How to Request users to add my website to home screen on ios? - ios

I have designed a react web app that I want my users to add to their home screen and use it like a regular ios app. Something similar to how Nvidia's GeForce now does. They force their users to add their app to their apple device's home screen and then launch the app.
The problem is I am not able to think of a way to be able to identify if my react web app has been opened in safari or it's bookmarked.
Something similar to:


How to open an app in my flutter app without making it fill up the whole screen?

I'm trying to make a flutter app that can open Instagram, twitter or any other app.
But, I don't want the app to fill up the whole screen. I also want to display the app inside of my own app like this:
Is there a way to display an app like this?
This is not possible.
Opening other apps require their permission.
This means that you need development access for those apps.
The way an app is displayed is handled by the OS and that functionality is not accessible for iOS and Android developers to be customised.

when my app is not intalled, iOS universal link in UIWebView will launch Safari?

From Apple's guide in Support Universal Links:
When you support universal links, iOS 9 users can tap a link to your website and get seamlessly redirected to your installed app without going through Safari. If your app isn’t installed, tapping a link to your website opens your website in Safari.
But i'm confused that if my app is not installed,and I tap a universal link of my app in another app's UIWebView,will the system launch Safari app to load my website,or still load it in the UIWebView?
I test some app's universal links when the app is not installed,and they never launch Safari to load the next page ,they still load it in the UIWebView.
I want to konw if it's possible to launch Safari,but not stay in UIWebView.Do I need any configuration in apple-app-site-association file?
Actually I want to trace where my app was installed from by using cookie.I can store a cookie in Safari with informations of the download page,and get the cookie with SFSafariViewController when my app is installed and opened,and present different views according to the cookie.
What you are trying to build is called 'deferred deep linking'. This (plus a lot more) is exactly what we provide at If you want to avoid the headache of configuring it all yourself, give this a look. Apps like Pinterest, Airbnb, and Tinder all use us for this reason.
Apple's documentation is referring to the default behavior with the standalone Safari browser. Handling links inside an app with UIWebView supersedes this, and there is no way to automatically bounce out of the origin app into the main Safari app.
The workaround is to store data on your own backend. As you've discovered, relying on a cookie pass-through on the device itself won't work in many cases.

iOS custom smart app banner

I want to have custom view for smart app banner which I think is not possible. but I have seen it in wikipedia mobile site which is smaller than standard apple banner.
wikipedia shows custom banner on its mobile site only if wikipedia app is installed. if it is not installed or user uninstalls it then banner disappears.
Is there a way to achieve this kind of banners?
Are you talking about 'Open in app' banner? Those comes by default if you have supported for universal links in the app.
See screenshot:
For iOS6+, you can use Smart Banners:
One of your requirement is to not show when the app is not installed (instead of promoting the app).
I do not know of a way to test for installation but I would look
url scheme: seems limited because the app will always open instead of
just being able to check if system can answer
cookies: can a cookie
be set from inside app that would be reused by safari when visiting
the same domain?
files: create a file from the app and try to open it
from safari

Universal Links - disable top right link

I currently complement my web application by using URL Schemes to launch my native application. Starting with iOS 9 my users now get challenged with a popup that says "Open in app name". I have figured how to eliminate this by using Universal Links using a different domain then the app I'm launching from but have encountered an issue.
Key points
App is distributed outside of the app store as an Enterprise Distribution. So if I understand correctly smart app banners do not apply.
In case my app is not installed, my universal link web location hosts a page on how to install it.
If a user launches the app but does not have it installed they properly get my install page
Once in the app if the user presses the domain link at the top right they will not be able to launch the app again
The problem Im encountering is that if a user ever presses on the link/bread crumb at top right the app will not launch anymore. It will always direct the user to the install page. I know if I pull down on this page there is an open button that will take me to the app, or if I long press on my link I can also have it launch my app. However, I will not be able to get my users to understand this.
Is there a way to turn off the link on the top right?

Users getting redirected to ios app when deep linking is turned off

Deep linking is turned off for our app
But when ios users click a link we posted on our facebook page to our page app (, they are redirected to the ios app instead of our competition page.
If an ios user enters the link manually into their browser, this works.
Is this a bug or is there something not set up right?
Your issue is that when mobile users try to access your app they're brought to the app store (when the app isn't installed) ? That's expected, if the app was installed it would be opened directly.
If you don't have an IOS app, remove the IOS details from the app settings and they'll be brought to your mobile web URL instead.
The Deep linking setting allows users who click posts from your app to be brought into the app with sufficient context to allow your app to display a specific piece of content.
i.e links to your app's content are passed through to the native app with the full URL, and your app can open that content directly.
For example, clicking a link to a spotify song on iOS opens the spotify app and plays that song, without deep linking it just opens spotify with no context.
I ended up creating a completely new facebook app for the competition page. This got round all of the issues. Facebook doesn't seem to play well if you have both a page app and ios/android apps under the same application.
