
def cron_parameters = "H/5 * * * * % mod= test; version=${version}"
println "cron_parameters is ${cron_parameters}"
env.CRON_PARAM = cron_parameters
pipeline {
agent { node { label "some_label" } }
triggers {
// ...

I've never seen this being tried before so I don't know if what you are doing is something Jenkins is capable of. Instead, remove the parameter and create an environment variable called version and assign the function result to that:
environment {
VERSION = getlatest('abc','xyz','lmn')
And reference this VERSION variable instead of your input parameter.
How to reference:
env.VERSION or ${VERSION} or ${env.VERSION}
env.SUBJECT="Checkout Failure on ${VERSION}"
string(name: 'VERSION', value: "${env.VERSION}")


Using same Jenkinsfile for two separate jobs in same repo

I have two separate Jenkins jobs that will run on one repository: My Jenkinsfile has a step that will run with this property enabled: enableZeroDownTime. The purpose of the 2nd Jenkins Job is to run the step with this property enableZeroDownTime disabled. Does anyone know how I can control it using the same Jenkinsfile? Can I pass that using some parameter based on any properties file? I am really confused on this.
stage('CreateCustomer') {
steps {
script {
I currently run multiple pipelines that use the same Jenkinsfile. The change to conditionally execute a stage is trivial.
stage('CreateCustomer') {
when {
environment name: 'enableZeroDownTime', value: 'true'
steps {
script {
The CreateCustomer stage will only run when the enableZeroDownTime parameter is set to true ( it can be a String parameter with value true, or a boolean parameter ).
The trick here is that you cannot add the parameters{} block to your declarative pipeline. For example if you had the following
parameters {
string(name: 'enableZeroDownTime', defaultValue: 'true')
Both pipelines would default to true. If you had the following
parameters {
string(name: 'enableZeroDownTime', defaultValue: '')
Both pipelines would default to a blank default value.
Even if you manually save a different default value to the pipeline after creation it will be overwritten next run with a blank default value.
Instead you simply need to remove the parameters{} block altogether and manually add the parameters through the web interface
Additionally it is possible to have two pipelines use the same Jenkinsfile with different parameters. For example, lets say Pipeline A had a enableZeroDownTime parameter defaulted to true and Pipeline B had no parameters at all. In this case you can add an environment variable of the same name and set the value equal to the following ternary expression
environment {
enableZeroDownTime = "${params.enableZeroDownTime != null ? "${params.enableZeroDownTime}" : false}"
You can then reference this parameter in the when declarative ( or anywhere in the pipeline ) without fear of the pipeline throwing a null pointer exception.

Jenkins Parameterized Project For Multiple Parameters

I have Jenkins Pipeline which is triggering for different projects. However the only difference in all the pipelines is just the name.
So I have added a parameter ${project} in parameter of jenkins and assigned it a value of the name of the project.
We have a number of projects and I am trying to find a better way through which I can achieve this.
I am thinking how can we make the parameter run with different parameters for all the projects without actually creating different projects under jenkins.
I am pasting some screenshot for you to understand what exactly I want to achieve.
As mentioned here, this is a radioserver project, having a pipeline which has ${project} in it.
How can I give multiple values to that {project} from single jenkins job?
IF you have any doubts please message me or add a comment.
You can see those 2 projects I have created, it has all the contents same but just the parameterized value is different, I am thinking how can I give the different value to that parameter.
As you can see the 2 images is having their default value as radioserver, nrcuup. How can I combine them and make them run seemlessly ?
I hope this will help. Let me know if any changes required in answer.
You can use conditions in Jenkins. Based on the value of ${PROJECT}, you can then execute the particular stage.
Here is a simple example of a pipeline, where I have given choices to select the value of parameter PROJECT i.e. test1, test2 and test3.
So, whenever you select test1, jenkins job will execute the stages that are based on test1
Sample pipeline code
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
choices: ['test1' , 'test2', 'test3'],
description: 'PROJECT NAME',
name: 'PROJECT')
stages {
stage ('PROJECT 1 RUN') {
when {
expression { params.PROJECT == 'test1' }
steps {
echo "Hello, test1"
stage ('PROJECT 2 RUN') {
when {
expression { params.PROJECT == 'test2' }
steps {
echo "Hello, test2"
when test1 is selected
when test2 is selected
Updated Answer
Yes, it is possible to trigger the job periodically with a specific parameter value using the Jenkins plugin Parameterized Scheduler
After you save the project with some parameters (like above mentioned pipeline code), go back again to the Configure and under Build Trigger, you can see the option of Build periodically with parameters
I will here run the job for PROJECT=test1 every even minutes and PROJECT=test2 every uneven minutes. So, below is the configuration
*/2 * * * * %PROJECT=test1
1-59/2 * * * * %PROJECT=test2
Please change the crontab values according to your need

Jenkins pipeline - how to load a Jenkinsfile without first calling node()?

I have a somewhat unique setup where I need to be able to dynamically load Jenkinsfiles that live outside of the src I'm building. The Jenkinsfiles themselves usually call node() and then some build steps. This causes multiple executors to be eaten up unnecessarily because I need to have already called node() in order to use the load step to run a Jenkinsfile, or to execute the groovy if I read the Jenkinsfile as a string and execute it.
What I have in the job UI today:
#Library(value='myGlobalLib#head', changelog=fase) _
The Jenkinsfile that's loaded usually also calls node(). For example:
buildProperty = "some value unique to this build"
someConfig = ["VALUE1", "VALUE2", "VALUE3"]
runTestTarget = true
This causes 2 executors to be consumed during the pipeline run. Ideally, I load the Jenkinsfiles without first calling node(), but whenever I try, I get an error message stating:
"Required context class hudson.FilePath is missing
Perhaps you forgot to surround the code with a step that provides this, such as: node"
Is there any way to load a Jenkinsfile or execute groovy without first having hudson.FilePath context? I can't seem to find anything in the doc. I'm at the point where I'm going to preprocess the Jenkinsfiles to remove their initial call to node() and call node() with the value the Jenkinsfile was using, then load the rest of the file, but, that's somewhat too brittle for me to be happy with.
When using load step Jenkins evaluates the file. You can wrap your Jenkinsfile's logics into a function (named run() in my example) so that it will load but not run automatically.
def run() {
buildProperty = "some value unique to this build"
someConfig = ["VALUE1", "VALUE2", "VALUE3"]
runTestTarget = true
// This return statement is important in the end of Jenkinsfile
return this
Call it from your job script like this:
def jenkinsfile
jenkinsfile = load "${JENKINSFILES_ROOT}/${PROJECT_NAME}/Jenkinsfile"
This way there is no more nested node blocks because the first gets closed before run() function is called.

Start jenkins job immediately after creation by seed job, with parameters?

Start jenkins job immediately after creation by seed job
I can start a job from within the job dsl like this:
But how do I start a job with argument or parameters? I want to pass that job some arguments somehow.
Afaik, you can't.
But what you can do is creating it from a pipeline (jobDsl step), then run it. Something more or less like...
pipeline {
stages {
stage('jobs creation') {
steps {
jobDsl targets: 'my_job.dsl',
additionalParameters: [REQUESTED_JOB_NAME: "my_job's_name"]
build job: "my_job's_name",
parameters: [booleanParam(name: 'DRY_RUN', value: true)]
With a barebones 'my_job.dsl'...
definition {
// blah...
NOTE: As you see, I explicitly set the name of the job from the calling pipeline (the REQUESTED_JOB_NAME var) because otherwise I don't know how to make the jobDSL code to return the name of the job it creates back to the calling pipeline.
I use this "trick" to avoid the "job params go one run behind" problem. I use the DRY_RUN param of the job (I use a hidden param, in fact) to run a "do-nothing" build as its name implies, so by the time others need to use the job for "real stuff" its params section has already been properly parsed.

Accessing a downstream parameter using build flow

Assume I have the following downstream job:
DYNAMIC_VAR = new Date() // Some other value determined
// at runtime by this job
// Some other stuff...
As part of my upstream job (see example below) I want to be able to call the downstream job, and access the variable that was set during the downstream job.
my_build = build("my-custom-job")
// Would like to beable to do something like
// out.println'DYNAMIC_VAR')
// or
// out.println
Looking through the output it seems that the variable is not returned, and hence is not accessible. I suspect this is because the variable in question (DYNAMIC_VAR) is only available during the scope of the downstream job, and hence once the job finishes the variable is removed.
My two questions I wanted to ask were:
Is it correct that the variables are removed upon job completion?
Does anyone have an idea how this could (if it can) be achieved (additional plugins are fine if required)?
1) Would outputting the variable=value pair to some file be an acceptable solution for you?
2) I haven't used groovy in Jenkins much, but all the job's environment variables are stored under:
This may or may not require EnvInject plugin.
According to the comments here:
You can do the following:
// – In job First, I am setting the environment variable testKey
b = build( "First" )
// Then, using it in workflow:
// Or
